Shopping With McGonagall

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The next day Y/N was finishing up his work in the library before lunch started, he heard Harry talking to a Ravenclaw girl named Cho, who was talking to him about quidditch. Y/N was quiet, calm, he checked his watch when he saw it was nearly lunch, immediately he stood up and started walking towards the door after placing the books he had taken back on their shelves.

As he walked through the corridors of the castle, people looked at him, some with suspicion, some with clear disdain for him, some with reverence to him, though he didn't care about any of that, after all he wasn't walking through the corridors to find out what the public opinion of him was.

He walked to the transfiguration classroom and knocked on the door, waiting for a few moments before putting his ear to it to see if he could hear McGonagall teaching a lesson, when he heard silence, Y/N pushed the door open gently and walked in to see Professor McGonagall step out of her stock cupboard.

"Ah, Mr L/N, how have you been since we last spoke.

"I've been well ma'am, thank you for asking. How've things been going with you?"

"Well, Mr L/N, they've been going well. I'll be with you in a moment, please take a seat." McGonagall said as Y/N took his usual seat in the corner of the class at the back. He was calm as he looked around.

As he sat there, McGonagall continued to clear away the equipment used for class when Y/N stood up and saw she was carrying a pile of books she had handed out to those who clearly didn't have them.

"Here, I'll get them." Y/N said calmly as he picked up the books and carried them into the stock cupboard.

"Thank you."

"It was nothing ma'am." Y/N said as he continued to help McGonagall with clearing everything away until eventually they were finished.

"That would be it. Now then, shall we go to Hogsmeade?" McGonagall said as Y/N courteously nodded to her and held the door open for her.

As they both walked through the corridors, Y/N passed Greengrass who was talking to a Slytherin girl with short dark hair and wore squared glasses.

"Daph, behind you." The girl said as Greengrass turned to look at Y/N.

"L/N." She said in her usual cold manor as Y/N nodded to them both.

"Ladies." Y/N said calmly as he continued walking with McGonagall.

As they walked along the road to Hogsmeade, Y/N was quiet.

"I see you've a few fans in Slytherin." McGonagall said as Y/N scoffed.

"I wouldn't count them as fans Professor McGonagall, Just people who know me better than most, or people who don't take the news at face value." Y/N said as he looked out at the Black Lake.

"How are your parents and siblings nowadays?"

"Last I heard they were in Poland on a long term business trip." Y/N said as he continued walking.

"I see. Do you mind me asking where it is you've been living if not with your parents?"

"... I certainly don't mind you asking Ma'am, as long as you don't mind me not telling." Y/N said as Professor McGonagall nodded. "Trust me miss, there's things about me you're better off not knowing."

"Very well, Mr L/N. However I must ask why the ministry are delivering your uniform and you're not buying them yourself?"

"Let's just say that I'm not exactly made of money because of some... issues, the ministry in their infinite generosity decided to pick up the bill." Y/N said sarcastically.

"I should think you would be a wee bit more grateful to them for that." McGonagall scolded as Y/N continued walking.

"If someone robbed you of all you were worth down to your inheritance, would you thank them for then buying you a drink?" Y/N asked as he looked to the professor who looked back and saw that she had clearly touched on a sore subject. 

They continued to walk until eventually they arrived at Hogsmeade with Y/N looking around at all of the residents who mostly looked at him with suspicion.

Y/N sighed before walking through the small town and heading to the nearby Galdrags clothes shop he walked in and looked around, seeing mannequins moving on their own with school uniforms on them.

"Good afternoon Professor, and who- Merlins beard... your Y/N L/N!" The man said as Y/N's hand neared his wand.

"Sometimes." Y/N said calmly as the man looked at him.

"Dippy, dippy, come out!" The man said as a house elf appeared. "Dippy, look who it is!"

"Master L/N, an honour to make your acquaintance sir-"

"Just Y/N will do thank you Dippy."

"Please, Y/N, whatever it is you came for, on the house, a token of gratitude." The shop keeper said as Y/N looked taken aback.

"I'm in need of my uniforms, the ones the ministry purchased have yet to arrive. I'll need 5 uniforms, I'll pay for them all." Y/N said as he looked at the man.

"All on the house, please, sir, others may not believe you're pure of heart, but I did the instant Dippy told me about you. The he-"

"Please, don't call me that mister, I'm not a hero, tell you what, meet you halfway, I'll take one free and pay for four, that suit you?" Y/N asked as the man looked to Minerva who watched with intrigue before nodding.

"Very well Mr L/N, if you insist on paying. However I'll make note, you and your friends get a special discount, given you vouch for people claiming to be your friend of course." The man said. "Before you protest, consider this a thank you for all of your deeds, not just the one's you're known widely for."

"Fine." Y/N said as he smiled at the man. "You drive a hard bargain."

"Once again, thank you sir." The man said as Dippy ran up and hugged Y/N's leg.

"Dippy appreciates Y/N's heroisms sir." The house elf said before stepping back.

Y/N and McGonagall left the shop, with Y/N carrying the bags with his uniforms.

"What was going on back there?" McGonagall asked as Y/N looked at her.

"I'd rather not talk about it Professor." Y/N said as he started walking.

"One would think you had killed You-Know-Who."

"His name's Voldemort Professor, saying it won't turn you to stone, and besides, Potter did that for me. Excuse me, I need to pack this away." Y/N said before walking away, with the Professor looking shocked, she loosely followed him, she determined she would consult Albus on the matter when they returned to Hogwarts...

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