Chapter 98

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"Ava! Ava!" I hear a panicked Chris say shaking me awake... "Ava Jack is gone!" Chris says and i groan... " Come back to bed..." I say pulling on him as i am still half asleep... "Ava please... You need to wake up... Jack is gone..." He says and the panic in his voice makes me instantly sit up...

"Sappy calm down... I know he is gone... I dropped him off at your mothers myself this morning when you still were out like a light.... He is with your mother..." I say and pull him on the bed and into my arms. "Relax sappy... He is having a sleepover at grandma with Carly's kids..." I mumble and he lets out a big sigh and his body relaxes... "Sorry sappy... I wanted to surprise you not give you a heart attack..." I whisper and kiss his forehead as he wraps his arms around me... "That was scary..." He mumbles and i sigh... "I am sorry sappy... I was sure i would wake up before you again..." I say and he sighs... "It's okay... But why is he at Ma's...?" He says almost sounding sad and i start to wonder if i did the right thing...

"He heard Carly's kids talking about sleep overs at grandma... So, your mom and i talked about it... He wanted to go to, and we decided that today was a nice day for that, and it would give us some quality alone time..." I whisper... "She suggested to use it to wedding plan or make her more grandbabies..." I say letting out a chuckle and a grin appears on Chris his face making me giggle... "Well i know what you would prefer..." I mumble and he lifts his head and kisses me passionately... 

"Well i still need to properly thank you for yesterday..." He growls rolling us so he is now hovering over me. I giggle but push him back laying down and hover over him and i give him a soft and gentle kiss... "But i still have one gift for you..." I say and he looks at me confused... "Angel... This is too much..." He says running his hand through my hair and for a second i close my eyes enjoying his touch... But then i start to grin... "Okay then i will save it for next year...." I say and pout at him... "NO!... Dont you dare... I am curious now..." He growls and i squeal as he starts to tickle me rolling me back over caging me underneath him... I trash around trying to get out from under him, but it is no use... "Stooop or i really am saving it for next year..." I squeal and Chris immediately stops making me smirk... He lowers himself and kisses me passionately and  i smile pushing him back again...

I scramble off the bed and walk over to the safe opening it up... When i turn around he looks even more confused... "This is a little bit more personal... That's why i didn't give it to you yesterday..." I say and i think i am bright red now... 

Chris sits up and scoots to the edge of the bed and i walk over hesitating for a moment... What if he laughs or thinks it ridiculous... I would die of shame... What if he finds the pictures not sexy at all... I take a deep breath telling myself in my head to stop... He loves you he loves your body, and he will love this... I hope... "Angel?" He says and i snap out of it... I hand him the black box with a red ribbon around it and he pulls me sitting down next to him... "Why so nervous Angel... Whatever it is i know i will love it..." He says and i blush... "Just open it... My nerves are killing me..." I say and he smiles and pulls on the ribbon making it glide off the box... 

He opens the box and looks at me and then at the book... "What is it?" He asks as you can't see the content on the cover of the book. I shrug my shoulders... He takes the book out of the box and he puts the box on the floor... "Aaaangel..." He says and i blush... "Just open the damn book Chris..." I whisper getting a little impatient as my nerves are getting to me and he grins... 

He opens the book to immediately close it again looking at me with big eyes... "Angel!" He says and for a moment i think he hates it but than a grin appears on his face... He opens the book again... "Damn... Holly shit... Damn... Yeah this is personal alright..." He whispers and i blush... "Damn angel you look... Wauw...." He growls as he slowly looks through the book... He groans as the pictures get riskier and riskier... He moves and i blush as he adjusts himself... "Fuck me..." He growls as a picture appears of me that suggests i am playing with myself... 

"Do you like it?" I whisper and he looks up at me... He takes my hand and puts in on his hard dick... "Is that a good enough answer for you angel..." He growls and i blush... "I love it... Who took these?" He asks and i smile... "I did... Remember when i said i had to do some work... Well this was the work..." I whisper and he looks at me stunned... "You did this on your own...?" He asks and i nod... "Yeah... I was not about to let someone else see me like this..." I whisper look at him shyly and he grins... "Good girl..." He whispers and he kisses me passionately... I giggle and he keeps looking through the book... "Angel these pictures are beautiful..." He says and smile... "You really think so..." I whisper and he nods...

He keeps looking through the book and the last picture is one of me in black and white with angel wings... I myself love it... It looks powerful and yet so vulnerable... "Wauw this one is my favorite..." He whispers and i blush... "Mine to..." I say so soft it is barely audible...  "I love it angel... Thank you..." He says but puts the book aside and kisses me passionately...

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