Chapter 31

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Seb and Mackie are bickering over where to go to dinner and were to go out after that... Chris is just laughing at them... I excuse myself and walk to my bedroom taking a deep breath. I need a moment to pull myself together... Because Chris and i are going to be alone... In the house... Just him and i... alone... It is ridiculous that i am nervous about it because we have been just the 2 of us in the past... But somehow it feels different... There is tension... Sexual tension... but i dont know if i am ready for that yet... Do i want to...?  God yes i want him so bad... But i feel so... Ugh i dont know how i am feeling... It is just stupid... Maybe i am scared that he will lose interest after sleeping with me...

Maybe i just have to get over myself... Maybe i am being pathetic and stupid but i can't help it these doubts about myself keep creeping in... I sigh and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower... I grab some comfy clothes and walk in locking the door behind me... I get undressed and step under the hot water letting it run over me and i take a deep breath trying to quiet my mind... 

It is not really working and after i scrubbed my whole body and shaved every inch of me i just got out... I sigh and dry my hair and just pamper myself taking my time doing my skincare routine... But my mind is racing and i wonder if Seb and Mackie are still here or that Chris and i are already alone... 

There is a knock on the door and i jump a little as i was lost in my own thoughts... "Ava... Angel? Are you okay?" Chris asks through the door... "Yeah i am okay... Just a second..." I say and take a deep breath and put on my shorts and shirt before opening the door... Chris smiles and pulls me into a hug... "The guys wanted to say goodbye..." He whispers and i smirk... "Seriously they are acting like i won't see them tomorrow... Can't wait to make noise and annoy them all hungover..." I say smirking and Chris laughs... "I am in..." He says as we both have this evil smirk on our faces before we burst out laughing... 

We walk to the kitchen were Mackie and Seb are waiting... "You 2 enjoy your little alone time..." Seb says hugging me... "Yeah, and remember the kitchen is the place we EAT!" Mackie's says smirking as he pulls me away from Seb and hugs me and i want the world to swallow me whole as i hear Chris chuckle with a wicked grin on his face... 

I blush and take a deep breath. "You guys have fun... Dont drink too much an behave..." I say smirking as Mackie pulls back and he chuckles... "Yes mom..." He says joking and i roll my eyes... "Our ride is here..." Seb says and Mackie nods... "Bye mom!... By dad!" Mackie yells and we hear them laughing as they walk out and i roll my eyes... 

"So..." Chris says pulling me in his arms... "What do you want to do today..." He says smiling and i am caught off guard by his question... "I... i... I dont know..." I whisper blushing and Chris chuckles... "I saw a ping pong table in the entertainment room..." He says smirking and i chuckle... "Okay sounds fun..." I say and Chris gets all excited his competitive side coming out... I giggle as he drags me to the entertainment room, and we set the table up and he hands me a paddle. 

He serves first and i laugh as it hits the net... "Nice try Evans really smooth..." I say smirking... "Just have to get into it..." He says and i chuckle... He serves again and i smash back making it that i score a point and he stands there looking at me stunned... "Did i not mention i used to play as a kid..." I say and he looks at me with a blank stare... "How did i not know that...?" He says and i smirk shrugging my shoulders. 

The longer we play the more frustrated he gets and i can't stop laughing as he turns into a grumpy little boy that pouts and groans yells and curses every time i score a point... It doesn't help that every time i do a little happy dance mocking him... "Such a sore loser..." I say smirking and he throws the paddle on the table and in a few big steps he reaches me and i try to get away, but he catches me and lifts me up and i start to squeal as he tickles me... "Take that back..." He says laughing and i squeal trying to get out his grip... "No..." I scream and he keeps tickling me... "Take... It... Back..." He growls and i squeal even harder when he finds the spot i am ticklish the most... 

"Okay, okay, okay..." I squeal and he puts me down and i catch my breath and look at him smirking... "Fine you are not... a winner... But a loser..." I say sticking out my tongue and making a run for it... "Son of a..." He yells and i can hear him chase me as i make my way through the house laughing...  

But i make a big mistake... I run into the pool area and now i am trapped and Chris smirks... The pool is in this big greenhouse looking out over the garden and i walk backwards until i am at the edge of the pool... "No where to run anymore angel..." He says in a dark tone of voice and evil victorious grin on his face and i look around for a way out but there isn't... 

"Chris no...!" I say as i get what he is going to do, and he is getting closer and closer like an animal stalking its pray... "Chris..." I say... "Angel..." He says his smirk getting bigger... "Chris no... Christopher..." I say but it is to late he wraps his arms around me as i make a futile attempt to escape pushing past him. He holds me tight as he leans back and i gasp as we both fall into the pool... 

I come above water gasping for air and Chris laughs... I try to look stern, but his laugh is infectious... "Ass!" I say laughing and i swim over to him trying to push him under the water, but he wraps his arms around me holding me with a smirk... "Not fair... You are too strong..." I pout and he smirks... "Who is the loser now..." He whispers and i laugh... "Still you..." I say laughing and i squeal as he lifts me out the water throwing me away with ease...

When i come up i swim to the stairs to get out but Chris is by my side in a second and pulls me in his arms... "Where are you going Angel...?" He says his voice dark as he turns me in his arms so i am now facing him and i smile wrapping my arms around his neck... "I was going to get out..." I whisper and he grins and kisses me and i moan into the kiss... 

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