Ravenclaws Diadem

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Eventually, Y/N and Sir Nicholas found Helena Ravenclaw in an abandoned corridor.

"Would you like me to introduce you?"

"No thank you Sir Nicholas." Y/N said as the Ghost nodded to him, leaving. Y/N approached the ghost of Helena Ravenclaw.

"Excuse me, Miss." Y/N said calmly as he looked at the figure, she turned to look at him, looking at his house crest. "Miss, may I speak with you, it's quiet urgent."

Y/N looked at her, the wind blowing through the open windows.

"I'm looking for something, I was told you could help me find it?" Y/N said as he looked at the woman. "Helena... I'm looking for your mothers Diadem."

"You are hardly the first student to covet the diadem. Generations of students have badgered me —"

"Yes, though for different reasons. I don't care about the knowledge it can apparently grant me, or any of that, I care about what's inside it, the soul of a Dark Wizard... Voldemort... though I feel you may know him by another name... Tom Riddle." Y/N said as he looked at Helena. "He would have chosen something like the diadem and hidden it right inside Hogwarts, under the nose of his enemy. And you were the only one apart from him to know where it is now."

"I had... no idea... He was... flattering. He seemed to... understand... to sympathise...." Helena answered as Y/N nodded.

"Well, I must admit, I am none of those things... but I am one thing that he isn't. I'm honest with you." Y/N said as he looked at her. "Riddle betrayed your trust, tainted a family heirloom with his soul, I intend to clean it, I don't want to keep it, just destroy the Horcrux within it, I can take it to a painting of your mother or something like that if you want that."

"Why would I trust you? I've heard rumours of you."

"Because I'm trying to do the right thing, if you knew anything about me you would know that doing the right thing is often the cause of my lifes issues, yet I do it anyway." Y/N said calmly as he looked at her. "Helena, I only have a few years left at Hogwarts before I leave both the school and this country for good, I want to be certain that when I leave, my friends are safe, and as long as Riddle is out there, they're not safe."

"It is stored in the room of Hidden Things, on the Seventh floor."

"Where the Room of Requirement is." Y/N said as Helena turned and nodded.

"Okay. Thank you." Y/N said as he looked at her.

"I don't care what you do with the Diadem after you destroy the dark magic tainting it, just as long as you destroy that Horcrux and please, not many people know who I am, I would prefer it kept that way."

Y/N nodded.

"Of course." Y/N said as kindly before leaving, heading to the seventh floor corridor and thinking to himself about what he needed, after passing a wall four times he noticed a door had emerged. "Well, time to find you Tommy boy."

He drew his wand and entered the room to see piles of items that reached up to the ceiling.

"Shit." Y/N remarked as he thought for a moment before swishing his wand. "Accio Horcrux."

Nothing happened.

"Right... would have made things too easy." Y/N said to himself as he started wandering through the room, wand in hand in case something or someone tried to get the jump on him. "Great, I get to spend my 18th birthday looking through dusty old desks, cupboards, books and piles of other junk for a horcrux. Still, suppose it beats dinner with mum and dad and the rest of the family."

3 hours later Y/N found the diadem, he was covered in cobwebs and had a splinter or two in his forearms.

He placed the Diadem on the floor and pointed his wand at it.

"Avada Kedavra!" Y/N cast, the killing curse hitting the diadem, a pained yell erupted from the diadem an a dark blood seeped from it as Y/N looked at it. He picked it up and tucked it into the bottom of one of the large piles of stored items before hiding. He left after carving a message he would remember and no one would think twice about, heading out of the room and heading to Professor Dumbledore's office to inform him that another Horcrux had been destroyed...

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