Chapter 126

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"Sappy..." I whisper shaking Chris who is fast asleep... Nothing... "Sappy..." I whisper a little louder and he groans but doesn't move... "Sappy!" I yell one time really loud... "Huh... What... I am up... I am up..." Chris says in a daze lifting his head his hair scruffy on his head his eyes barely open making me giggle... "What's wrong...? Are the babies okay...?" He mumbles and his eyes grow wide... "Angel...? Why are you up...? And why are you dressed...?" He says and all of a sudden, he sits up... "Is it time?!" He says now fully awake... "No... No... Nothing is wrong babies are fine and it is not time yet... I am only 31 weeks yet..." I say blushing looking at my fingers... 

"Okay..." He says letting out a massive sigh of relief... "Then why are you up...? and dressed...?" He says and i blush even more... "The baby's want chicken nuggets..." I whisper softly and he looks at me raising an eyebrow... "The baby's... want chicken nuggets..." He says sarcastically and i blush and nod... "Yes..." I say determined... He looks at the time... "Angel... It is 3 at night..." He groans and i blush... "I know... But the babies reeeeally want chicken nuggets..." I mumble looking at my feet... 

"And they really want that now?  This can't wait until later..." He asks with a little smile on his face and i shake my head violently... "They want it now..." I say and Chris groans... "Please sappy... Please..." I say pouting and batting my eyes at him... I take his hand and put it on my belly and the baby's kick... "See... They let me know they want nuggets..." I say and Chris chuckles and shakes his head... "Fine... I will take you to get nuggets..." He says and gets out of bed groaning... 

"Thank you... Thank you... Thank you..." I say all happy hugging him and he shakes his head with a little smirk on his face... "I am going to wake Seb to tell him we are going to be out in case Jack wakes up..." I say all happy... "Ava no..." Chris grumbles but i am already waddling out of the bedroom on to my new mission... I smirk as i can hear him groan while i leave the room. He says something under his breath but which i dont bother trying to hear as i am on my next mission...

I knock on the door of Seb's room and there is no answer... I know i should feel guilty for waking him up at 3 in the morning but quite frankly the craving for chicken nuggets wins... I open the door and giggle as Seb is laying on his stomach in the middle of the bed arms and legs spread... He is softly snoring... "Sebby?" I whisper but there is no reaction... "Seb!" I say a little louder but still nothing... I sigh and walk in the room... 

I poke Seb and he groans but doesn't wake up... "Seb!" I say louder poking him again... "Mom?" He mumbles and i chuckle... "No, it is me Ava... Sebby are you awake...?" I whisper and he moves his head towards me slowly opening his eyes... "Ava?" He mumbles confused and i giggle and nod... "Sorry to wake you... But the baby's want chicken nuggets so Sappy is going to take me to get some... I just wanted to let you know in case Jack wakes up and we are not here..." I say and Seb groans... "What time is it...?" He asks... "3 in the morning..." I say blushing and he starts to laugh... Full out laugh... 

I ignore him laughing... "You dont mind, do you?" I ask him and he pushes himself up with a smirk on his face... "No... You two have fun..." He says smirking looking past me and i turn around to see Chris stand in the door opening... He yawns and Seb laughs again... "Just you wait until you get someone pregnant..." Chris mumbles and Seb laughs... 

"Let's go get nuggets!" I say all excited and Seb laughs again as Chris sighs and puts the cap backwards on his head... "Next time i am letting her drag you out of bed..." Chris mumbles to Seb... "You got her pregnant... You get her nuggets..." Seb mumbles and i giggle and take his hand and drag him out of Seb's room... "Easy angel... You still have to take it easy..." Chris says and i smile as i take his arm linking it with mine... "Fine...." I say and he smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Are you sure that the baby's still want nuggets...?" He asks and i roll my eyes...

"Yeeeeesss..." I groan and Chris chuckles... "Okay..." He says grabbing the keys out of his pocket... We walk out of the house and toward the car... "I love you..." I say as he holds the door of the car open for me. "I love you to..." He says smirking and kisses me... "Get in angel... Let's get you nuggets so i can go to bed again..." He says and i sigh... "We can go back to bed if you really dont want to go..." I whisper and he chuckles... "No, no... You want nuggets... You get nuggets... Now get your cute butt in the car..." He says smirking and i smile and sit down... 

 "Can we get cake to?" I ask Chris as he sits down behind the wheel... Chris looks at me and laughs... "Sure angel... Anything you want..." He says and i smile back at him... "Nuggets first though..." I say and he laughs again... "Of course..." 

We drive to MC Donalds and i order nuggets and a milkshake. Chris just orders a soda... "No food?" I ask and he shakes his head... Chris drives to the window to pay and the girl almost gets a hard attack seeing Chris... I chuckle... Chris chats with her while we wait... It is quiet in the drive through and a few moments later she hands us our order... 

"Gimme... Gimme... Gimme..." I say as he takes the bag of her and the girl laughs... "Good to see that even Chris Evans has to do late night runs for his pregnant wife..." The girl says and Chris laughs... I just take the bag from his hands... "Yeah he is laughing now... You should have seen him a half an hour ago... Mr. Grumpy Evans..." I say smirking and the girl laughs... Chris just chuckles and shakes his head and looks at the girl... "Oh she didn't just wake me... Sebastian had to be woken up to..." Chris says and the girl looks stunned... 

"Dont say it like that!" I scold him... "She might think we all sleep in one bed..." I say and the girl laughs... "Well, there are worse things..." She says winking at me, and we both laugh as Chris rolls his eyes... "Yeah keep dreaming angel... I am never going to share you..." He growls and both me and the girl laugh again... We say goodbye and Chris parks the car in the parking lot... "Happy?" He asks and i look at him smirking while eating my nuggets... "Really happy..." I say and he chuckles and takes a sip of his drink. 

"Do you still want cake?" He asks and i shake my head... "No... I want to go home..." I mumble and Chris chuckles and starts the car. He takes off and Chris takes a deep breath... "Want to tell me while you were up in the first place?" He asks as he pulls out the parking lot... I sigh... "Your babies were keeping me awake..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... He takes my hand and kisses the back of it... "I am sorry angel... Is there something i can do to help?" He asks and i sigh and shake my head... "No... But dont be surprised if i get cravings because they are keeping me up at night..." I mumble and Chris smiles... "That is okay... I dont mind..." He says and i look at him with a raised eyebrow because i dont really believe him...

"Angel... You are doing all the heavy lifting... The least i can do is make sure you get what you want whenever you want..." He says and i blush... "Can you rub my back when we get home?" I ask him in my sweetest voice, and he laughs... "Sure..." He says and i smile at him...

We arrive at the house and sneak in to make sure to not wake anyone up and true to his word Chris rubbed my back until i was sound asleep...

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