Chapter 94

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"Come on... Let's go wake daddy..." I whisper and Jack giggles... We are home in Boston again and it is Chris his birthday... Jack is carrying the basket he had put together with the gifts Jack had picked out and the watch... My spicey gift he would get tomorrow when we would be alone... The ring i had sitting on the tray with his breakfast... Jack is giggling when i open the door and Chris is laying in the middle of the bed snoring a little... 

"1... 2... 3... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday daddy/sappy... Happy birthday to you..." Jack and i sing and Chris groans turning around and looks at us a little dazed, but a smile forms on his face... "What is all this...?" He asks sitting up and i smile as Jack crawls on the bed after almost throwing the basked at Chris... "Happy birthday daddy..." He squeals hugging him tight and Chris hugs him back kissing his cheek... "Thank you bud..." He says and i smile... 

"Give dad your presents..." I say and Jack grabs the basket again... "I picked it out myself with mommy on vacation!" He says all happy and smiling and Chris hugs him again... "You did...?" Chris says and Jack nods his little head... "Open it!" He squeals and i put the tray down on the bedside table and sit down on the bed... Chris opens the foil around it and looks in the basket smiling... "You picked all this?" He asks again and Jack is excitedly jumping up and down nodding...

Chris takes the mug and tears up a little and hugs Jack again... "Thank you bud..." He says and Jack smiles... "There is more..." He squeals and Chris continues... "Oooh games..." Chris says smiling and Jack jumps up and down... "We can do them together..." He says and Chris smiles.  "Yes bud..." He says and Jack has the biggest smile on his face as he keeps unpacking... "Jellybeans... My favorite..." Chris says and Jack giggles... He then takes the wrapped box and looks at Jack... 

"What is this?" He says and Jack giggles again... "Open it dad..." He squeals as he seems almost more excited than Chris... Chris rips the paper off and opens the box... "Oh buddy it is beautiful... Did you pick this?" He asks and Jack nods blushing a little... "Look at the back daddy..." He whispers and Chris takes the watch out of the box and turns it over and tears up... "I love you to buddy..." He says all emotional pulling Jack in his lap and hugging him tightly making Jack giggle and squeal... "Thank you bud... I love all my presents..." He says and i can't help but tear up at the incredible sweet moment... I had taken like a hundred pictures wanting to remember this moment forever...

"Okay my turn..." I say smiling and take the tray with breakfast placing it in front of him and he smiles as i kiss him... "Happy birthday sappy..." I whisper into the kiss, and he chuckles... "Thank you angel..." He says and he looks at the little box... "Angel... The watch was more than enough..." He whispers but i shake my head... "Nope the watch is from Jack... This is from me..." I say and he smirks... 

He opens the box and looks at me stunned... I smile as he takes the ring out of the little box and immediately sees the dates... "Angel i love it..." He whispers and i take it out of his hand and put it around his finger... "Now the whole world knows who you belong to..." I murmur and he grins... "I absolutely love it angel..." He whispers and i blush...

We kiss again and Jack who gets bored of us runs of to go play making Chris chuckle... "So... I have a whole day planned for you today..." I say smirking and he looks at me surprised... "You, Jack and Scott are going to go to the Patriots... You are getting a tour and can even meet the players..." I say and Chris looks at me his eyes growing wide... "Are you serious..." He says and i smile and nod... "Yep... So, eat your breakfast and get ready because you are leaving in an hour and a half..." I say and he immediately starts to eat... 

"You are not coming with?" He asked and i shake my head... "No i thought this would be nice for you to do with your brother and son... A boy's day... I dont like football anyway..." I say smiling... "When you come home, we can have a nice dinner together..." I say and he looks at me... "But..." He starts but i hold up my hand... "Nope dont want to hear it... Have fun with Jack and your brother... It will still be your birthday when you get back... Besides when Jack is off to bed tonight the real gift will come..." I say winking and he grins... I kiss him again and leave him to eat as i go and get Jack ready....

I needed him out of the house, so together with Scott i had set this up... The whole family is in on it... People have flown in from all over the country to be here tonight... I get Jack ready and i am sipping on my coffee when the buzzer of the gate goes off. I let Scott in, and he grins greeting me by the front door... "He still has no idea?" Scott whispers and i smirk shaking my head... Chris appears a few moments later and they hug... "Nice watch..." Scott says and Chris smiles proudly... "From my son..." He says and i smile... 

"Jack! It is time to go!" I yell and Jack appears and Chris grins as he is wearing the little Patriots jersey i got him so he would be matching Chris and Scott... "Have fun boys..." I say and Chris kisses me passionately... "You are getting so lucky when i come back..." He murmurs into the kiss and i chuckle... I wave them off and take a deep breath... It is the calm before the storm... I watch them drive out of the gate on the cameras and wait 5 minutes before i call in the cavalry... Let the chaos begin...

About 20 minutes later the house is buzzing... It is a beautiful day outside so everything is going to be outside... The catering is setting up outside behind the house... People are decorating, everything is just in full swing... After a few hours everything is almost done and while Lisa, Carly and Shanna are keeping an eye on things and wait for the cake to be delivered i go up to get changed...

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