Chapter 130

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Chris pov...

We get wheeled into a private room and the nurse tells us to settle in, after she did a quick check up and telling us she was going to get a doctor. "Do you want to lie down?" I ask Ava but she shakes her head... "No..." She says her voice strained as she is in pain. 

She puts her upper arms on the bed and bends over leaning her head on her arms as she is breathing through the pain. I rub her lower back and she groans... "Chris make it stop... It hurts..." She mumbles and i take a deep breath... "I am sorry angel... I wish i could." I whisper and she pushes herself up... "I need a hug..." She says and i smile and wrap her in my arms...

After a few seconds she pulls out... "Okay done with the hug..." She groans... "Angel, why dont you lay down..." I gently suggest... "Okay fine because you insist..." She groans holding her belly... "I can believe i am going to have them naturally... I was so sure it was going to be a c-section..." She groans and i smile... "I know angel... But we are here, and we are so close to meeting our new boys..." I say and she smiles as i help her in bed... "Are we still in agreement on the names..." She asks breathing heavy... 

"Yeah... Unless you changed your mind..." I say and she shakes her head... "You are sure the about the middle names?" I ask and she smiles and nods... "They have been so helpful... I know you dont want to name them after yourself... But i think with all the support they have given us it is nice for the middle names to be after Seb and Mackie..."  She says and i smile and kiss her...

At first i was not sure about it... Even against it but Ava really wanted to be the middle names to be Sebastian and Anthony... It grew on me so i agreed... I know they will throw a fit and i knew i would see a lot more of them in the future... "There is one other thing..." She groans. "What angel?" I ask her... 

"I want Jack to have a middle name to... And i want it to be Christopher... I dont want him to feel left out and as the oldest he should have your name..." She groans and i sigh... "Angel..." I say letting out a sigh, but she gives me a look... "Can i think about it?" I ask and she sighs... "Christopher... I want him to feel he belongs and i know he does, but he doesn't have a middle name and i want him to have yours..." She says her voice soft... I sigh... I know i am not going to win this and part of me is flattered that she wants Jack to have my name... 

"We will make it happen... But first let's focus on giving birth to these two..." I say rubbing her belly and she groans as she has yet another contraction... I have been keeping track and was getting nervous... The were close together and wanted the doctor to come around already to check... She grabs me her face all contorted and i press the call button... The contractions are to close... I think it is time or at least almost time... 

"Everything okay?" A nurse asks walking in and i shake my head... "The contractions are close together... When is our doctor coming...?"  I say and the nurse nods telling me she will check... A few moments later the nurse walks in followed by a doctor... But not our doctor... I had called our doctor from the car, and this was not him... 

"This is not our doctor..." I say and the nurse nods... "I know Mr. Evans... But..." She starts to say and i shake my head wanting our own doctor for Ava to be comfortable. Ava interrupts before i can even continue... 

"Chris i love you... But for the love of God... He is a doctor and i can feel i am close... As long as he can get them out of me... I dont care who he is... Because it is time... I need to push." She snaps at me and i chuckle and nod... I help Ava lay so that the doctor can check, and he looks shocked... "Okay you are right they are ready to be born..." He says... "No shit Sherlock..." She groans snapping at him, but he ignores it and the nurse leaves and soon all sorts of people walk in... 

I take Ava's hand scared and a little anxious looking around the room... "Can i push...?" Ava yells while groaning... A few seconds later he tells her she can start pushing... I am just in shock... Everything goes so fast. 

I am amazed by Ava... I know she is tired and barely had any sleep over the last days, but she is powering through... She is so strong. I dab her head with the cold washcloth... "It hurts..." She says as we are between contractions, and she has a moment to catch her breath... "I know angel, but you are doing so good..." I whisper and kiss her forehead... 

"Time to push again." The doctor says and she pushes again... She is screaming and i am sure she is breaking my hand... But i dont care... "One more push and then your first baby is here..." The doctor says... Ava pushes again and all of a sudden, we hear crying and Ava falls back in the bed letting out a deep breath before she starts to laugh and cry at the same time... Our little boy is being laid on her chest... 

"He is perfect..." I say with tears in my eyes... "You want to cut the cord dad?" The nurse says and i smile and nod... I cut the cord and after we have watched him and welcomed him for a minute or so they take our boy for tests... "Take a breather when you can mom... I have a feeling the next one is coming soon..." The doctor says... 

"You are doing so great angel... I love you so much..." I say kissing her... "Love you to... But i am serious... Never again..." She groans and i smile... "Okay angel..." I say and she sighs... "These boys better be as much of a momma's boy as their father..." She groans and people chuckle and i roll my eyes... 

"Okay momma... It is time to push again..." The doctor says and Ava sighs... "Chris i dont know if i can..." She says very softly... "Yes, you can angel... You are so strong..." I whisper kissing her forehead... She pushes and pushes, and our second boy is born about half an hour later... 

I am tearing up as they put our second baby on our chest... "This one is Anthony..." She whispers smirking... "It will kill him knowing that the first born has Sebastian as middle name..." She whispers with a wicked grin on her face and i laugh making the nurses and doctor look at us confused and curious... 

"The middle names will be after friends of ours who are always bickering... So, this one will have the middle name Anthony because he was the second one born... He will be so annoyed, and we can already hear them bicker... It will be entertaining for years to come..." I say with a smirk and the nurses laugh... "Let me guess the first one will have the middle name Sebastian?" One of the nurses say and we both nod... 

The take our little boy and after Ava has been cleaned up and taken care of, they hand them back over to us... "They are perfect... You did good angel... You are amazing... I love you so much..." I whisper kissing her forehead smiling from ear to ear as i am holding one of our little boys in my arms. "I love you to..." She whispers smiling back at me... 

"Do you want to rest first or call Jack and ma first?" I ask her and she smiles... "Jack and your mother..." She whispers... I smile and pull out my phone and text ma...

A nurse comes in and smiles... "What names can we put down for the little boys..." She says smiling and Ava has a smile from ear to ear even though she is visibly exhausted... "This is Aiden Sebastian Evans..." She says smiling... And this is Owen Anthony Evans..." I say and she smiles writing it down... 

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