Chapter 97

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The party was amazing... Everybody seemed to have a blast and it was about 3 in the morning when the last people left... Chris was still out like a light and i was sure he was going to have a hangover... I stopped after a few drinks... I didn't want to get drunk out of my mind just in case something happened... I got up and got showered and dressed groaning... It was way to early but i had to bring Jack to Lisa's... I went to Jack's room and to my surprise he was already up and was picking out clothes... He hadn't seen me yet so i sneaked out again wondering what would happen if i let him do his thing...

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast and to my surprise 30 minutes later Jack appears fully showered and dressed... "Look mom i did it myself..." He says proudly smiling... I walk over to him and hug him kissing his cheek... "Oh my god that is amazing.... I am so proud of you sweetheart... You did really good..." I say and his smile gets even bigger... "Are you excited for you sleepover at grandma?" I ask and he nods but i can see he is a little unsure... "Listen to me sweetheart..." I say and i pick him up which gets harder ever day as he is growing so fast. I put him on one of the barstool and smile at him... "If at any moment you want to go home... Just ask grandma to call us and we will come and pick you up, okay?" I say and he nods...

I continue making breakfast as Jack is babbling a mile a minute about the party yesterday... He is telling me everything he did with the other kids and that dad was funny... I smile and listen patiently... I put a plate in front of him so i can eat and i go upstairs to put a bag together for him... I walk to the bedroom and leave a note saying i will be right back just in case Chris wakes up, but he is still in a deep sleep so i think he will still be asleep when i get back...

I am a bit nervous to leave Jack with Lisa, but he really loved her and although a little unsure i knew he was really excited to spend some time with her and Carly's kids... Still, it will be the first time since picking him up that he is away from us... So maybe i am the one who is unsure.

I walk back into the kitchen where Jack is just finishing his breakfast... I clean up the mess and then it is time to go. I tell Jack to take a coat and put on his shoes and he runs off and i smile watching him run off... "Why am i doing this..." I mumble to myself but shake it off Chris and i could use some uninterrupted quality time... Jack comes running back in with Maggie and a jacket... "Okay let's go..." I say putting a smile on my face i dont want to project my own doubts about this onto Jack...

I put him in his car seat and i smile as he is already starting to grow out of it... I get in the car myself and we take off... About 30 minutes later we arrive at Lisa's and i smile as i see Carly's car in the driveway.... I park and get Jack out who immediately and excitedly runs to the door not bothering to knock and he runs in... I chuckle and shake my head... He has only been here once and already he feels at home... I follow him in the house and smile as he is hugging Lisa... "Mom i am sleeping in dad's old room..." He says with a big smile on his face... "That is exciting!" I say forcing a smile and he smiles back at me... Carly chuckles and we hug... "How are you handling leaving him for the first time...?" She asks and i shake my head... "Please let's not talk about it... I dont want to cry..." I whisper back and she smiles hugging me a little tighter...

"Ma will take good care of him..." She says and i sigh pulling out of the hug and nod... "I know... I know... And i know that he is going to have a great time... I am just going to miss him..." I whisper and i feel the tears come and i wipe them away take a deep breath and greet Lisa... Carly's kids run in and a few seconds later Jack runs out with them to play in the backyard... "He will be fine sweetie..." Lisa says smirking and i nod... "I know... But if he wants to go home..." I say... "Then i will call... I promise..." She says and i nod... "You and Chris just enjoy your little alone time... Maybe do some wedding planning... Or making me more grandbabies..." She says winking at me and i turn bright red making Carly double over laughing...

"I first have to see what state he is in... He was still out like a light when i left. I had to help him to bed..." I say smirking and Lisa shakes her head. "The look on his face when he took his blindfold off... You spoiled him... First with the gifts... And then with the Patriots and then with the surprise party..." Lisa says patting my cheek and i smirk... "Well, he deserved it..." I say smiling and Lisa gets a twinkle in her eyes... "I am so happy you are my daughter in law..." She says and i blush... "You make him so happy..." She says and i blush even more...

"Okay that is my cue to go back home..." I say and Lisa and Carly chuckle... I go to the backyard to say goodbye to Jack, and he hugs me quickly before running off again... And i know i am having more trouble with this then he does...

I say goodbye to Lisa and Carly and drive back home... The house is quiet and i walk upstairs and smile as Chris is laying on his stomach still out like a light... I take off all my clothes and crawl into bed planting a kiss between his shoulder blades and he groans... "Go back to sleep sappy..." I whisper and he moves pulling me into him and we both fall asleep again...

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