Chapter 109

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"Breaking news... Chris Evans officially off the market... Married with a family..." I see coming up the screen of the TV as i am flipping through the channels finding something to watch... Jack was at Carly's spending time with her kids before we would leave tomorrow.... 

"CHRIS!!!" I yell as i watch the screen as photo after photo appears on our television screen ... Chris had been on the phone with his team to make arrangements for me to be working as comfortable as possible... Marvel has been amazing complying to everything we asked them for... His team had taken it upon them to arrange everything... 

Chris comes running in a look of panic in his eyes and i feel a little guilty as he i can see he thinks something is wrong with me or the babies ... He is still on the phone as i point at the screen and the look of panic turns to worry as we both listen to the news item...

"Apparently Chris Evans has not been sitting still while he had some time off from filming... The actor was spotted yesterday with a little boy and a ring around his finger... Sources around the actor say that he had gotten married and that he and his new wife have adopted a little boy... Who is the lucky woman? None other than photographer Ava Watts... Who we all get to thank for these photos..." The woman says and the photo in the bathtub appears and i can't help but smirk a bit and Chris sees and grins shaking his head... After that photo after photo appears again on the screen of me and Chris together... Photo's i never even noticed being taken and i dont know how i feel about that... 

"Well, she is probably going with Evans now..." The man next to her says and she nods... "You are probably right... The couple is very private and never made any formal announcements on their relationship... But if we have to believe the source, they are very happy and in love and expecting their first child together..." The woman says and as soon as she says this my blood starts to boil... "Evans has indeed not been sitting still..." The guy says with a smirk on his face and i roll my eyes...

"Seriously...?! First kid...?! She said not just a minute ago that we adopted a kid...?! This means that these babies are not our first kids..." I say and i feel myself getting emotional because they are dismissing Jack like that...  "I know angel... Just breathe... Dont let them get to you... Dont get riled up... Think of our babies..." He says smiling sitting down next to me and draping his arm over my shoulder and pulling me into him and i relax... "Megan... Did you get all that..." Chris asks and i cuddle into Chris making him smile a little... 

I dont hear what she is saying... But Chris hums... "I will talk with Ava about it... I dont want the press to start bothering her so that is probably our best option..." He says and i look up at him wondering what is going to happen... "I'll call you back..." Chris says and he hangs up... 

"So, Megan said it would be best to put out a statement... Officially announcing that we are married... That we have adopted Jack and that we are indeed expecting... Take control of the situation..." He says and i sigh and nod... "Okay..." I say and Chris looks at me surprised... "Okay?" He says and i nod... "I trust that Megan knows what she is doing so... Okay..." I say and he smiles and kisses me making me giggle... "I have one stipulation though..." I say and Chris looks at me a little worried... 

"No pictures of Jack... I want to protect him the best that we can... I want him to have some sort of normal life as far as that is possible... I dont care about pictures of me... But promise me that Jack stays as much out of this as possible... I know we can't possibly protect him from everything but i want to protect him as best as we can..." I say and Chris smiles... "Of course, angel..." He says kissing me again and i let out a soft sigh... 

Chris stands up and walks off to call Megan back and i sigh at the fact i am no longer cuddled into him... My sex drive has been low... And as annoyed as i have been with him for no reason over the last few weeks... Over the last few days that had completely changed and i had become clingier... I just wanted to be cuddled into him every second of the day not having sex because my body was super sensitive in an uncomfortable way and i was so tired... My body was changing quick and i just was not in the mood for sex... 

I turn off the TV no longer in the mood to watch and i get comfortable lying down and i let out a sigh... Chris walks back in and i smile as he crawls over me laying down beside me and he pulls me in his arms... 

"Sappy...?" I whisper and he hums... "Yes angel?" He asks and i blush a little... "Are you annoyed with me for not wanting to have sex..." I whisper and he chuckles... "No angel... Do i miss it... Sure... But i understand that you dont feel comfortable... I dont want you to feel uncomfortable having sex..." He says and i let out a sigh of relief... "Dont worry angel... I understand... Your body is going to so many changes right now and all i care about is you being comfortable and the babies doing okay..." He whispers and i let out another sig and cuddle into him more... "Besides... We are making progress... You love to cuddle again..." He whispers and i giggle... "Yeah... I just feel like having you close..." I murmur and i can feel Chris smile... 

"I send Megan one of our wedding pictures for the statement..." Chris whispers and i smile... "Good..." I mumble and i hum as he starts to rub my back... That was my favorite thing he could do right now... Rub my lower back... It always felt so nice... "Sappy?" I hum again and he lets out a little chuckle... "Yeeesss... angel..." He says and i giggle... "If we get two boys... Can we name them Steve and James..." I say joking with a smirk on my face and he laughs... 

"Uhm no..." He says and i giggle again... "Anthony and Sebastian?" I ask smirking and i can feel him roll his eyes... "Do you want them to move in with us? Because that is going to happen if we do that..." Chris says in a joking tone... I chuckle...  "As much as i love them and love living with them in Atlanta... No i dont want them to move in here... But i am excited to see them again in Atlanta... I can't wait to see their reaction when we tell them we are having twins..." I say and he chuckles... 

"I think they are going to surprise you angel... I think they are going to be very protective of you and the babies..." Chris hums and i giggle... "Oh no... That sounds awful..." I say sarcastically and Chris laughs... "Just remember who your husband is angel..." He growls and i giggle... "Dont worry... You will always be number one..." I say and i can feel Chris roll his eyes again making me smile.

"You think it are boys?" Chris asks and i shrug my shoulders... "I think it is girls..." He whispers and i look up at him and he has the biggest smile on his face... "Two princesses..." He whispers and i chuckle as he attaches his lips with mine... 

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