Chapter 59

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"I am so nervous..." I say taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself.... Chris and i are on our way to his mother's house for family dinner... We had gotten home late yesterday, and we were planning on announcing the engagement with everyone there... "Why are you nervous, angel?" He asks taking my hand in his kissing the back of it... He lowers my hand but doesn't let it go and just plays with the ring... "What if your family is not happy about the engagement..." I say in a small voice... 

"Oh, angel i know for sure they will be thrilled... Especially ma..." He says with the biggest smile on his face... "But what if they are not?" I ask him again in a small voice... "Stoooop... They will be... Trust me angel they will be happy for us... Besides this means there is going to be a party and we Evans's love a good party..." He says kissing the back of my hand again and giggle before i take another deep breath... 

Chris pulls into the driveway and parks the car but before he gets out, he turns to me... "Angel... Stop worrying... And be prepared to plug you ears because they will be squealing their heads off..." He says with a smirk on his face and i blush and nod... "Sorry just a little nervous..." I whisper and he grins... He cups my face and kisses me and i smile and close my eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine... "Does that help?" He whispers when he pulls away... "I dont know try again..." I murmur and he chuckles but kisses me again... "One more time..." I whisper and he laughs kissing me again and again and again... 

Chris gets out the car and walks around it to open the door for me... Somehow opening my own car door was not an option anymore... Chris was adamant that he had to be the one to open the door... I smile as he takes my hand helping me out... He pulls me into him cups my face with one of his big hands and kisses me passionately... I smile and start to smirk as i get an idea...

"What if we make it a little interesting..." I whisper after our kiss... "What did you have in mind angel?" He asks and i smirk... "We do not say anything until one of them notices the ring... Let's make a little bet out of it... I am saying that your brother is the first to notice..." I say and Chris grins... "No way... Ma is the first one to notice for sure..." He says smirking... "Okay so what is the bet going to be...?" He says and i think for a second... "If i win... I get to do a photoshoot with you... To my liking no restrictions..." I say smirking and Chris chuckles... "And if i win...?" He says and i shrug my shoulders... "Your pick..." I say and he smirks... "If i win... I get to take pictures of you... No restrictions..." He says and i chuckle... "Okay deal..." I say and we seal the bet with a kiss... "Ground rules... You can't pull deliberate attention to it..." I say and he nods... "But you can't hide it in you sleeve..." Chris says and i nod... "Maybe just for the greetings though... Otherwise it will be too easy..." Chris says and i chuckle and nod... 

"Bet is on Mr. Evans..." I whisper kissing him again and he smirks... "Bet is on Future Mrs. Evans..." He murmurs into the kiss, and he takes me hand in his covering the ring up and we make our way to the front door... Before we even could knock the door flies open and Scott appears smirking... "Finally... You 2 are the worst... I stood here waiting to open the door for 15 minutes..." Scott says rolling his eyes before he pulls me away from Chris and into a bear hug... "Hello Ava... Good to see you again..." Scott says hugging me tighter and i chuckle... 

After me he hugs Chris and the 3 of us walk to the kitchen... We hug Shanna, Carly and her husband and of course Lisa and all of them ask how our vacation has been... Everyone is oblivious to the ring and Chris and i look at each other with a smirk knowing it is on... "Our little trip was amazing..." Chris says smirking and i blush...  All of a sudden, we hear little footsteps come running in and Ethan, Miles and Stella appear... The boys jump all over Chris, but Stella runs to me signaling for me to pick her up... I hug her... "Hello Ms. Stella... How are you?" I ask and she smiles... 

"Auntie Ava... Can you come to my birthday party next week..." She says and i smile at her already calling me auntie... "Of course... Me and your uncle Chris wouldn't miss it for the world..." I say grinning at Chris who smiles back at me... Stella hugs me tightly... "It is a princess party... Everyone has to come as a prince or princess..." She says all excited and i smile... "Oh my... Then i need to go shopping tomorrow..." I say and she squeals... "Me and mommy are going shopping tomorrow to... Can auntie Ava come mommy?" She asks Carly who has the biggest smile on her face... "Of course, if Ava wants..." She says and i nod... "That sounds fun... And if you and your mom and dad want to i can even take some special pictures at the party..." I say and Carly's face lights up... "That would be amazing Ava... Thank you..." Carly says and i nod... "No problem i would love to take photos... It is a deal..." I say and Stella hugs me again before i put her down...

She runs off to play again with her brothers who already went off again... I smile and sit down next to Chris, and he pulls my chair closer to him so our legs touch and puts his arm around my shoulders kissing my temple... "That was adorable... I can't wait to see you all dressed up like a princess... And then peal it off of you at the end of the night..." He whispers in my ear and i giggle pushing a strain of hair behind my ear... 

"OMG... OMG... OMG... Is that what i think it is..." We all of a sudden hear being yelled and we both look up...

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