A Change of Attire...

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Y/N was with Ginny and Harry in the great hall, the three of them laughing and joking when Krum approached.

"You are Grangers boyfriend, ves?"

"Yes, I am." Y/N said as Krum looked at him. "Why'd you ask?"

"I just vant you to know that should you die in zis tournament, I would be happy to... comfort her." Krum said as Y/N laughed.

"Krum, go and sit down, and shut the fuck up." Y/N said calmly as he threw in some chips to the pot for the small game they were playing.

"May I join." Krum asked calmly as Y/N nodded.

"If you can afford the buy in." Y/N said as he looked.

As they played a round of poker Y/N looked at his cards before going all in. Ginny folded, and followed by Harry. Krum called, going all in as well. Y/N and Krum presented their hands and Harry lay the top four cards from the deck out, revealing them, showing Y/N won.

"You fucking cheat!" Krum said as Y/N looked offended.

"Excuse me?"

"You have someone over my shoulder looking at my fucking cards you fucking cheat."

"Easy there Comrad calm yourself down." Y/N said calmly as he looked at Krum.

"Yes, you know exactly vhat you did!"

"Yeah I know exactly what I did friend which was nothing, now I'd prefer if we could all just have a friendly game and no one get hurt."

"No! No more cards game!" Krum snapped as he stood up and drew his wand but Y/N and his friends were just as fast, with Y/N being faster than the lot of them.

"Ease up there friend, ease up." Y/N said as he kept his wand pointed at Krum. "Three on one, and with me being in the three, the odds for you living aren't pretty good to begin with."

"I von't fight Potter or ze girl but you, you I don't like."

"I've done you no harm-"

"You've done me no good either. outside, now, vinner takes the pot." Krum said as Y/N smirked.

"The winner will take what he likes, the loser will be in no position to argue." Y/N said as he looked at Krum.

"I choose Karkaroff as my second." Krum said as Y/N nodded.

"I choose Harry." Y/N said as Potter nodded.

Y/N and Krum met along with their seconds. A crowd formed and a thick silence enveloped the courtyard. People were watching from the windows, everybody held their breath, Durmstrangs thought that the handsome Hogwarts boy was about to meet his death.

There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play. The swiftness of Y/N would be known legend for centuries, Krum had not cleared the leather of his wand holster before he was hit with a disarming spell. He looked behind him and saw his wand falling to the floor before looking to Y/N pointing his wand at him.

"You want me to end this right now? Are we done here or do you want me to end this right now and stop you from trying to put a knife in my back to try and get with Mione?" Y/N said coldly as Krum looked at him, Y/N was calm for a moment before twirling his wand on his fingers and holstering it, walking away.

As Y/N walked away McGonagall was looking at him sternly before approaching.

"Mr Y/N, come with me." She said as Y/N nodded and followed her to her classroom.

When they arrived in McGonagall's classroom she pointed to a desk.

"Have a seat." She said as Y/N took a sear, watching as the Professor disappeared into her office. He was waiting for a few moments when McGonagall stepped out from her office holding two boxes, one was labelled "To Y/N, Love Daphne. x" He opened it to find a pair of black leather gloves. He put them on, replacing his usual brown Quidditch gloves. The next box he opened contained a copy of the most recent article of the Daily Prophet, containing a photo of the Professor and next to her was Y/N, Y/N remembered the photo, it was from his second year when he killed the basilisk.

"Before you read that there is something I want you to know Y/N... I'd have been proud of you... if you were my son, but I'm equally as proud that you have come this far on your own. My only regret, is that I was never able to tell you the truth myself, and that I was never able to do what I was meant to do for you in the first place."

"Y/N, formerly of the L/N family, and a known criminal is actually related to one of his teachers, none other than his head of house, Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress. The Deputy Headmistress is in fact Y/N's Godmother, perhaps then this is why the boy has been allowed to continue attending Hogwarts in spite of his many offences worthy of expulsion and indeed various crimes outside of the school, crimes ranking from petty theft, to grand larceny and even multiple counts of murder. Perhaps The professor has been using her power and influence to ensure that Y/N is not expelled from school and continues to get away with his dangerous antics, or even perhaps she has assisted him in entering his and his friends name into the Goblet of Fire."

Y/N looked at the article and then to McGonagall.

"I had no choice Y/N, I made a vow to not tell you..." Y/N cut McGonagall off with a hug, letting a small tear roll down his cheek as he hugged the woman.

"I can't be angry at you Professor, not when you've been a better mother than my own mother. You're the closest I have to a mother." Y/N said as McGonagall returned the hug.

"I meant what I said before Y/N, I'm proud of you." McGonagall said as she looked at the box. "I... had this made for you, a custom uniform, I thought that it might suit you as you're representing us in this tournament and everything, let me know if the size needs work."

Y/N looked in the box and saw a Gryffindor cardigan with the sleeves cut just two inches from the shoulder. He put it on over his uniform and put his bag on over it, looking into the mirror he smiled at the look.

 He put it on over his uniform and put his bag on over it, looking into the mirror he smiled at the look

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Thanks to @The_Evil_Lucifer for helping make this outfit!

"What do you think?"

"It's perfect, Aunt." Y/N said kindly looking at McGonagall who smiled, pulling him in for a hug.

"Well, I hope you wear it when you give those other schools a royal stuffing." McGonagall said as Y/N smirked.

"Well, I guarantee, the girls will be helping me get it off right after the first task." Y/N said as McGonagall chuckled.

"I don't doubt. Now, I'm sure you should be studying for said first task, off you go. Y/N, do keep the fights to a minimum...yes?"

"Of course Aunt Minnie." Y/N said as McGonagall shook her head with a small smile, watching her godson leaving and heading off no doubt to find Hermione and the other girls willing to help him study.

She looked at the paper and smirked to herself, the interview worked, she could take the hit to her reputation if it meant giving Y/N this...

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