Chapter 148

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Chris pov...

"That is amazing champ..." The doctor says and then there is a knock on the door... A nurse walks in and the doctor looks at us... If you guys dont mind i would like to have a word with you both without Jack... The nurse smiles as i take Ava's hand in mine... "Is that okay?" The doctor asks and i look at Ava who looks like all the blood has drained from her face... I look at the nurse and nod...

"Jack, why dont you come with me... We can go see if the nurses have something to snack in the nurses' lounge..." She says and i look at Ava who looks at me with the same panic on her face as me. Jack looks at us. "I dont want to go..." Jack says looking sad and it breaks my heart... I stand up and walk over to him and hug him... "We need to have a grown-up talk first bud... We will see you in a minute..." I say and he has tears in his eyes... "Was i bad?" He asks softly the tone of his voice breaking my heart and i hug him tightly... "No bud... Absolutely not...You are my best bud..." I say and look over his shoulder at Ava who is still frozen in place a blank expression on her face... I take a deep breath and look at Jack and force a smile on my face...

"Can you go with the nurse for us?  We will come get you in a minute..." I say and Jack nods... I watch him walk out with the nurse who i recognized from when we picked him up from the hospital... "Dont worry i will take good care of him..." She says and i nod before she closes the door and i turn back around and sit back down again and take Ava's hand back in mine...

"How bad?" I ask and the doctor sighs... "Just give it to us straight doc..." I say and he opens a file... "It is bad... But not as bad as it could be seeing we caught it early..." The doctor says and i look at Ava and squeeze her hand as she wipes away a tear... "As you know... We did a CT scan... And we have seen a spot on his brains... Now it is not said it will be a cancerous tumor but with his history it a good guess... We checked the bloodwork and well there is no easy way to say this... It most likely the cancer is back... We need to do a biopsy to know for sure though..." The doctor says and Ava starts to sob... I wrap my arm around her and hold her tight as i kiss the top of her head over and over again... 

The doctor gives us a minute... But Ava does not stop crying so i just urge him to go on... "The good news sort of speak is that we caught it early... This makes that he stands a chance... But this means we have to act now..." The doctor says and Ava lifts her head... "He has to stay?" She asks and i can feel her shaking in my arms... The doctor sighs... "No, you can take him home today... But i like to start tomorrow... This will give you time to prepare Jack in the privacy of your own home... I think that that is better for his mental state..." The doctor says and Ava starts to cry again... 

It feels like a slap in the face and we both are in total shock as the doctor tells us the plan of action... He wants to operate a biopsy and if it is possible cut the tumor out... They want to perform brain surgery they want to cut out as much as they can followed by a combination of chemo and radiation...

"But he doesn't act sick..." Ava all of a sudden says sobbing and the doctor takes in a deep breath. "I know... I was surprised when i saw him... He has grown so much and looks so healthy which is a good thing... It will make he will be able to handle the treatment... Not going to lie... It will not be easy and i can't make promises... But i think he stands a chance..." The doctor says and i take a deep breath. 

"You hear that angel... He has a change..." I murmur kissing her temple... "We can't lose him Chris..." She whispers and i take a deep breath... "I know angel... And we will do anything in our power to make sure he gets the best treatment and the best chances to beat this..." I murmur and she nods...

After talking a few more things through, after Ava had pulled herself together, we left the office... As soon as the door closes behind us i pull her in my arms... She holds onto me for dear life... "This is going to break him..." Ava says sobbing and i sigh... "No angel... It will not. He is a strong boy... Our strong boy. He has us now and does not have to go through it alone... We got his back and give him the best chance to beat this... We are going to fight for him..." I whisper and she looks at me after she pulls back a little and nods... "You are right..." She says wiping away her tears... "We need to be strong for him..." She says and i nod...

Before we go to pick up Jack, we arrange everything for tomorrow... He needs to be back in the hospital at 9 in the morning... We get papers of what to take with us and such... I notice that Ava and i are both feeling numb going on auto pilot... It is like it hasn't fully sank in... 

After we have done all, we had to right now we go to pick up Jack who is giggling and sitting on the couch with the nurse watching cartoons... He is eating a popsicle... "Not here..." Ava says and i nod... I agree we will wait until we are home... "Jack bud... It is time to go home..." I say as Ava and i both put a smile on our faces... "Okay!" He says and hugs the nurse who nods at us and i can see she knows and is struggling to keep a straight face herself... 

We thank her for watching him before Ava takes his hand and i his other and walk out... Jack is giggling as we swing him between us... If he knows something is up, he does not show it... He is squealing and giggling with seemingly not a care in the world... It breaks my heart that we have to break his... That we have to tell him that he has to go back to the hospital... 

I know we have to break the news to him but for now i want him to enjoy being careless... To have him not worry or be sad for just a few more minutes...

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