Chapter 72

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"So, i already have looked into it a little... Requested some information on what we have to do..." He says cupping my face and i just look at him surprised... "You did?" I ask a little shocked and he smiles and wipes a strain of hair out of my face... "I did..." He says and i kiss him again passionately... 

We break the kiss, and he cups my face looking at me serious... "Hold on angel... I need you to listen to what i have to say... Because yes i agree that Jack must want us to foster or adopt him... I think it is better to get everything out of the way to get approved first so to not get his hopes up if he does want it... I hate to ask him and then not be able to do so..." Chris says and i sigh knowing he is right... 

"So... I had a conversation with a lawyer friend of mine... He told me a few things... one of them being that they favor married couples..." Chris says and i roll my eyes... "Well i dont see the big deal... We are engaged... We dont have a date yet but we are going to get married..." I say and Chris chuckles... "I know angel... But to them that means nothing... So... What do you say... You and I go to the courthouse today... And we get married..." He says and i look shocked... 

"But... But what about your family... My family... Your friends my friends..." I whisper and he chuckles again... "We can have a wedding later... Jack can be there... But in order to have them take us seriously and make the whole process quicker and easier it is better to be legally married..." He says and i sigh... "Be honest... I won't be mad or disappointed if you are not... But are you okay with that...?" I ask him in a small voice and Chris laughs... "Angel... As long as i am marrying you... I dont care about the how and what..." He says and i start to cry again and he kisses me... "Dont cry angel... I promise i am being honest..." He whispers and i kiss him again... 

"What else do we need to do..." I whisper and he smiles... "We have to do a little bit more shopping... You know to get a room ready for him..." He says and i grin... "I can do that..." I say and Chris laughs... "We have to put together a room for him... They will interview us to see if we are suited for this, they will come do a home visit... We probably will be his foster parents first and they need to approve us as his foster parents... This means they will come check up on him from time to time... But he would be here with us and if he has to be in the hospital, we will be there with him..." Chris says and i nod... 

"Are you sure about all of this?" I ask him again and he nods with the biggest smile on his face... "Yes..." He says and kisses me again and again... "Let's make him ours... Our boy... If he wants us... Of course..." He says and i smile... "Now come back to bed so we can sleep for a few hours... We have to be in the courtroom at 11 this morning..." He says and i kiss him passionately... "How did i get so lucky..." I whisper and he holds me tight lifts me up and walks me to the bed... Our new bed... "I dont know... But i ask myself that question every day... How did i get so lucky for having you in my life... To have you love me..." He whispers as he lays me down gets in beside me and pulls me closer... I close my eyes and for the first time since i met Jack i fall asleep easily... 

I look in the mirror... I had dressed up a little, put on a nice dress... Not a white one... I wanted to safe that for our wedding... But even though we were just doing this to be legally married on paper i wanted to put a little bit of effort into it... I look up and Chris walks in in a suit and i smile... He smiles back at me walks over and hugs me from behind resting his head on my shoulder... 

"So, i just got off the phone with Jack's social worker... We have an appointment with her after the courthouse... She seemed more than willing for us to foster him..." He says and my face lights up...  "But angel... Dont get your hopes up okay... Let's go in expecting the worst in case they dont say yes..." He says and i take a deep breath and i nod... 

"Are you ready to go?" He asks and i nod looking at him through the mirror... "What do you say Ms. Watts... Ready to become Mrs. Evans...?" Chris says and i turn in his grip grab his face and kiss him... "More than ready... And although we are doing this for a reason know that i love you very much and i would have married you any day..." I whisper and he grins kissing me again... 

"Right back at you angel..." He says taking my hand and i giggle as he practically drags me off to the car... He opens the door for me, and we make our way to the courthouse... We park the car and walk up through the parking garage, and we turn in the paperwork before we are told to wait... Chris is holding my hand playing with the ring around my finger and i look up at him and smile... He looks at me and smiles back...

We get called in and we both take a deep breath... We are both a bit nervous... But the both of us have a big smile on our faces... The judge looks up and recognition washes over her face, but she pulls herself together... It is quick... She asks us a few questions to make sure it is what we both want... There is really nothing romantic about it... She asks the question... "Will you take Ava Watts to be your wife..." And Chris smiles and i take in a sharp breath as he says the words "I do..." She then looks at me... "Will you take Christopher Robert Evans as you husband?"  She asks and  i nod smiling as i say... "I do..." The judge smiles and looks at us... "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Evans... You are now husband... and wife..." She says signing the papers before looking up at us again... "Well... What are you waiting for Mr. Evans... You can kiss your bride..." She says smirking and Chris wastes no time kissing me passionately...  

As we walk to our car i stop... I look at Chris who looks back at me worried... "We are married..." I whisper and he chuckles... "Yes angel... That is what we just did..." He says and i pull on his tie and kiss him... "Now let's get the ball rolling on getting our boy..." Chris murmurs into the kiss and i let him go... "Yes, and after that lets have a nice dinner... Just to have a little bit of a celebration..." I whisper and Chris grins wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we start to walk to the car again... "Already took care of that angel..." He says and i smile... "Of course, you did." I whisper taking his hand lacing our fingers together and kissing the back of his hand...

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