Welcome From The Grangers...

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Y/N followed Hermione inside and to the living room to see Mr and Mrs Granger were both watching the TV.

"Mum, Dad, I'd like you to meet Y/N L/N, he's my friend from school." Hermione said as they both looked to him, with them both looking to his scars and his rough look.

"Good evening Sir, Ma'am." Y/N said as he kissed the back of Mrs Grangers hand before shaking hands with Mr Granger. The Granger Parents looked at one another and then to Hermione who had a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Welcome Mr L/N. I hope you had a safe journey, we were beginning to think you were lost."

"I just decided to walk here, buses looked like a nightmare and taxi, well they charge an arm and a leg I've heard." Y/N said as he smiled at the,

"Well, there's a room set up for you next to Hermione's, we just want to get a few ground rules established first. While you're here, you're in bed by 10:45, no later. Don't go causing trouble, I know its not my place, but I can tell you didn't get those scars falling over in church. And finally is most important, no funny business between you and our baby girl. Understand?"

"Dad?!" Hermione said with embarrassment as she blushed from the mention of her and Y/N getting up to "Funny business".

"Hermione the rules are the same for you as well remember."

"I understand sir." Y/N said as Mr Granger nodded.

"Good. I'm Thomas by the way, Thomas Granger." Mr Granger said as Y/N nodded, Mrs Granger was next to speak up.

"And I'm Emma, Emma Granger."

"Pleasure to meet you both." Y/N said politely as Hermione watched, hoping her parents wouldn't embarrass her or take a disliking to Y/N.

"So Y/N, tell us about yourself." Emma said as Y/N smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"There's not much to tell really Ma'am. I work as a farmer up north over most of the holidays, it doesn't pay much, just enough to help me get by. I work there because my parents... well let's just say despite my lineage, I don't see eye to eye with my parents and siblings on a few things, so I signed on to work at the farm, keeps me out of the house and the arguments to a minimum. A year or so before I joined the farm, I was a sailor, we'd ship supplies all over the world. Other than that, there's not much worth me burdening you with." Y/N said as he looked at Hermione's parents.

"How exactly did you meet our Hermione?" Thomas asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"It was on the train to Hogwarts sir. I was trying to catch some sleep, it's a nine hour journey after all, I was closing the door to my compartment to help keep out some noise when I heard abuse coming from down the hall aimed at someone, at first my thoughts were it's not my problem, I was about to shut the door when I saw Hermione, crying, I don't know what it was that made me decide to help, but I did, I walked over and helped her find a cabin to calm down in, while I... had a rational debate with the people who were picking on her." Y/N said as he thought to himself.

"You weren't going to get involved?"

"No sir. Truth is, the last time I got involved and tried to help someone, it cost me dearly, I'm still paying for it now. Your version of right is another mans wrong." Y/N said as he looked at Granger. "At the end of the day it's all down to perspective."

"Mum, Dad, perhaps I should show Y/N to the room he'll be sleeping in?" Hermione spoke up as the Grangers looked between the two teenagers before nodding.

Y/N walked up the stairs just behind Hermione.

"Sorry about mum and dad. They're just a bit protective." Hermione said as Y/N smiled.

"I understand, believe me, I know what it's like, having someone you care for that much, it's not easy." Y/N said as he followed Hermione up the stairs, trying not to look at her arse in her jeans.

"Who was it that you cared about like that?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"I... forget I mentioned it." Y/N said as he sighed. Hermione could see that it was clearly a sore topic of discussion, immediately she dropped the subject. "What book were you reading when I arrived, you looked pretty invested."

"One of the new text books for this year. Year with the Yeti by Gilderoy Lockhart." Hermione said as Y/N immediately lost interest in the book.

"Oh." Y/N said as they arrived at the room next to Hermione's.

"He talks about how he headbutted a yeti." Hermione said as Y/N scoffed.

"I could headbutt a yeti you know, Yeti's not that much of a step from a mountain troll." Y/N said as Hermione opened the door to Y/N's temporary room.

"You didn't headbutt that troll Y/N." Hermione said with a smirk.

"I scared Fluffy into submission when we first found him didn't I, surely that's better, I didn't even need to fight Fluffy." Y/N said as Hermione smiled.

"Well, this is your room. I'll let you get settled in, I think it'll be nice having you around Y/N." Hermione said as Y/N gave a slight smile, failing to notice her blush, Hermione left, heading off to her own room. Y/N closed the door over and looked around.

"Yeah, I could headbutt a Yeti, Lockhart's not that impressive." Y/N remarked as he looked out at the street before moving over to a small bookshelf and inspecting it, finding a small diary on the shelf, he looked at it and saw Hermione's initials on it, he looked at the diary for a few seconds before putting it back on the shelf, resisting the urge to peek inside the diary.

As Y/N thought to himself he lay back on the bed and closed his eyes, falling asleep...

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