Chapter 88

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I am watching Chris and Jack run around the living room... I had just gotten ready... Like the lawyer had said everything went extremely quick and we made sure everything was on the up and up this time... Today at 4 we were due to be in court... Today was the day Jack was becoming officially our son... 

Jack had been calling us mom and dad now and every time he said it a warm feeling spread through my body and i couldn't help but have the biggest smile on my face... It was like us adopting him had him let down all his guards and he had been doing so well... He was this happy and chatty 8-year-old who loves to play and run around with Chris and who loved to cuddle... He would often giggle at the silly things his dad does in real life and in the movies i was showing him... You could see the change in him... He looked so much more relaxed it was like it finally really had set in that he was home and that he didn't need to worry anymore about things no 8-year-old should have to worry about anymore... 

I smile as Chris throws him in the air and carries him around Jack pretending to be a plane... "Boys! settle down... It is almost time to go... Are you both ready..." I say and the look up at me and smile... Chris puts Jack down and smirks at me... "Okay we have to listen to mom... Let's go wash up..." He says and i smile watching them walk off... About 5 minutes later they appear and i smile as they are both giggling... I chuckle as Jack is wearing his captain America hoodie, he had gotten from Chris yesterday... He loved it... 

After gathering our things, we get in the car and make our way to the courthouse... We wait our turn. Jack is sitting in Chris his lap... I can see he is a little anxious, but Chris is distracting him by playing a game with him... We get called in and i start to smile as we see a familiar judge... She looks at us a wave of recognition washes over her and the bailiff asks us to step forward... 

"Mr. and Mrs. Evans... I didn't expect to see you again so soon..." She says smiling and we both smile back at her... "And who are you?" She asks Jack who is sitting in my lap after he crawled out of Chris's and into mine. Jack looks at her a little shy... "Jack..." He whispers and she chuckles... "And what brings you here today Jack...?" She asks him and he looks up at me and i smile and nod... "It is okay sweetheart... You can tell her..." I say planting a kiss on his forehead and he smiles and turns at her... "To make Ava and Chris my mommy and daddy..." He says and the judge smiles... All of a sudden there is some commotion, and the judge looks up while we turn around... 

"Sorry... Sorry we are late... Sorry judge... Ma'am... You're highness... What do we call a judge...?" Scott says looking at Ryan who just shrugs his shoulders... "Anyway... We missed them getting married... We are not going to miss this..." Scott says and i smile as the whole Evans clan walks in... The judge chuckles shaking her head an amused smile on her face... "Well sit down quickly so we can proceed..." She says and everyone sits down... "I am guessing you are not only getting a mommy and daddy today... But a whole family..." The judge says and Jack nods cuddling into me a little shy because of all the attention focused on him... "Okay i read through all the statements and paperwork and i dont see a reason to not approve this... So..." She says and we hold our breath...

"Sweetheart let's make this short and sweet..." She says looking at Jack with a big smile before signing the papers and handing him over to the bailiff and he puts them on the table in front of us... He hands us a pen and we look at Jack and smile... Chris signs handing me the paper and i sign to... We look at the judge and she smiles at all of us... "Now listen to me Jack... I made you mommy and daddy husband and wife... And i am so happy i know can declare you a family... I wish you all the love and happiness in the future..." She says and slams the gavel on the bench... And the whole Evans clan whoops and cheers... "Now go celebrate..." She says laughing at the chaos and we stand up thanking her so much before we both hug Jack... We look over to the family who are all smiles... 

We walk out of the courtroom and even staff of the courthouse is smiling at us, and Jack is loving it all although he is a little shy... "Okay everyone let's go eat... I made a reservation at our favorite Italian..." He says smiling and everyone cheers again. I look at him surprised... "You knew they were coming?" I ask and he nods... "I hope that's okay..." He whispers and i put Jack down and pull him in for a breath-taking kiss... "Moooom... Daaaaad... People are looking..." Jack says pulling on my dress and we both start to laugh into the kiss... We look at him and Chris smirks... 

"Sorry bud... Let's go eat..." Chris says lifting him up and he nods... "We are going to a restaurant?" He asks all excited and Chris nods... "I have never been..." He whispers and i smile... "You are going to love it sweetheart..." I say and we make our way to the car followed by the family who are as chaotic as ever... Jack wriggles out of Chris his arms and he walks with the other kids running around us just being a kid... Stella and Jack come running up to us as we reach the car and they both smile at us...

"Can Stella drive with us?" Jack asks and we both nod and Chris goes to get her car seat out of Ryan's car, and he put it in ours... I smile as we drive to the restaurant... Stella and Jack singing along with the Disney songs Chris had put on... I smile as Chris grabs my hand and kisses the back of it... "Are you happy Mrs. Evans?" He asks and i smile at him even more... "I am... I love you so much Mr. Evans..." I say and he blushes and kisses the back of my hand again... "I love you to angel..." He says... "They do that a lot..." We hear Jack whisper to Stella and Chris and i both smirk as Jack and Stella giggle...

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