Chapter 58

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"Chris?" I yell out as i walk through the cabin... No answer it is eerily quiet... I check the kitchen but he is not there... Then i see a note on the counter... 

"Goodmorning angel... Had some business to attend to... I will be back as soon as possible... Breakfast is ready to heat up...  Love Sappy..." 

I smile at the Sappy bit... He always would pretend he hated the pet name but i knew deep down he liked it... I sigh, and wonder where the hell he is... What kind of business could he have on our vacation... Because as much as i love this cabin i dont like being here alone... It is so remote and secluded... I look out the window and see he is indeed gone because the car is missing... I sigh again and make myself some breakfast trying not to freak out... I fail miserably and walk to the front door to see if it properly locked and it is...

We leave tomorrow and to say i was going to miss this place was an understatement... But without Chris i did not like it here... That doesn't mean it haven't been heaven... We spend the majority of it in bed just relaxing making out having sex... It was basically eat, sleep, fuck and repeat. 2 days ago, we went on a hike... Although it was beautiful around us, all we really wanted to do was get back to the cabin making us cut the hike short... If this was going to be married life, then i couldn't be happier... 

I eat my breakfast and look around not knowing what to do now... The cabin is quiet... I decide to go take a bath in the massive tub... I walk upstairs and start to fill the tub putting some of my favorite bath oils in it... I smile at the delicious sent... I get undressed and when the tub is full i step inside and lower myself in the hot water. 

I hum as the hot water surrounds me and i eases the soreness of the last week... Not that i am complaining... This kind of soreness i loved... It reminded me of every touch... Every kiss and every orgasm. It made me think off Chris.... After about an hour i got out and got dressed again... The cabin was still quiet and i looked at my phone... I had no idea how long Chris already was gone or how long he would take to get back seeing i had no idea what he was doing... But i didn't want to be the clingy fiancé who would call and call so i refrained from texting or calling...

I sigh and walk downstairs... I grab my laptop and do some more work finishing the photo book and i sent it to the printer... I had just pressed send when i heard the front door... "Chris?" I yell and i smile as Chris walks in... "Hello angel..." He says and i smile running up to him... "Where were you...? I missed you..." I ask as i jump in his arms kissing him and he grins kissing me back... "You smell nice angel..." He says smelling my hair... "Stop deflecting..." I say grinning and he chuckles... "Well i needed to pick up something..." He whispered and put me down on my feet and i look at him confused... 

He smiles and kisses me before he takes my hand and slides off the little rope ring i was still wearing and i look even more confused... That is until he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a little black box... "Chris..." I whisper and he smirks... "I couldn't leave here and go back home without a proper ring around you finger angel..." He says and i blush as he opens the little box.

" He says and i blush as he opens the little box

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"Oh sappy..." I whisper looking at the beautiful ring tears springing in my eyes... "A beautiful ring for my beautiful fiancé..." He whispers and a tear runs down my cheek... "Sappy it is beautiful..." I whisper... "You really like it?" He asks a little unsure and i nod... "I love it..." I whisper and Chris takes the ring out the box throwing the box over his shoulder making me giggle... He then takes my hand and slowly pushes the ring around my finger before kissing me passionately... 

"I love you future Mrs. Evans..." He whispers and i smile... "Love you to Mr. Evans..." I whisper back and he smiles... "Can't wait to see you walk down the aisle... I already know you are going to be the most beautiful bride ever..." He says and i chuckle... "And here i was thinking we would just elope..." I say and he looks at me stunned... "Is that what you want angel?"  He asks and i shake my head... "I dont think your family will be happy if we do that..." I say smirking before my face turns serious... "But i dont want a big over the top wedding... I mean i dont even know if my parents will want to come... You know how much they despise my life choices..." I say letting out a sigh and Chris wraps his arms around me pulling me close... 

"Okay no big wedding... And maybe we should invite your parents over to the new house for dinner after we move in..." He says and i nod... "Yeah maybe... But i still dont know if i want them there... I want to enjoy my wedding day without their judgements or passive aggressive remarks..." I whisper and he sighs again... 

"Okay angel... We will see and if they are not supportive or able to act happy, we will not invite them... I want you to have the day you want..." He says and i smile... "As long as you will be there i will be happy..." I murmur and he smiles before attaching my lips with his again... I raise my hand and look at the ring... "I really love the ring..." I whisper and he smiles blushing a little... "I know it is not big... But i didn't think a big ring was really you..." He whispers and i nod... "You thought right... But it is perfect... Just like you..." I say and he turns bright red and i pull him in on his shirt kissing him again... "Now let's make the most of the little time we have got here... Take me upstairs future husband..." I whisper and he grins lifting me up throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal and giggle as he slapped my ass walking upstairs... "As you wish future wife..." He growls...

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