Heading Home...

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The next morning, Y/N found himself in his large bed, he looked down to see the top of Hermione's head resting on his head as he leaned in and kissed Hermione before Ginny woke up and saw him.

"Morning." She whispered as Y/N smiled.

"Morning." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I've seen all of you." Y/N said as Ginny smirked.

"You've been seeing all of me a lot more recently." Ginny said as she chuckled.

"It's Ron's 19th soon isn't it?" Y/N asked as Ginny nodded. "Kill me."

"I wish you two would learn to get on." Ginny said as Y/N nodded.

"We did until he started being a prat." Y/N said as Ginny held his face.

"I know. I'm not blaming you Y/N. I just wish you two could fix things." Ginny said as Narcissa woke up and kissed Y/N.

As Y/N and the girls all got out of bed they all changed into their usual clothes. Narcissa looked at Y/N as he kissed Hermione, Daphne, Ginny, and Astoria.

"The four of you take care." Y/N said as he smiled at them, he looked at them and held them close. "Don't go getting into trouble."

"We won't if you won't." Hermione said with a smile as she looked at him.

"Fair enough." Y/N said as he leaned in and kissed her. "I'll try and see you at the world cup."

Y/N looked to Narcissa she nodded gently.

As Hermione, Daphne, Ginny, and Astoria left with the house elves, Y/N looked to Narcissa.

"So, what happens now?"

"You're going to be coming with me... to Malfoy Manor. We'll spend three days there and then we'll be going to the world cup." Narcissa explained.

"Wait, you want me to live under the same roof as Lucius... there are easier ways to get a quick divorce you know." Y/N said as he looked at her. "You make me live in the same house as Lucius, he'll be dead by the next day."

"Y/N, I need you to remain calm, if you kill Lucius your servitude to the house will be rescinded and your sentence immediately transferred to death. I don't want that, Hermione doesn't want that, Daphne doesn't want that, Ginny doesn't want that, Astoria doesn't want that, you don't want that, no one wants that. You need to show restraint."

"Narcissa, this man killed my little sister in front of me!" Y/N snapped as Narcissa looked at him.

"I know... but you have to show restraint, no matter what he does, you have to resist the urge."

"If someone killed Bellatrix, or Draco, or Andromeda, would you be able to resist the urge?" Y/N asked as Narcissa paused.

"No, but I'm hoping you're better than me at controlling your emotions, because it won't just be you that's effected by killing Lucius, I'll be punished, along with Bellatrix and all of your friends. If they treat you, a boy who was once pureblood royalty like this... what do you think they're going to do to Hermione?" She said as she looked at him, he looked at her.

"So I can't kill him..." Y/N said. "The one fucking chance I get to kill him, the man who murdered my little sister, and I can't kill him or else I'll lose everyone I care about. Fucking fantastic!"

Y/N in his anger kicked the bedside dresser.

"FUCK!" Y/N yelled as Narcissa looked at him. "Remiella give me strength." 

"Fine, I'll... I'll do my best to not kill him." Y/N said as Narcissa sighed.

"Y/N... promise me!" Narcissa said firmly as Y/N gripped the back of a chair tightly.

"It's like I'm being taunted..." Y/N said as he nearly snapped the chair with his grip. "Is just some closure too much to ask?"

He closed his eyes and focused on what Narcissa had said before, he knew he needed to keep his emotions under control, or else Hermione and the rest of his friends would suffer. He nodded to himself and took a deep breath before looking to Narcissa.

"I... I prom... I feel sick... I... fucking hell... I promise not to kill Lucius for now." Y/N said as Narcissa nodded.

"Very well." Narcissa said calmly as she looked at him. Y/N sighed before thinking to himself and taking a moment to compose himself.

"Let's go." Y/N said as Narcissa held her arm out while she was holding a case with her belongings in it, Y/N held on to a bag with his belongings before taking Narcissa's hand, the pair of them apparating away from the island and to Malfoy Manor...

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