Tom Riddle...

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"I should have been extra careful and actually plucked the hair from her." Hermione said as Y/N shook his head. Harry and Ron had left but Y/N was staying to talk to Hermione a while longer, hoping to run a few theories past her, she was the brains of the group after all.

"You're never going to let yourself live this one down are you?" Y/N said as Hermione smiled at him and laughed.

"Probably not, no." Hermione said as Y/N let out a chuckle. "So, any progress on this monster?"

"Well I've been looking into monsters that can petrify but nothing fits the bill, even in the bestiary, nothing fits our bill." Y/N explained as Hermione nodded.

"If we had some other clue, we'd be able to narrow our margin down." Hermione said as Y/N nodded. "I'll be out of here by tomorrow, try not to get into any trouble while I'm in here would you, I don't want to have to visit you in hospital on the same day that I get out."

"I'll try, no promises though." Y/N laughed as he stood up. "Take care alright, don't go chasing any mice or laser pens."

Hermione grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.

"Oh, great, now Gaskill's going to be harassing me thinking I have another cat thanks to the fur on that thing." Y/N joked as he got up and left. "Later Hermione."

She let out an involuntary purr causing a smile on Y/N's face while she managed to glare at him even in cat form.

That night, Y/N returned to the common room to see Harry looking at a book intently, like he was thinking about something, at the same time he looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"Something on your mind dear?" Y/N asked jokingly as he sat down and looked at Harry.

"This book-"

"Where did you find that?" Y/N asked as he snatched the book from Harry.

"In Myrtles bathroom, why?"

"This belongs to Ginny, she said she didn't like it and wanted to get rid of it." Y/N said as he looked at Harry.

"Y/N, the diary showed me the last time the chamber was opened, 50 years ago, it was Hagrid." Harry said as Y/N looked at him like he had just insulted Y/N's sister.

"You what?"

"The diary, it showed me a memory and revealed it was Hagrid." Harry said as Y/N shook his head.

"Go get some sleep Potter. you need it clearly." Y/N said as he looked at the book and took it up to the dorm, tossing it into his trunk.

The next morning when Hermione was let out of hospital the quartet were discussing what Harry was 'shown' by the Diary.

"It was Hagrid who opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago." Harry said as Y/N shook his head at Harry's naivety.

"Harry, don't you think it's a bit odd that this Tom Riddle person managed to persuade people that it was Hagrid 50 years ago, this would have also been known to Dumbledore, so, why would Dumbledore hire him as a member of staff if he opened the chamber last time. Also, you're telling me that the chamber opens, a girl dies and this Tom Riddle person just happens to 'know' it's Hagrid. If it was Hagrid as Riddle is claiming it was last time, then why hasn't he already been found out?" Y/N pointed out as Ron and Hermione agreed.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." Ron said as Harry and even Y/N looked at him like an idiot.

"The monster had killed somebody Ron. What would any of us have done." Harry stated.

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