Chapter 56

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I am slowly waking up as a pleasurable feeling spread through my body and kisses being planted in my neck... I am laying on my side and i can feel Chris his warm body pressed against my back slowly and softly grinding into me... All of a sudden i realize what is happening... He is inside of me... not all the way... just the tip... but definitely inside of me... He keeps planting kisses in my neck and on my shoulder and i try to suppress a smile and a moan... I keep pretending to be asleep but move giving him better access... The little grunts coming from him sending tingles through my body... 

I let out a soft sigh and i feel him smirk in my neck. "I know you are awake angel..." He whispers in my ear and i giggle... "Nu'uh... Still asleep... I am having a wonderful dream though..." I mumble with a smile on my face. "Oh yeah angel... Tell me about it..." He whispers and i giggle... 

"It is such a good dream... This big strong gorgeous man has his arms wrapped around me... He keeps kissing me in my neck and on my shoulder teasing me with the tip of his big dick..." I whisper before I push my ass back just as he pushed his tip inside of me, making it that he slides inside of me balls deep... He groans and i whimper... "Chris... Shit you can wake me up like this every fucking day..." I moan and he groans... "Always ready for me angel... Always taking me so good... Even in you sleep..." He whispers and i smile... "Can you blame me... God feels so good..." I mumble and i turn my head towards him and he presses his lips on mine... 

We keep grinding together our bodies moving in perfect sink his hands gliding all over my body... He is either massaging my tits, pulling on my nipples or rubbing my clit... "I love you angel..." He whispers in between kisses and i moan as he plays me like a fiddle... 

I am putty in his hands as he knows exactly what he is doing. He absolutely knows what makes my body go into overdrive... The arm that he had slipped underneath me is wrapped around me holding me tightly pressed against him... "I love you to Chris..." I moan and i can feel him smile in my neck... Our bodies keep grinding against each other slowly building our highs... Slowly building up to our orgasms... 

He starts to rub circles on my clit again and i moan as the pleasure is getting overwhelming and i can feel my body start to tremble in anticipation... "Dont stop baby... God feels so good..." I whisper pushing back on him harder... "I am never stopping angel... Going to make you feel good for the rest of our lives... You and me... forever and ever angel..." He whispers and i gasp and moan as his words whispered in my ears send me over the edge... "Ch... Chris... Oh god yes, yes, yes, yes." I whispered as my orgasm washed over me... "Fuuuuck... Ava..." He growls his hands gliding towards my hip holding me still with his dick buried deep inside of me as he finds his release his body jerking making me whimper.... 

I look back at him and he kisses me again. I smile as we bask in our afterglow... I pull off of him and turn in his arms cuddling into him burying my head in his neck planting a soft kiss on his skin before letting out a little sigh closing my eyes... "This never gets old..." I whisper and i can feel him smile... "What never gets old...?" He asks and i smirk... "Waking up next to you..." I mumble and i can feel a kiss being planted on my forehead... "I know..." He whispers and we stay silent for a bit again... "Can we just stay here forever... Tucked away from the world... Just you and me..." He whispers and i smile... "As much as i love that idea... I dont think your family would like that... Besides we can tuck ourselves away in our new place... Can't wait to make it our home... Our little save haven... Start the rest of our lives there together..." I whisper and i can feel him take in a sharp breath... "That sounds like heaven indeed..." He whispers planting another kiss on my forehead... 

"Sometimes i really think i am dreaming and i am scared that i will wake up..." I say softly and he sighs... "No dream angel... It is all real... I am just a fool i didn't came to my senses sooner..." He whispers and i look up at him and put my finger on his lips... "It is in the past... All that is in the past... It is no use to think like that... It was just part of our journey..." I whisper and remove my finger and kiss him passionately... When we break the kiss i cuddle into him again letting out a little satisfied sigh... 

I run my hand over his back lightly scraping his skin with my nails... I feel so relaxed, and my eyes are getting heavy... Chris his steady breathing, warm body and sent invade my senses and i can honestly say that it is the best thing ever... In his arms i feel just so save and secure... "Ava..." He whispers and i hum in response as i am already half asleep... "Ava..." He whispers again and i forcefully open my eyes and look up at him again... 

"Marry me..." He whispers and i look at him in shock... "Wha... What?" I whisper totally shocked and for a moment i think i heard him wrong... I must be asleep... This must be a dream... "Marry me..." He whispers again with a smile on his face and nothing but love and adoration in his eyes and i know he is serious...

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