A Spot Of Revenge...

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"On the sixth chime of the bell when the clock hits 1 PM, you will draw and you will both duel, until there is a winner by way of disarmament, surrender, or outright defeat." Dumbledore announced as Y/N and Snape took their places as they stared one another down, with Y/N's wand hovering near his wand as he looked at Snape who had taken his preferred pose, holding his wand at the ready, while Y/N hadn't drawn his wand.

The tension was palpable between the two, and everyone present knew it, Hermione was on the edge of her seat as she looked at the scene. Harry watched Y/N staring down Snape, his hand hovering near his wand.

Y/N locked eyes with Snape, feeling someone trying to read his mind, he simply looked at Snape who was surprised when he couldn't breach Y/N's mental defences

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Y/N locked eyes with Snape, feeling someone trying to read his mind, he simply looked at Snape who was surprised when he couldn't breach Y/N's mental defences. his hand still hovering near his wand while Snape was holding his.

Dumbledore looked at them both, with Y/N remembering the refresher lessons that Victor Drake had taught him while he was in Spain.

Y/N's friends where fidgeting their fingers in anticipation as Y/N stood there. He locked eyes with Snape again and fixed the Potions Master with a look of determination, his fingers slightly twitching, ready to draw his wand, a flicker of concern flashed across Snape's face as he looked at this boy who had the nerve to speak to him about Lily a year earlier, the memory sparked a desire to win within Snape. Y/N meanwhile was looking at the man who had endeavoured to make Harry's life hell, and who had insulted Hermione a year earlier, the very reasons why he had chosen Snape for his opponent, Y/N had decided that a spot of revenge was in order

There was a long silence as the clock chimed...




Four times...

Five times...

As soon as the sixth chime rang out both Y/N and Snape moved, with Snape moving to cast a curse but Y/N had already drawn his wand and cast Locomotor Mortis, followed swiftly by Expelliarmus. Snapes Wand flew from his hand as Y/N looked at him and smirked.

 Snapes Wand flew from his hand as Y/N looked at him and smirked

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"I think I got my eye back." Y/N remarked as he spun his wand on his fingers before holstering it.

" Y/N remarked as he spun his wand on his fingers before holstering it

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"Y/N L/N has won the Hogwarts Duelling Tournament." Dumbledore said as Y/N looked at the girls all smiling at him.

Y/N handed returned Snape's wand and looked at him.

"Better luck next time, you insufferable Know-it-all." Y/N said coldly as Snape looked fit to burst while Y/N walked away, winking to Hermione who shook her head and smiled at him.

"Mr L/N..." Snape's voice called out as the room went silent, Y/N turned and looked at the potions master who approached him, stopping short of Y/N and looking at him before holding his hand out. "Well done."

Snape sounded earnest in his congratulation to Y/N, shocking everyone. Y/N took his hand and nodded.

"I trust that you and I are once again, as you would say... even, regarding the disputes of last year?"

Y/N looked to Hermione and then to Harry.

"If you treat them with respect, then I will consider it water under the bridge." Y/N said as Snape paused for a moment. "Harry isn't James, let him go."

Snape said nothing.

"Look in at his eyes..."

"He has his mother's eyes." Severus said as Y/N nodded.

"I don't think she'd want you and her son hating each other, would she?" Y/N said Snape nodded.

"I'll... I will try to be... lenient towards Potter." Snape said as Y/N nodded.

"Now then, Mr L/N, I will show you to your room." Professor McGonagall said as she led Y/N away...

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