Chapter 18

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I look in the mirror and sigh... Chris and Seb will be here in an hour... I tried to cover up everything with makeup but i am so black and blue that no amount of makeup can cover it... I sigh and take my massive sunglasses putting them on but no luck... My right eye and nose are bruised, and it is no use nothing will hide it... I just can't believe that i am going to start a new assignment with my face all fucked up... I can't imagine what people would think... Not to mention the rumors it would start if i was seen with Chris like this... But what worries me the most is how Chris will react... He will not believe me when i say i walked into a door... I just know he will see right through my lies...

But i can't tell him the truth... He will kill Josh... If Chris hates anything is when a man lays hands on a woman... Chris could be a hothead... But never towards a woman... I never seen him lose his cool with a woman he would always walk away... I sigh and take one of the painkillers i had been given... Showing up at the hospital i got questioned and i just lied... I know it is wrong but i didn't want to deal with it... Josh and i are done... He would never step foot in my life again... 

I was not going to be one of those women who made excuses and take him back... Hitting once means hitting again... These types of guys will never change... I sigh and walk out of the bathroom... I took my makeup off again as it looked to plastered and like i had something to hide and i think going natural as if i was not ashamed would make walking into a door more believable... Covering up would only cause Chris and Seb to ask more questions... I hum as the painkiller starts to set in and i take my sunglasses just to cover up a little bit... 

I grabbed the last of my stuff... It took me all day yesterday to pack my bags as i had to lay down every now and then to close my eyes as the headache was real and i just wanted it to stop... I just hated the fact i was going to start this project with pain and i just hoped that it was not going to affect my work... I felt so ashamed having to show up like this...

I put the last stuff in my bag and took a deep breath... I was ready and although i look like crap i was excited... I just hoped the bruises would clear up quickly... I was going to enjoy my time on set and that was going to be my revenge... Josh was not going to ruin this for me... 

Josh had been calling and texting nonstop telling me he was so sorry... That he was not in his right mind and blaming me for taking this assignment without discussing it with him first... He accused me of sabotaging us... That i had used him to get what i wanted from Chris... Only to change tone as i didn't respond to begging me to talk to him to please give him another chance... 

He had called and texted so many times it ended up with him being the one who is blocked now. He had sent me flowers which i threw away... I dont care i want nothing to do with him anymore... The only thing i was scared of was him showing up at my place so i had locked the doors and windows locking everything and putting on the alarm... 

I poured myself a cup of coffee when my phone dinged... It was Chris texting that they were on the way... All my bags were at the front door and Chris already had the heavy stuff so i was ready to go... 

I tried to calm myself down practicing what to say when Chris would ask... The excuse... Someone just opened the door when i was about to walk in hitting me in the face hard... That was the line i had practiced and that was the line i was going to use... Chris couldn't use the distraction right now he needed to be focused on work and so do i... Besides it was not his problem... It was not something he needed to deal with... This was all on me i was stupid enough to fall for Josh his charm having no clue he could be like this... I had no clue Josh had this side to him... He had me fooled big time and i could not imagine how he would be in the future when things didn't go his way if i took him back... But it was not going to happen...

I drink my coffee and wait... Scott agreed to take care of the house, get the mail and water the plants... My studio was going to be taken care off by my assistant Melissa and Sean... All i had to do was get on the plane and relax... I look around and sigh... I was going to miss my home that was for sure... The next four months i was going to be living out of a hotel room... But i know i wouldn't spend much time there as the schedule was brutal...

After i had gotten home from the hospital the day before yesterday i had cleaned up the food that was still on the table and put the chairs back as the chair i was sitting on when Josh hit me had fallen over and the others were out of place as i tried to get away from him...

I am deep in my own thoughts having a little pity party for myself when the doorbell rings... I take a deep breath and walk to the front door... "Taxi Evans..." Chris said all chipper but the look on his face quickly changed as he saw my face... "What the fuck...!" He yelled out stepping closer grabbing my face in both hands turning my head looking me over... "What the fuck happened...?" He asked the look in his eyes one of shock... 

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