Wits End...

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As Y/N approached the entrance to the ministry building, it opened and several men on Thestralback go stampeding past.

"Mr. L/N, ride with us! We've been betrayed!" Denise said as she approached him.

"What's happened?" Y/N asked.

"There is no time! Ride with us! Then we'll find the men you seek. Come!" Denise said as Y/N looked at her in shock.

"What's the hurry, Denise? Where we goin'?" Y/N asked.

"The rebels have taken control of an abandoned fort on the other side of the province. Many men. A place called Misericordias fantasma. We cannot allow them to establish a stronghold. The Ministro has given me urgent orders." Denise stated.

"Which are?" Y/N asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.

"To kill them all."

"I shoulda guessed." Y/N said to himself.

"Leave your horse here. You will ride with me." Denise said as a carriage arrived with Aurors, she climbed into the drivers seat and Y/N climbed up into the passengers seat. "Captain Castillo already has men there. We must get to him before he tries anything stupid."

They rode with a convoy of carriages all carrying at least 20 Aurors each.

"Stay alert. Something doesn't feel right." Denise said as Y/N drew his wand and held it at the ready. They continued onwards until the carriage in front of them was hit by a Bombarda spell.

"It's an ambush! Cover us! We need to get to the camp! Now let's see what mess that idiot Castillo has made!" Denise ordered as Y/N fought off the rebels. until they arrived at the camp below the fortress.

"Was he that deranged captain at Mareas extrañas? Is he leadin' this attack?" Y/N asked gesturing to the Captain.

"Leading? Castillo does not lead anything!" Denise said as Y/N looked at her.

"I thought you were the same rank?" Y/N questioned.

"He is an angry dog we let out to run sometimes. That is all. I'm in charge here. Follow me, we will leave the wagon here." Denise ordered as Y/N 

"Y donde carajo esta los otros que necesitamos? Nos van a masacrar con estos pocos. (And where the fuck are the others we need? We will slaughter these few.)" Castillo yelled to Denise.

"Rebeldes, que tú y tus hombres se deberian haber encargado nos atacaron. Y ten cuidado con ese tono de voz. (Rebels, you and your men should be in charge attacked us. And be careful with that tone of voice.) L/N, come on! Ignore this stupid ape!" Denise ordered as Castillo looked at him.

"Shut your mouth, office boy! Ingles, we have men's work to do. Vamos! Siganme al bloqueo! (Come on! Follow me to blockade!)" Castillo snapped at Denise before tuning to Y/N.

Y/N followed Castillo up a hill, moving from cover to cover as he killed rebel after rebel, with Y/N practically leading the charge, fuelled by a drive to finally get Callahan and Ryan, or at least a crumb of information on them. He showed no quarter to the rebels as they tried to attack him, with Y/N easily fighting his way through them, carving a path towards the fort and leaving a trail of rebel bodies in his wake. He eventually reached the fort and climbed over the walls, killing another 25 rebels, before he opened the door of the fort for the Aurors.

"You must be the pendejos I've been hearing about!" Y/N called out as he kicked down the door to a room and saw rebels pointing their wands at him he immediately killed them all without hesitating on using the Killing curse.

As the Aurors rounded up and executed any remaining rebels Castillo called out in joy.

"La victoria es nuestra, soldados! Ustedes son todos héroes! (Victory is ours, soldiers! You are all heroes!)" Castillo celebrated.

"Tengo hambre. Lo que sea, mujer. Amigo! Amigo! Que pasa? (I'm hungry. Whatever, woman. Friend! Friend! What's happening?) A killer like you, deserves fine women and wine. The best pleasures Earth can give a man." Denise said as he saw Y/N looking angered, the question did nothing to settle Y/N's temper.

"I need some information, Denise." Y/N said bluntly as he looked down at her.

"All in good time. My men and I will finish our business here and we can talk back at the Ministerio." Denise said, trying to come across as charming.

"The next time I see you, I need some answers, Captain.Y/N said sternly as he threateningly poked Denise in the chest, his face said it all, Denise could tell simply by his face that he was saying 'Do it, or else'. She nervously laughed.

"Go get drunk! Go get a woman! Enjoy life! It is a beautiful struggle!" Denise said as Y/N shook his head and walked away, heading back to Hogar de los ángeles...

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