Chapter 53

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"Where are we going?" I ask as Chris opens the car door for me... "To have breakfast at Carpe Diem..." He says and i start to smile... "Really?" I say excited... "Really..." He says smiling... I squeal as it is my favorite place for breakfast, but it is an hour-long drive and i dont go often because of that... "I am not complaining about the kissing angel... But if we dont go now we will miss the reservation..." He says and i smirk kiss him again before i excitedly hop in the car. 

Chris chuckles and closes the door and walks around and gets behind the wheel... "Can you check the brakes please..." I whisper and he nods... "I will check them but i put the car in the garage yesterday angel..." He says and i sigh... "I'm sorry..." I whisper and he takes my hand... "No need to be sorry... It doesn't hurt to check..." He says and checks the brakes before taking off...

We arrive an hour later at Carpe Diem and Chris opens the car door for me taking my hand and walking us in. We get seated and i do a little happy dance looking over the menu as we are waiting for our smoothies... "So... After breakfast we are going to Tara's office..." Chris says and i look at him surprised... "Why... we had an appointment after we came back from our vacation..." I say surprised... "Yeah well... I asked her to speed it up... So, we are signing today..." He says smiling. I get the biggest smile on my face and stand up leaning over the table and kissing him... "You make me very happy... You know that..." I say and sit back down... "Good... Because that is where i am going for..." He says and i smile... 

"Wauw i can't believe we are buying a house today..." I say smiling and Chris smirks... "Believe it angel... After we are back from our little vacation we can go shopping for furniture and such... Are there things that you want to bring from your place?" He asks me and i nod... "My dresser... I love that thing..." I say blushing and Chris grins... "That is all?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders... "My clothes... My home office... Some of my personal nick knacks... The rest i am not overly attached to... You?" I ask him and he smiles. "Pretty much the same..." He says smiling... "I thought we just buy everything new... A fresh start... In a fresh home with fresh furniture..." He says and i smile... "That sounds like a great idea... I am excited to go shopping together..." I say and he smiles again... Our smoothies arrive and we order breakfast...

"I love all the wood, but can we add a little color to the walls here and there?" I ask Chris and he smiles. "Anything you want angel..." He says and i sigh... "No... No... This is not how it is going to work... We are going to do this together... I know you... You will give in and give in even if you dont like it and you will not be happy... It is our house... I want you to be happy to..." I say and he smiles... "Okay... Okay... We will decide together... But you have to be happy to..." He says and i smirk... "Dont worry... I will be..." I say and he smiles... 

"Excuse me..." We hear and we look up to a girl standing next to our table... We were so caught up in our conversation that we hadn't even noticed her coming over... "I am sorry to bother you... But could i maybe... Get a picture..." She says and i smirk winking at Chris... "Of course, hand me your phone i will take it for you..." I say and Chris looks at me stunned... He stands up and she wraps her arms around his waist and i roll my eyes... It doesn't bother me as much as i thought it would have... I take the picture and hand her, her phone back.  "Thank you..." She says smiling from ear to ear looking at me and then at Chris... She leaves and Chris sits back down again... 

"Sorry about that..." He mumbles and i chuckle... "It is fine... I dont mind... I know you long enough to know it comes with the territory..." I say smiling and he blushes... "Really Chris... It is okay it doesn't bother me..." I say and he smiles... 

Our breakfast comes and we eat talking about the house and our trip... "So how late are we going to your family?" I ask and Chris shakes his head... "We saw them yesterday so today it is just you and i..." He says and look confused... "I thought we had plans with them..." I say and he shakes his head... "We can see them when we get back..." He says and i smile... We finish our breakfast and Chris pays the bill before we walk back to the car... I hold my breath to stop myself from asking him to check the breaks... "They work angel..." He whispers taking my hand in his kissing the back of it and i blush. 

We drive to Tara's office... She smiles hugging us telling us to sit down... I smile as we both sign the papers... There it is... in writing the house is official ours... She hands us the keys but tells us that today the people are taking their stuff out... They would leave their keys in the mailbox... It doesn't matter we would change the locks anyway... 

The appointment for after our vacation will be to put our own houses on the market... "I am happy to see you two finally together... Took you long enough Evans..." She says and i chuckle as Chris rolls his eyes... When we leave Tara's office, we drive home... I grab my laptop and install my on the couch... "What are you doing?" Chris says in a high-pitched voice leaning over me and planting a kiss on my lips with a smile on his face...

 I grin up at him and smile as he has changed into something more comfortable... "Was going to get some ideas for furniture..." I say and he smiles sitting down next to me... The rest of the day is spend browsing for furniture i just love it... We laugh and bicker... Take breaks to make out... and just relax both of us happy to have some time off to relax... At the end of the day, we both pack a suitcase as we have to leave early in the morning... "That is all you are bringing?" He asks pointing at my suitcase and i nod... "That and my camera bag..." I say and he looks at me smiling... "Huh it seems a bit light..." He says and i smirk walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist planting a kiss on his lips...

"That is because i didn't think i needed to bring that many clothes..." I whisper and he grins... "You thought right... I will keep you warm, angel... Just you and me in front of the fire..." He whispers and i giggle as he kisses me again. 

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