Chapter 34

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I wake up with Chris wrapped around me spooning me his face buried in my neck and i can feel something poking me and i smirk... We are both naked... Chris likes sleeping with nothing on and i just loved the feeling of his skin on mine so i had crawled in bed naked to after we had put Seb and Mackie to bed... I grab his arm pulling him tighter around me and wiggle my ass against him. I smile as he hums a little... He sighs and i think he continues sleeping so i do it again... "Want to tell me something angel?" He says in this groggy sexy morning voice and i giggle... 

He pulls me to him tighter and grinds into me and i let out a little moan... I can feel Chris smirk in my neck before he moves my hair and plants a soft kiss under my ear and i turn my head back and we kiss while he keeps grinding into me... He groans into the kiss... "I want to be inside you angel..." He murmurs and i smile into the kiss and nod... He breaks the kiss and i giggle as i hear the drawer of the bedside table open and the sound of a condom packet opening... 

After he put on the condom, he cuddles into me again sliding one arm under neath me the other draped over me as he holds me as close as possible... I push my ass back into him before lifting my leg and i put it over his hip as he slides into me... "Fuck i want to wake up like this every day..." He growls thrusting into me balls deep... I whimper in response, and he snaps his hips forward making me whimper again... 

He keeps doing this buried deep inside me and i can only whimper in response. If this is going to be my mornings i am going to sleep naked every day... He rolls on his back a little pulling me with him and i gasp as i am now sprawled over him as he starts to fuck up into me his hand finding my clit rubbing in circles... "You feel so good angel... I love to be inside of you..." He whispers in my ear and i let out a little moan... My orgasm is about to burst and i can't believe he got me to this point this quick. "Chris..." I whine in a soft whisper closing my legs as i am starting to shake and i can feel him smirk in my neck... "Does it feel good angel...?" He whispers and i moan... "So good..." I whisper and he chuckles... As he thrusts into me one more time while still rubbing my clit i come and i claw at him grabbing him wherever i can... 

"You feel so good coming around my cock angel... Fuck your pussy is addicting..." Chris growls as he fucks me through my orgasm. I let out a little yelp as he rolls us over and i lay on my stomach as Chris lays on top of me... His body pressed against mine as he keeps softly trusting into me our bodies melting together... He is grunting and fuck it feels good... I push my ass up and he pushes himself further up grabbing me by my hips pulling my ass up in the air... His hand caresses my ass and when i look over my shoulder i moan as he has a massive smirk on his face while squeezing and playing with my ass watching his own dick glide in and out of me... "God i love your ass angel... The way it bounces and jiggles..." He growls and i gasp as he slams into me hard the grin on his face getting bigger... He picks up the pace and i moan a little louder. 

I grab at the sheets as it just feels so good... "Chris..." I moan and i start to push back on him and he growls... The only sound filling the room is the slapping of our skin together... He starts to grunt, and his thrusts get sloppier... He leans over me his lips hovering over my ear... "You are so beautiful angel..." He whispers in my ear and i whimper... After a few more thrusts his body start to shock, and he pushes into me a final time and we come together...

He pulls out of me and collapses beside me breathing heavy and i hum in the afterglow of my orgasm... "Come here..." He mumbles and i move cuddling into him wrapping myself around him... "Good morning..." I whisper with a little lazy smile on my face... Chris chuckles and puts his finger under my chin lifting my head pressing his lips on mine... "Good morning angel..." He whispers and i smile. 

We slowly doze off again and when i wake up Chris is no longer in bed... I sit up and look around me, but the room is quiet... I grab a shirt from Chris putting it on and put on some underwear and make my way out of the bedroom... I walk through the house until i hear noises coming from the gym... I lean against the doorpost as i watch him lift weights... He is not wearing a shirt... He is sweaty and letting out little grunts... And fuck he looks so sexy... I can feel my pussy start to throb and i want him... It is like a monster has been awakened inside of me and i want him whenever i can... However i can... 

"And here i was thinking you had a good work out earlier..." I say and he looks up and smirks... I walk over to him, and he puts the weights down and i step in front of him running my hands through his hair... He looks up at me and i lean down and kiss him passionately and he pulls me in his lap making me straddle him... 

"I dont think that counts as a Marvel approved work out angel..." He says grinning and i chuckle... "It is not?" I whisper and he shakes his head... "It is more fun though..." I whisper hovering my lips over his... He smirks and nods... "Chris..." I whisper reaching down between us dipping my hand in his sweats stroking him... "Shit Ava..." He says taking in a sharp breath and i grin... I pump him up and down until he is hard, and he starts breathing heavy resting his head against my chest. I push my panties to the side and free his dick lining him up and sinking down on him... 

"You turned me into an addict Mr. Evans..." I whisper in his ear, and he groans... "You feel so good inside of me... I can't get enough... You fill me so good..." I groan as i start to move rocking my hips back and forth... His hands glide under my shirt and i throw my head back as he plays with my tits. 

"Chris..." I whine and he smirks as he lifts my shirt revealing my boobs and he closes his lips around one of my nipples... "Go on angel use me... Make yourself come..." He murmurs before he moves his mouth to my other nipple... I moan louder as i start to rock my hips harder back and forth desperately chasing my own release... 

He moves his hands down to my ass helping me move my hips back and forth and it is not going to take long... The friction of his body rubbing against my clit while he is buried deep inside of me is mind blowing... "Angel you got to stop... I can't come inside of you... I am not wearing protection..." He growls as i am almost there... "Fuck..." I moan as i realize why it feels even better than this morning... "Sorry i totally forgot... Do you really want me to stop..." I whine and he growls... "Please tell me you are on birth control angel..." He growls and i nod taking his hand bringing it to my arm letting him feel the implant... "Good..." He growls and i start to push myself up and down... "God Chris fill me make my pussy drip..." I whine and he growls again. "Fuck angel..." He growls as he starts bucking up in me and i let out a moan louder than i intended and i bury my head in his neck... "Going to come..." I whimper and he growls... "Come on angel... Squeeze me, coat my cock..." He growls and i scream out as my orgasm washes over me...He bucks up in me a few more times and i whimper my legs shaking as i feel his cum coat my walls... 

I start to giggle and stand up and lean down and kiss him again... "You can continue with your workout..." I whisper and grin as he chuckles... I turn around and as i am about to walk out he slaps my ass and i yelp and jump a little... I look over my shoulder and smirk walking out the gym to go and take a shower as his cum is now running down my legs...

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