The Tragedies of Life...

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Y/N awoke the next morning and stepped out of his room, putting on the hat he had stolen the day before, after all, he was in a bad enough shape without adding heat stroke to his seemingly ever growing list of conditions to worry about.

Ginny Weasley was in sitting by the pool at the hotel in Egypt, she was reading the papers, Ron was reading his own copy.

"Bloody hell!" Ron remarked in what sounded like shock as Ginny looked up at her older brother, somewhat displeased with him shattering the peace and serenity. "Ginny have you seen the news?"

"If you let me read, maybe I'll see it before the end of the year." Ginny remarked sassily as Ron heard his radio in the other room, he looked to see the Twins.

"Over 75 people have been confirmed dead in the latest confrontation of the Civil War in Spain, and once again it would appear that only one person was behind all of this, some sources are even suggesting it was the same person involved in the recent skirmish at the Spanish border. Descriptions are remarkably similar to accounts of "The Arizona Wanderer" from years ago, with some speculating that it is indeed The Wanderer, returned after years of inactivity." 

"The Wanderer?!" Ginny said as her siblings looked to her.

"You've never heard of them? They wiped out the House Elf Slave traders in America, it took them less than a month, one town, Ashton, it's a ghost town now after they killed all of the slavers and dark wizards there." Ron said as Ginny looked at him. "I heard he'd died."

"No, I heard he simply vanished, some say he boarded a ship and sailed off to live out his life, that the whole campaign against the slavers was out of vengeance for something they did." Fred said as Ginny looked to him.

"I heard he was arrested, some say it took a hundred and fifty aurors to feel safe enough to arrest him." George said as Ginny's jaw dropped.

"Who are they?"

"No one knows for sure, all we know, is that they were a boy, and they were young enough to still be around somewhere." George said as he looked at her.

As Y/N finished changing into some clothes more suitable for his surroundings, he looked in the mirror at himself.

This is Y/N's outfit for Spain. He'll return to his usual outfit once the Spain Arc is over... 
Imagine the bullets on the bandoliers as potion phials...

He stepped out of the room and walked towards the bar where he found Victor was waiting for him

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He stepped out of the room and walked towards the bar where he found Victor was waiting for him.

"Muy intersante. Gracias amigos. (Very interesting. Thank you, friends.) Mr. L/N. How the devil are you?" Victor said as he was talking to some locals.

"I'm fine, how are you, Mr. Drake?"

"I'm good. I'm glad you're here, because these men were just telling me about Mr. Callahan."

"Thomas Callahan?" Y/N asked.

"Emilio, let me ask you something. His nombre es Thomas? Señor Callahan es Thomas? Tusi? (His name is Thomas? Mister Callahan is Thomas?)" Drake asked.

"No se señor. (Not sure, Mister.)" Emilio answered.

"He doesn't know." Victor said as Y/N looked at him.

"I got that bit." Y/N said somewhat sassily. "Ask him if he was about five foot eight, mustache. Did he have an Englishman in tow? A big Englishman?"

"Emilio, estaba con grande inglés? (Emilio, was he with a big American?)" Victor asked.

"Yo no se. (I don't know.)" Emilio answered, shaking his head.

"No." Victor translated.

"Again, I got that."

"But they do have his daughter. Emilio's I mean. She's a fine young woman, a history teacher, a human being. Not the clothed vermin so many people seemed to have turned into." Victor stated.

"Tell him I'm sorry." Y/N said calmly.

"When a man's family is involved, you need a little more enthusiasm than mere apologies." Victor said sternly, almost scoldingly.

"I have enough worries, sir. This man's problems pain me, but they're not quite my own." Y/N said bluntly, he didn't have time to get side tracked.

"Those who sit on the fence make a choice... in their own way. Don't you think, Mr. L/N?" Victor said as he looked at Y/N.

"Of course. And what about you, Drake, a man living in the past, a man who ran away from home, what choice did you make?" Y/N said defensively.

"I'll tell you what choice I made. I'm a fighter, sir, and I'll fight to the end... I think we should get going. I'm gonna take the train. You can come with me, or ride ahead to Dedo de oro." Victor said as Y/N sighed to himself before following Victor. "I've been hearing some things about you, Y/N L/N."

"Really?" Y/N said with a sigh.

"That perhaps you're more in need of my help than I thought." Victor said as Y/N chuckled.

"Is that so?"

"That some recent adventures in your school life haven't gone exactly in your favour." Victor said as Y/N scoffed.

"Then you heard wrong. But I find it funny how everyone seems to know my business, but nothin' about the men I'm looking for." Y/N remarked as Victor nodded.

"It isn't easy getting the locals to talk." Victor stated.

"You're telling me." Y/N said as he sat down.

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