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Harry had tailed Y/N to the Gryffindor tower before returning to Hermione and Ginny, the pair of them sitting with one another, Daphne and Astoria, the four of them talking with one another. Harry approached them and tapped Hermione on the shoulder, causing her to turn and look at him.

"Harry? What's wrong?" Hermione said as she saw the evident worry on his face.

"Y/N's in the Gryffindor tower, he was crying the whole way there." Harry said as he looked at Hermione. "Hermione, what's wrong with him?"

Hermione looked to the other girls for a moment before standing up and taking Harry out of the hall and looking for somewhere they could talk to him in private.

A Short While Later:

"Y/N's been enslaved?" Harry asked in shock as the girls all nodded. "For freeing 200 slaves and finding them a home to stay at?"

Again, the girls nodded.

"And he spent time in Azkaban as well as stranded on an island?" Harry asked as the Daphne rolled her eyes.

"We know all of this Potter, we've just told you, there's no need to remind us." Daphne said as Harry paused for a moment.

"Sorry, it's just, this is a lot to take in. So the brand on his back, Draco accidentally hit that with the apple he threw, that's why Y/N reacted like that to it. But that doesn't explain his reaction to you four looking after him."

"That's a psychological result of his past." Daphne said, up to now I've merely suspected it but now I'm almost certain that Y/N reacts like that as a result of something in his past, most likely his time in Azkaban, after all a crying child isn't likely to survive long in there, my guess is he determined that he shouldn't show weakness to anyone ever, or else they'll use it against him."

"That... that would explain a lot of things." Harry said before looking to Hermione. "Remember Hermione?"

"How could I forget." Hermione said as she fidgeted. "Last year Y/N was... upset over something, we never found out what, but it was around October time, Harry was heading up to the Gryffindor boys dorm when he heard sobbing through the door, Harry entered to check who it was and see if he could help-"

"Typical Gryffindor hero complex." Daphne remarked as Harry looked at her with raised brows.

"Typical Slytherin Superiority complex." Harry remarked as Daphne looked at him before Hermione cleared her throat.

"As I was saying... Harry went into the dorm, and saw the curtains on Y/N's bed were drawn shut. Harry approached and stopped right next to the curtains and asked Y/N if he was fine." Hermione said as Daphne looked like she had remembered something. "That was when Y/N's fist came through the curtains and punched Harry on the nose, Y/N just asked if that answered his question, Harry stormed out of the dorm and they didn't speak for two weeks, Y/N didn't speak to anyone."

"Y/N's little sister Remiella, she was killed by Lucius Malfoy on October 31st." Daphne said as she looked at Hermione, Ginny and Harry, Astoria looked down slightly with sorrow.

"If Lucius Malfoy killed Y/N's sister, then why was he happy to fuck Narcissa Malfoy six ways to Sunday?" Ginny asked as Daphne looked at her.

"Because A) It would be the ultimate fuck you to Lucius, and B) He doesn't blame all of the Malfoy's, just Lucius. Y/N's made a promise to her grave that he will kill Lucius." Daphne explained patronisingly as she patted Ginny's head, earning a frown from the redhead.

"So what do we do to help him?" Harry asked as he looked at the girls who were shocked. "If shagging him is what's needed I'll leave you to it, but anything else and I'll help. He'd do the same to help me."

"We just need to talk to him for now." Daphne said before looking to to Ginny who looked to Hermione.

"What?" Hermione asked as she noticed they were all looking at her.

"We've seen what he's like with you in bed, and we know you have. He's more likely to open up to someone who he already lets his walls down with." Daphne said as Hermione looked at her.

"You've known him the longest-"

"Yes, and we all know he loves us with everything he has to give, this isn't about who he loves most, it's about who he has the most faith in. He has faith in me agreed but not like I've seen and heard him with you. You can do this Hermione." Daphne said as Ginny spoke up.

"She's right Hermione. The only time he's as willing to be vulnerable as we'll need him is with you." Ginny said. Hermione looked to Harry who put his hands up.

"I think my broken nose last time proves I'm not the best candidate." Harry said as Hermione thought to herself before Daphne spoke up.

"You've got this Granger." Daphne said as she smiled at Hermione, catching Harry off guard, he had barely ever seen her crack a smile at anyone other than Y/N, clearly he was having an effect on them all.

"Okay, I'll go and try to talk to him." Hermione said as Daphne and Ginny nodded along with Harry.

Hermione left, heading for Gryffindor tower to go and talk with Y/N...

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