Chapter 51

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I smile as we walk into the restaurant... It is an Evans family favorite... "Uncle Chris...!" I hear little voices squeal and i chuckle as Stella, Miles and Ethan come running up jumping all over him hugging him tight... "Hey guys..." He says and then Stella sees me and starts to smirk and whispers something in Chris his ear as he holds her... He nods and Stella giggles... Chris winks at me and i chuckle...He puts Stella down and she walks over to me and i get down to her level... "Hello Ms. Stella... How are you...?" I say and she wraps her arms around my neck hugging me and i hug her back... 

"Uncle Chris told me you are his girlfriend..." She whispers playing with me necklace in this sweet little girl voice and i smile... "Oh yeah? And what do you think about that..." I ask and she smiles... "I like it..." She whispers... "Guess what..." I said and she looked at me... "What?" She whispered back at me and i smirked... "I like it to..." I said and we both giggled... I lifted her up and walked over to the rest who was already sitting down and i handed her to Chris and greeted Shanna, Carly and Ryan... The 3 of them were smirking at me... "Welcome to the family..." Shanna whispered in my ear as i hugged her and i chuckled... "Took him long enough..." She continued and chuckled again... I shook my head and walked over to the seat next to Chris and sat down... 

He smiled and took my hand while Stella crawled into my lap. "I like your necklace..." She whispered playing with it again and i smiled... "It was a gift from your uncle..." I said smiling at Stella while Chris was in conversation with Ryan... "He did good..." She said and we both laughed... "Want to tell us what you two are laughing about..." Chris said finally paying attention... "No..." Stella immediately said and i smirked... "You heard Ms. Stella... No..." I said sticking out my tongue... 

"No?" Chris said looking at Stella and she nodded sticking out her tongue to... "Oh you little..." He said and started to tickle her... She giggled and squealed... "Auntie Ava help..." She said and i turned her little body away making her giggle as she now was pulling faces at him over my shoulder... 

A waiter came over smiling handing us menus and took our drink orders... I smile at the chaos that are the Evans's... People are laughing and joking and i just listen to it all as i am coloring with Stella on the piece of paper the kids had gotten from the waiter... I help Stella pick out something to eat and decide what i am going to eat myself... 

When the waiter comes back, we order dinner... We tell the others about the house and the vacation... I am happy we dont talk about the whole ordeal from this afternoon... This chaos is a welcome distraction... Chris has his arm draped over the back of my chair and i smile as he massages my scalp when i sit back. Stella is playing with her brothers in the kids play area as i talk with Carly about decorating the house... Chris starts to massage my neck and i let out a little sigh trying to ignore the little tingles throughout my body... 

"Hey Ava... Are you really going to get donkeys..." Scott all of a sudden ask taking my attention away from Carly... I look at him with a grin on my face... "Maybe i aways dreamed of owning them... I think they are so cute... There is plenty of room at the new house not to mention stables..." I say with a twinkle in my eye as i look at Chris his reaction but there is nothing more than a smirk on his face.  "Maybe a few goats... Or those cute pigs... Some chickens..." I say and Chris starts to cough as i start to laugh and pat him on his back... "Dont worry babe... I was just joking...." I say laughing and he looks at me with a grin... "You are so going to pay for that..." He growls and i smirk...  

Dinner comes to the table, and we call the kids over... But even food doesn't stop the chaos as they are all talking and laughing while eating... What surprises me the most is that no one seems to notice or acknowledge the fact that Chris is here... We can eat uninterrupted... After dinner some of us order dessert Chris who finally is of the Marvel diet for a while can't resist and i chuckle this massive ice cream desert... I am full of the pasta i had ordered so i just take a few bites from Chris his dessert...

I excuse myself to go to the toilet and pay the bill before going on to the restroom... When i get back Chris is standing up and i smile as he pulls out his wallet... "Put it away i already took care of it..." I whisper and he looks at me shocked... "You didn't have to do that..." He says and i smile... "I know... Just say thank you and kiss me..." I whisper back with a smirk on my face, and he chuckles kisses me passionately... Earning us so ooehs and gagging noises... "Thank you..." He whispers and i smile... 

We leave the restaurant and go home were Scott and Lisa get in their cars and go home... I sigh dropping myself on the couch... "I ate way too much..." I mumble and Chris chuckles sitting down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him kissing the top of my head... "How are you feeling?" He asks and i sigh... "I am good... Finding our new home and dinner with your family was a welcome distraction..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "Good..." He says kissing the top of my head again... 

I turn my head towards him and attach my lips with his pushing him to lie down on the couch crawling over him... "But there is something else we could do to distract me..." I whisper before i kiss him again with everything that i got...

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