Chapter 68

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"We need to pwactice..." I say a little drunk stretching out my arms as i am an airplane making my way over to Mackie... "Pwactice what...?" Mackie says looking up at me mimicking my slurred speech and Seb and Chris are doubling over laughing... We are all a little drunk and i am having fun... "Walking down the aisle..." I say giggling and i pull on Mackie's hand pulling him up before i walk over to Seb pulling him up to... Chris just laughs as i take their arms and we parade up and down the living room... 

I dont even notice Chris is filming the whole thing... I giggle and lose my balance and we all go down and i can't stop laughing... "Sappy... This is going to be a problem..." I say pouting and Chris stands up and walks over to me and pulls me up... He kisses me and Mackie and Seb stand up... "Yeah we can get up ourselves... No need to help us..." They say and i giggle... "You guys made me fall... You better not do that on my wedding day..." I say in an attempt to look serious but i start to giggle... 

"You know what we need to pwactice..." I whisper in Chris his ear... "What angel..." He whispers back and i giggle... "Our wedding night..." I say walking my finger over his chest booping his nose and Chris chuckles a grin forming on his face... "But first..." I say releasing Chris and hugging Seb and Mackie... "I love you guys... I am so lucky... I have a gorgeous sweet caring perfect fiancé... And you guys are amazing... Always so sweet to me..." I say and they all chuckle... 

"Let's take a photo..." I squeal and pull out my phone... I take a selfie of me, Seb and Mackie... "What about me?" Chris says looking offended and i giggle... "Come here..." I whisper kissing him passionately and take a photo... "Better?" I ask and he grins and nod... But he takes my phone spins me around and pulls me in front of me my back against his chest... He takes a photo of us as he kisses my cheek and i giggle... 

"Now one of all of us..." Mackie says and i smile as we take a picture together... "Suck on that, bitches..." I mumble and i smile at the picture of 4 drunk but happy people... "Can you send me the photos?" Chris asks and i smirk and nod... I make a group chat and send the photos so everyone has them... 

"You filmed it!" I squeal and start laughing as Chris had put the video of me Seb and Mackie parading up and down in the chat and he looks at me and smirks... "You should see his Instagram..." Mackie says laughing and i look at him shocked... "You didn't..." I say and pull his Insta up... There it is... Not the video... But the photo of us kissing and i blush... "Sappy..." I say letting out a sigh and i pull him in on his shirt and kiss him again... "I hope you are not going to regret it when you are sober again..." I whisper as we break the kiss, and he throws his phone on the couch and cups my face with both hands making me look up at him... "Never..." He whispers and i blush... 

Chris sits back down again and i crawl in his lap again... Mackie goes to get us some more drinks... We spent another few hours laughing and joking having fun before we all go to bed... 

The next morning i wake up feeling better than expected... I reach over to the side and cuddle up to Chris who is laying on his chest... I plant a kiss on his back, and he groans... "Morning angel... How are you feeling..." He mumbles and i giggle... "Better than expected..." I whisper and plant another kiss on his back... He hums and turns laying on his side wrapping me in his arms... "How are you feeling..." I whisper and he chuckles... "Better than yesterday... I didn't drink as much and only beer..." Chris says and i chuckle... I press my lips on his and run my hand that is laying on his back up and down... I moan as he pushes his leg in between mine and i start to grind against his thigh... I can feel myself get wet and my core heats up and i moan again at the tingling feeling building up... 

Chris his hand glides down to the small of my back and he presses me harder on his leg as i keep moving and moaning... "So sexy..." He murmurs in my ear and i moan as he plants a soft kiss in my neck... "Chris..." I moan and i push him rolling on his back and i crawl over him straddling him... "Let's make a rule..." I say leaning down kissing him... "What?" He whispers and i grin... "We always sleep naked... Because i love waking up to you being naked..." I murmur and lift myself up reach behind me wrapping my hand around his dick pumping him up and down a few times before lining him up and sinking down on him taking him as deep as i can... 

"Yup... Deal..." He growls as his hands find my hips and he dig in his fingers as i start to rock back and forth... I circle my hips and he groans... I smirk pushing myself up... I run my hands all over my body playing with my tits and he groans... "God if only you could see how sexy you are like this..." He growls and i moan at his words... His hands move up and i release my tits and he continues were i left off... "Chriiiis..." I whine as i pick up the pace chasing my own release... 

"I love how you feel inside of me... It is my favorite feeling in the world... That and you loving me..." I moan... I start to bounce up and down and his groans get louder... I sigh and lean down kissing him and he wraps his arms around me holding me close as he deepens the kiss our tongues doing their dance... He starts to thrust up into me and i let out a little mewl as he hits the sweet spot over and over again... "Just like that... Dont stop Chris... Feels so gooood..." I whisper my voice hoarse and i start to breath heavy as the knot in my stomach starts to build, my pussy starts throbbing and i know i am dripping wet... My legs start to shake and i kiss him to shut myself up... I dont want to wake our guests... 

After thrusting up into me a few more times he sits up taking me with him... I am sitting in his lap my legs wrapped around him, and he crosses his legs underneath me... I kiss him as we move together my clit getting stimulated as our bodies grind together... I keep kissing him to muffle my moans as all the stimulation is mind blowing... His hands are on my ass as we keep rocking back and forth together... "I love you angel..." He groans and i smile cupping his face with both hands... "I love you too sappy..." I whisper and he smirks... My breathing gets shallow as my orgasm is right around the corner... 

"Please tell me you are close... Chris i need you to come with me... I want to come together..." I whisper and he smirks... His breathing is getting heavier, and the little groans are music in my ears... "Are you going to cum for me... Are you going to fill me up... Make my pussy drip..." I whisper teasing him by squeezing my walls harder around him and he groans... "Yes, do that again angel..." He growls and i smile doing that again while kissing him passionately... And then all of a sudden, my orgasm explodes and i can feel him find his release inside me to... "Oh god... That feels so good angel..." He groans as he pushes me down harder on him holding me still and i pull his face in my chest and i whimper as he sucks on my skin as my own orgasm races through my body... "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." I whimper as my body shakes from the mind-blowing orgasm... 

He moves us pulling out of me and i smile as he pulls me in his arms and kisses me hard.... After making out for a while my stomach starts to growl and we get up. We take a shower together and get dressed... To my surprise i hear voices in the kitchen and i smile as Seb and Mackie are already up and they are making breakfast... 

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