Chapter 118

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"Are we ready to find out the genders...?" The doctor said looking at us smiling and i took a deep breath... "Well if you wouldn't mind putting it in an envelope... Friends of ours are organizing a gender reveal..." I say and Chris nods smiling and the doctor nods... "Of course, no problem..." He says and i hesitate for a second... "What is wrong angel?" He asks and i shake my head... "I just want to know but i dont want to disappoint Mackie and Seb..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... "Dont worry they won't keep us waiting long... They are already planning..." Chris says and i take a deep breath and nod... 

"Okay if you are going to lay down... I am going to do the checkup first and then find out the gender and i will put it in an envelope and you can take it with you..." The doctor says and i nod and Chris helps me up and i waddle over to the table and lay down with Chris his help... 

The doctor did some tests and took my blood pressure and took a deep breath... "Are you under a lot of stress?" He asked and i sighed.... "I am working... Why? Is something wrong?" I ask and the doctor took a deep breath... "Is it possible to work less or reduce stress?" He asked and i sigh... "Why what is wrong..." I ask annoyed that he is not telling and he takes another deep breath... "Your blood pressure is a bit high... So, i would like you to dial down and get more rest..." He says and i groan... "But i feel okay..." I mumble and Chris sighs... "Angel..." He says giving me a look and i look at him and let out a sigh to... "Okay... I will take more rest..." I mumble and Chris kissed the back of my hand... 

He started the ultrasound and i smiled as he pointed out our babies... Chris smiled to kissing my hand over and over again his eyes focused on the screen the sound of the heartbeats filling the room... The doctor started to smile and printed something out putting it in the envelope and it took everything in me to not rip it open as we walked to the car after we were done... 

We had a rare day off and when we got home, we got greeted by Jack all excited... Chris who had taken the envelope as i was not to be trusted handed it over to Mackie and Seb who appeared and they were smiling... "Better hide it... Because... someone.... is not to be trusted..." He said pointing at me... "Really Chris... After the news we got you want to agitate me..." I say squinting at him and stared back at me... 

"What news?" Seb said worried and i sigh... "I have to take it easier... My blood pressure is to high..." I mumble and i take a deep breath... "I am going to lie down... Want to take a nap with me sweetheart..." I ask Jack who nods and i take his hand and walk to the bedroom... "Are you okay mommy?" He asks and i smile... "Yes, sweetheart i am fine..." I say and we get to the bedroom and i kick off my shoes and Jack does the same and we cuddle up in bed... I sigh if cuddling with my sweet boy doesn't get my blood pressure down i dont know what will... 

Chris walks in and smiles tucking us in... "Seb and Mackie told me the day after tomorrow is the gender reveal..." He says and i smile and nod... "Chris... What am i going to do...?" I whisper and Chris sighs... "Just get some rest first before we talk about it okay..." He says and i nod... "Okay..." I mumble and he smiles kissing me and then kissing Jack his forehead before leaving again...

"It will be okay mommy..." Jack whispers and i smile hugging him tighter.... And we both slowly drift of to sleep. 

The next day we have a talk with Joe and Anthony Russo, and it is decided that i will work less hours... I will be on set but will take more rest and although i dont like it i know i have to... For our babies... They will make a schedule of things they really want to be photographed so they get what they want and all i can do around that is extra...

The next day we have a short day and after getting changed at home we leave for our gender reveal... We were told that everyone has to dress in pink or blue showing what you think the genders will be... We walk into the restaurant and i am amazed... Seb and Mackie had gone all out... Everyone is her... From the crew to the actors... We walk in and people cheer and clap and all of a sudden i tug on Chris and point to were Chris his family is standing... That proves too much and i start crying... Lisa rushes over and hugs me tightly... 

"Hello sweetheart..." She whispers as i am clinging on to her... "Please tell me you are not leaving again..." I say crying and she pulls back looking at me confused... "Let's talk about it later..." She whispers wiping away my tears as she looks at Chris worried... "Sorry hormones..." I mumble before hugging the rest of the family... I smile as everyone is pretty much divided on the genders... Chris thinks boys i think girls... Lisa is in camp boy to while Chris his sisters are in camp girl... The whole room is decorated with pink and blue... Everything looks amazing and i just can't believe Seb and Mackie pulled all of this off... It makes me tear up again thinking about how much effort they put in all of this... I look up and the ceiling is covered by drapes and it looks beautiful...

After greeting everyone and mingling for a bit it is finally time... Seb and Mackie call us to the front and Chris takes my hand and we walk over... "Okay... Everyone, thank you for coming and thank you for upholding the dress code... I can see it is pretty divided..." Seb says taking the mic and i smile... "As you all know Chris and Ava are expecting twins... And we i know we are all dying to know... So, i will not prolong it too much..." Mackie says smirking and i am grateful as i am anxious to know... "When you will pull on this cord balloons and confetti will fall down all over the room... So, on the count of 3... You can pull the cord..." Seb says...

"Everybody count along..." Mackie yells and i smile as everyone starts to count and Chris and i hold the cord... "1... 2... 3... PULL!" Everyone yells and Chris and i smile pulling the cord...

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