Wednesday's Worktime Woes

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"I should go, I told Wednesday I'd help her prepare for the final task... you wanna come?" Enid asked as Y/N thought for a moment...

Y/N looked up at Enid before nodding.

"Sure, why not? Besides, I'm working on something that needs researching anyway." Y/N said as he followed Enid to the Library, finding Wednesday sitting at a desk, reading a book.

" Y/N said as he followed Enid to the Library, finding Wednesday sitting at a desk, reading a book

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"You're late." Addams said as she looked up.

"Yeah, sorry, some boys tried picking a fight with me." Enid said as Wednesday looked at Y/N.

"Let me guess, you were here knight in shining armour?" Wednesday said sarcastically.

"No... the armours rusty." Y/N said as he looked Addams in the eyes. "Final task is something on land, and it's going to mess with our minds."

Addams looked at him, with a look that distantly resembled... Impressed.

"Your reasoning?" She asked coldly as Y/N saw the subtle challenge placed before him.

"You knew already didn't you, hence why you're reading a book about Pilgrims." Y/N said as Wednesday smiled.

"That's not how you figured it out."

"I'll tell you in a minute, I need to go and ask for a little help with books." Y/N said as he left, heading to Madam Pince's desk.

"Y/N, how are you feeling since the second task?" Pince asked as Y/N smiled.

"Well, I'm not dead, that's something I suppose." Y/N said as Pince nodded. "Madam Pince, I need all the books you have on marriage contracts and soul bonds."

"What? I know you're a ladies man Y/N but marriage already?"

"I'm not trying to draw one up, I'm trying to dissolve one that was made without consent from both parties." Y/N said as Pince looked at him for a moment, she swished her wand once and a selection of books flew to her desk. "Where are you planning on sitting?"

"With Miss Addams and Miss Sinclair." Y/N said as Pince smirked. "It's not like that."

"I don't care what it is or isn't like, as long as you aren't using the library inappropriately..." Pince said with a glare as Y/N smiled at her calmly.

"Of course not." Y/N said as he levitated the stacks of books over to where he was sitting with Wednesday and Enid.

"Well?" Wednesday said and Y/N smirked, having to admire her tenacity.

"The first task had to do with dragons, creatures known for fire and flying in the air. The second task tested our abilities to solve a puzzle, and it involved us taking a dip in the black lake, water. Therefore the final task must have something to do with land and it will include something that will make us have to figure out not just a puzzle, but if we can trust our own answers to said puzzle. It's a natural progression on the mental side and the three terrains."

Wednesday looked genuinely impressed.

"Maybe this final task might actually be a fun challenge." Wednesday said as Y/N shook his head.

"It won't, believe me, you don't want to win this one." Y/N said as Wednesday raised her brow. "Let's just say me and Harry are most likely going to win it, and the likelihood of either me or him returning from the task ahead... well it's not very high."

Y/N began reading and Wednesday looked at his book.

"If you don't plan on returning, why are you researching marriages?"

"Because I want to help two friends of mine out of a marriage contract that they didn't ask for and don't want." Y/N said as he looked at his book. "Why are you reading about a pilgrim?"

"I try not to talk about my cases with strangers." Wednesday said as Y/N chuckled.

"You know my name, I know yours, doesn't exactly make us strangers." Y/N said as he looked at her, she glared at him for a moment.

"Miss Addams, if the glare is intended to scare me, don't bother

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"Miss Addams, if the glare is intended to scare me, don't bother. I don't scare easily." Y/N said as he calmly looked her in her raven black eyes.

"Clearly, but you also don't fight well judging from your face." Wednesday said callously as Y/N chuckled.

"Good one." Y/N said as he maintained eye contact. "If you were the least bit intimidating I'd take it as a threat."

"You don't think I'm intimidating?" Wednesday asked with one brow raised.

"No, you're not."

"Because I'm a girl?" Wednesday asked, crossing her arms.

"No, you could be a boy and I still wouldn't be intimidated." Y/N said calmly. "I of all people know women are just as dangerous as men, it's unfortunate for you that I've killed a lot more intimidating things and people." 

Wednesday looked at the boy, suddenly she was interested, finding herself wondering to what he was referring to, trying to figure out where his scars came from, how he wasn't terrified by her glare like most people.

Y/N turned to his book and continued reading, looking for anything he could use to dissolve the contract.

As he was reading he could feel Wednesday stare at him from time to time, her raven black eyes burrowing into him from across the table as she looked at him.

A few hours later, Y/N had read through each and every single book provided by Madam Pince.

He returned the books and gathered his belongings.

"I'd best be off. Work to do. Addams, Sinclair." Y/N said as he nodded to them both, winking at Enid who blushed slightly while he smirked at Wednesday who maintained a glare aimed at him as he left the Library.

Y/N was heading up to his quarters, his mind wandering to the growing possibility of losing Ginny. He was walking up the great staircase when the Patil twins passed, smiling at him.

"Hey Y/N." The Patil Twins said in unison.

"H-hey." Y/N said, sounding distracted, something the twins noticed and looked concerned about as they watched the boy who usually returned the greeting with some enthusiasm pass them looking dejected.

They both nodded to each other and resolved to ask Hermione or one of Y/N's other girlfriends about it at the feast tonight...

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