Chapter 69

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"What do you think...?" I say to Seb and Mackie as we drive through the gate... "Damn... This is nice... Private..." Mackie says... I smile and nod... "Our little slice of heaven..." I say smiling and Chris smiles to taking my hand kissing the back of it... "You guys sure found a house quick it is perfect for you guys..." Seb says and i smile again... "Yeah Tara really did good..." I say and Chris nods parking the car in front of the house... The fencing around it is all done by now... All we have to do is wait on our furniture... 

We walk in the house and Mackie whistles... "This is nice..." He says looking around and i have a big smile on my face and hug Chris wrapping my arms around his waist... "It is home..." I whisper and Chris kisses the top of my head wrapping his arms around me... "Yes... Yes, it is..." He says... 

"Where are our rooms...?" Seb says smirking and i laugh... "The guestrooms are upstairs..." Chris says rolling his eyes and they smirk and walk up as Chris and i stay behind... We let them explorer... "A fucking sauna!!" We hear being yelled and we both laugh... "Seriously why are they so shocked the house we stayed in while you guys filmed was more luxurious than this place... It had an indoor pool and hot tub jacuzzi thing..." I whisper and Chris chuckles... 

I sigh and hold Chris a little tighter... "Are you happy?" I whisper and Chris puts his finger under my chin making me look up at him... He smiles before he presses his lips on mine... "I have never been happier angel..." He whispers and i smile... "I can't wait to move in..." I say letting out a sigh and Chris smiles again... "Me to..." He says and his phone rings... I want to let him go but he holds me against him as he answers and i cuddle into him more letting out a little hum as i am feeling so comfortable and happy in his arms.

"Oh hey..." Chris says through the phone... "Yeah of course i would love to... I have some time off so whenever you guys want to set it up... If it is in the next couple of days i can arrange some special guests..." He says and i look up at him wondering what he is talking about... "Tomorrow sounds great..." He says and he ends the phone call saying he will be there at 2 in the afternoon... "Where are you going...?" I ask a little hesitant as i dont want to pry but my curiosity gets the best of me... He smiles... "The hospital... To hang with the kids from Christophers haven... Want to come?" He asks and i smile and nod... Seb and Mackie join us again... "This place is amazing..." Seb says smiling and i grin...

"So, i was wondering..." Chris starts and i smile... "I got a call from Christophers haven... I am going to hang with the kids tomorrow and was wondering if you guys would like to come along..." Chris asks and both Mackie and Seb smile... "Yeah of course man... We would love to..." They say and i smile so proud of them for using their fame for something like this... Making those kids happy... "I can take my camera with me to take pictures for the kids and their parents..." I say and Chris smiles... "That is a great idea..." Chris says smiling... 

After we leave the house, we are going to get lunch and i smile as Seb and Mackie are bickering over the space in the booth... "Seriously... Who needs kids when you have them..." I whisper to Chris, and he laughs... "I dont think my mom is satisfied if we introduce them as our sons..." Chris says and i start to laugh hard as the thought of Lisa's face when we tell her that comes to mind... 

A waitress comes and takes our orders... She is sweet, a little nervous around Seb, Mackie and Chris... The guys are sweet to her making her feel comfortable enough to relax a bit... I never seem them be rude to someone no matter who it was... She comes back with our drinks and i smile as she lingers around a bit... "It is okay sweetie just ask... They dont bite..." I say winking at her, and she blushes... The guy's nod smiling at her... "I uhm... My little boy..." She says pointing at the kid sitting at the counter... "He loves you guys and i would totally understand if you dont want to... But it would really make his day..." She says and Chris smiles... "Of course, no problem..." He says and she waves the little boy over... He is a bit shy, and Chris stands up and i smile as he gets down to his level offering him a high five which the boy takes and smiles at Chris... God i didn't know it was possible but i fall in love with him even more... He is going to be a great dad one day... 

Chris stands up and lifts the boy up his arms... "Do you know who they are?" Chris asks and the boy blushes... "Bucky!" He says and Seb smiles waving at him... But Mackie his character is new and not known yet, so he doesn't know him yet... The guys stand up to take a picture with him... "Let me take it... Then mom can be in it to..." I say and mom blushes as she stands next to Seb and he wraps her arm around her... I smirk as she blushes and i can see that there is something there... "You dont mind taking the photo...?" She asks me and i chuckle... "Of course, not..." I say and i get up and she hands me the phone... I take a few pictures and Chris asks the boy what his favorite milkshake is... He orders one for him and offers to watch him as we are here so mom can work... She blushes and nods and Chris slides back in next to me with the boy on his lap...

Moments later she brings our food and the milkshake for the boy whose name is Eli... Eli is talking a mile a minute... He is not shy anymore as he eats the fries of Chris his plate... I smile and bite my lip... I know i said i wanted to wait but seeing this i just want to jump Chris his bones and have him put a baby in me... I take a deep breath to calm my thoughts and when i look up Seb is grinning at me... He leans closer to me a smirk on his face "Someone is getting baby fever..." Seb whispers and i look at him giving him a death stare... "Shut up..." I mumble blushing and he laughs... Mackie and Chris look at us confused and curious... "What are you two whispering about...?" Chris asks and i shake my head... Seb just laughs and laughs... "I'll tell you later..." Seb says smirking at Chris and i look at him shocked... "Dont you dare Stan..." I growl but this only makes him laugh harder... 

We finish our lunch and Seb pays leaving the girl a massive tip... We say goodbye to Eli, and he waves us off as we walk out... I walk next to Seb and look at him smirking... "Dont you want to leave your phone number... Because maybe i got a little baby fever... You got mommy fever..." I whisper to him, and he grins... "Already did... Your move Watts..." He says and i groan... "Stop it..." I mumble and he laughs again...

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