The Paint Sized Slasher

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As Y/N arrived at the carts he saw Hermione, Ron, and Daphne all dismounting the cart, they looked like they'd had the time of their lives. He walked up to them and smiled as they all said hello to him.

They all talked about the trip while Y/N was keeping tight lipped about his conversation with Lupin, he was walking with the Gryffindor Harry, Hermione, and Ron, along with the other Gryffindors back to their tower, Daphne was with them with the intent of heading down to the Slytherin Dorms in the Dungeons afterwards.

"You all enjoyed it then?" Y/N asked as Hermione nodded as they walked with the Gryffindors listening to them run through what they got up to in Hogsmeade.

"Honeyduke's sweet shop is brilliant. But nothing beats Zonko's joke shop. We wanted to go to the shrieking shack but we reckoned that it would be best if we had the sheriff with us when we went." Ron said.

When they arrived at the Gryffindor tower there was a crowd gathering.

"Excuse me! I'm prefect!" Percy said as Y/N groaned before making his way to the front of the crowd to see the picture of the fat lady was cut up and she herself was missing. Percy tried to push Y/N back into the crowd only to receive a glare from Y/N who moved closer to the painting.

"Percy, go and get Professor Dumbledore." Y/N said calmly as he inspected the painting.

"Excuse me, you can't tell me what-"

Y/N drew his wand and pointed it at Percy. 

"Do it now unless you want me to show you why your precious minister Fudge hates my guts." Y/N said coldly Percy went white as a sheet before rushing off to find Dumbledore.

"Y/N, what is it?" Hermione asked, unable to see what was causing the fuss.

"Stay back, everyone make way for when the teachers arrive!" Y/N said as he analysed the cuts on the painting. "Knife, my guess is some sort of kitchen knife. Can't be older than, five minutes, maybe, give or take."

Y/N could hear Dumbledore approaching and he stepped aside to let Dumbledore through, he was looking for the Fat Lady.

"Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady."

"Headmaster, there's no need. She's right there." Y/N said as he pointed to a painting, the crowd rushed to where he was pointing, while Y/N and the teachers made their way to the painting in an orderly fashion.

Y/N approached the painting.

"Who did this to you?" Dumbledore said as Y/N began to look around the room for anything that could tell him where Sirius and Bellatrix Black went.

"Eyes like the devil, they've got. And a soul dark as their name. It's them, headmaster. The ones they all talk about. They're here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius and Bellatrix Black!" The Fat Lady panicked as Y/N re-joined the rest of the quartet.

"Mr Filch, secure the castle, tell the staff to search the school for any sign of Black. The rest of you, to the great hall." Y/N commanded "Professor Dumbledore, would you help set up the sleeping arrangements for the great hall?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"Daphne, you go to the the Dungeons, Professor Snape, would you tell the Slytherin students to stay in the dungeons?"

Snape, seemingly seeing that this was Y/N's area of expertise, nodded.

That night the entire Gryffindor house was sleeping on the floor in the great hall with blankets and pillows, with camping mattresses.

Y/N meanwhile was patrolling the school, his hand near his wand.

He was looking around for any leads. Y/N looked around at every shadow hoping to find anything, he looked out of the window and saw the full moon, he heard the sound of a howl.

"Sounds like Remus is having a good night." Y/N remarked to himself as he walked through the corridors, he'd been through the entire school, he walked to the Great Hall and saw everyone sleeping on the floor.

"Anything?" Dumbledore asked as Y/N shook his head.

"Nothing. Like trying to find a fart in a jacuzzi. Sorry sir." Y/N said as Dumbledore smiled.

"Sir, Y/N was here when it happened and Black managed to slip past him. He is charged by minister Fudge with protecting Hogwarts and its occupants and capturing these two scumbags, his failure to do so has put everyone at risk. I would recommend finding someone capable of doing this job." Percy said as Y/N looked at him.

"Someone like you, you mean?" Y/N asked as he looked at Percy.

"Yes. I am at least far more trust worthy than you, and I am more skilled in-"

"Excuse me?!" Y/N asked in shock at the gall of this boy.

"How can we be certain you didn't let your old cell mates into the castle." Percy said as Y/N laughed to himself in disbelief.

"Because you may have forgotten, but I want to kill them just as much as the Dementors do. As for you being qualified for this, you couldn't hit water if you jumped from a ship. In a fight against Sirius and Bellatrix Black, you'd be getting sent back to Molly in a bucket. Keep pushing me and we wouldn't even need Sirius or Bella, I'll do it myself." Y/N said as he got in Percy's face, with Dumbledore separating them both.

"Mr Weasley, I would recommend going to bed." Dumbledore said as Percy went to open his mouth.

"Fuck it." Y/N said before punching Percy hard enough to knock him out. "Problem sorted."

"Y/N..." Dumbledore sighed as Y/N looked at him and shrugged.

"Prick earned it. Would you like me to continue patrolling for the rest of the night, sir?"

"Would you mind just doing a few more sweeps of the school before you go to bed, please, Mr L/N, with Sirius and Bellatrix Black on the loose, I was hoping you wouldn't mind, but I'll be making it known to teachers and students that they should listen to any orders you present them with should this event arise again." Dumbledore said as Y/N nodded.

"Sir. About Harry..."

"I'll discuss it with you tomorrow. Y/N, be careful." Albus said as Y/N looked at Hermione and Ginny sleeping on the floor.

"I'll do a few sweeps and then go to sleep." Y/N said as Dumbledore nodded.

Y/N left to do a few more sweeps of the school, looking for anything out of the ordinary. When he was certain the threat had passed, Y/N returned to the hall and took a sleeping bag between Hermione and Ginny, the two of them reserving it for him, as he lay down, Hermione and Ginny awoke.

"Are you okay?" Hermione said as Y/N nodded.

"Sorry Gin, your brother was being an arse." Y/N said as Ginny looked over at Percy and saw he was unconscious.

"I'm sure you had your reasons." Ginny said as Y/N chuckled. He lay back and looked at the ceiling, he closed his eyes until he felt both girls move closer to him, with Hermione nuzzling her face into his neck. He looked at them both and sighed to himself, putting his arm around Hermione and Ginny to comfort them as he fell asleep, his thoughts taking him to Greengrass Manor...

[If anyone gets the reference in the chapter title, you are officially a legend.]

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