Chapter 44

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I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths pulling myself together... "Breathe... Be professional..." I mumble to myself just as Alex walks in... "Are you okay?" He asks and i open my eyes and smile... "Yes... Yes i am..." I say smirking and he nods... 

I check my cameras and smile... "Go stand over there..." I say to Alex, and he looks at me confused but does as i say and i chuckle as he feels a bit awkward taking pictures, but he quickly relaxes his aspiring actor side coming up... "If you want i can give them to you for your portfolio... You said you wanted to be an actor, right?" I ask looking at him and he nods blushing... "You would do that?" He asks blushing and with disbelief in his voice and i chuckle... "Of course, you have been of such great help it is the least what i can do... I'll tell you what... Go to the makeup and wardrobe ladies and tell them i sent you and when i have time between Mackie and Seb i take some of you..." I say smiling and Alex's face lights up and he walks over to my pulling me into a hug... "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." He says running off and i chuckle...  

He almost runs into Mackie who looks confused and i smile... "Well hello Sam..." I say smirking and he grins... "You can stop after this no need to photograph the others they are not that important to the movie..." He says smirking and i laugh... "I heard that!" Chris said appearing and i laugh even harder... "Do you need help?" Chris asks and i shake my head... "Not right now..." I say and Chris sits down in one of the chairs at the side... Lucy from makeup walks in to assist if there need to be touch ups... "Can you go get someone from wardrobe to assist to...?" I ask Chris and he nods and stands up walking out... "Not Karen!" I yell after him and Lucy and Mackie laugh...

"Okay Mackie... Be Sam..." I say smiling and i get to work taking photos... Chris walks in with someone from wardrobe and he sits down in the chair again and i chuckle and shake my head as he watches me work... "Shouldn't you get ready...?" I ask still taking photos ordering Mackie around in the meantime. "No not yet... I got time..." He answers and Mackie chuckles... "Feel threatened Evans...? He thinks i am going to steal his girl..." He says to Lucy as she touches up his makeup... "Not a chance Mackie..." He growls and i just chuckle at their interaction... "You know i could if i wanted to..." He says winking at me and i can hear Chris growl... I just shake my head grinning. 

"Okay boys focus... We are still working even if we are at home..." I say and they shut up... As i am still taking pictures the door opens and Seb walks in... He sits with Chris and i smile Seb is always the quietest of the 3... He is almost a little shy... That was until he felt comfortable around you and then he would be the funniest guy you have ever met... 

"Okay we are done Mackie..." I say and he grins walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder... "Just admit it... Your photos have never looked this good..." He says and i look up at him and grin... "I have some pictures that i think look better... But unfortunately for you and the rest of the world... They are for my eyes only..." I say smirking and he looks at me stunned... 

"You nasty..." He says shaking his head walking off and i laugh... "Go take a break and be ready for when the group shots are up..." I say before turning to Seb... "You're up..." I say and Seb stands up taking his place... I take a few shots, but it looks to sweet... "Come on Seb... Tap into your dark side..." I say and he chuckles blushing a little... "More winter soldier... Less Sebastian..." I say and he smiles takes a breath and i can see his demeanor changed in front of my eyes and i love it... 

When i am done with Seb i take some pictures of Alex and i smile as he gets some tips from the guys... We all like Alex... I know the guys like him more than their own assistants... Alex takes all the tips in like an eager puppy and i smile and keep taking pictures asking him what he wants and just as we are about done Scarlet walks in... She greets the guys and i know i have to send them out... They will be worse if they have nothing to do and will disrupt the whole shoot with their shenanigans... 

"Okay boys you can all leave..." I say and they protest... "No... Leave... Chris has to get ready and i will call you when you can come in..." I say and Scarlet smirks waving at them as they walk out pouting as little kids... 

Scarlet and i hug... "So bossy..." She says and i chuckle... "Well, you have to be when they are together... I swear sometimes i feel like i am running a daycare..." I say and Scarlet laughs... "Yeah but they can also be real sweethearts..." She says and i nod... "Yep when they are asleep..." I say grinning and she chuckles... 

She takes her place, and she is a pleasure to have in front of your camera... She is used to this, so it doesn't take long before i have everything i need... I call for a break and i go into the house to have something to eat and drink and i smile when Chris walks in... He is no longer Chris but Steve and i blush as he winks at me... 

After i have eaten something i summon them all back to my temporary studio and it is like wrangling puppy's I have enough funny ones but i need a few serious ones Marvel had asked for... I lower my camera and let them fool around a little bit waiting for them to notice that i had stopped...

"Okay now serious please..." I say when they finally notice and the get back into character and about 30 minutes later i have everything i need... "Okay that's it... Now everyone but Chris can leave... You to..." I say to the girls from wardrobe and makeup, and they look at me confused... "I can manage from here on... Everyone can go home..." I say and the hesitate for a second but walk out... Scarlet hugs me goodbye as she has to go to catch her plane and Mackie and Seb walk out giggling "Dont be too loud! It echos in here..." Seb yells before leaving Chris and i alone...

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