The Crime...

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1984 (Y/N Age: 8):

"Y/N, just think, my father will finally let us be together when he finds out that you're making money for your family, especially an amount like this, he admires work Y/N. Think of what you can do, what you can accomplish when you work for it." Pansy whispered into Y/N's ear as she kissed him on the cheek. "Complete this task, for us."

Y/N nodded at her, he was wearing a white button up shirt, a pair of black pants and a pair of worn shoes. He stepped out into the docks and joined the rest of the work group, most of them being security. Y/N was one of the few people working on the transport side of the delivery.

"L/N, are you ready?" The leader of the trip asked.

"Yes captain." Y/N said as he boarded a ship similar to that used by the Durmstrang,

"Let's get going then." The captain said as they set off.

Y/N and the rest of the crew started lowering the sails as they go to work.

"So, kid, you're a bit young to be working aren't you?"

"It pays well enough. Certainly more than pocket money." Y/N said as he looked at them and they shared a chuckle. One of the members of the group handed Y/N a flask of firewhisky.

"Here, this should keep you warm when we eventually dive under the surface." The man said as Y/N looked at him and shook his head.

"I'm fine, too young anyway."

"Well we're not going to grass you up L/N."

"No, designated driver." Y/N said with a chuckle.

"Suit yourself, more for us." The man said as Y/N sighed.

"Give it here then." Y/N said with a smirk as he took the flask and took a swig and handed it back to the man who smirked. "That'll put hairs on your... hairs."

The man next to Y/N laughed as Y/N looked at the Night Sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? The night sky." Y/N said as the man looked at it.

"Yeah. Why do you think I'm in this job?" The man said as Y/N chuckled.

"The free penthouse apartment?"

"I wish." The man said with a laugh. "You know, for a rich kid, you're alright L/N."

"And for an alcoholic old man without a knut to his name, you're not bad either." Y/N returned, earning a laugh from the whole crew. Y/N pulled out a map from his pocket, using it to navigate slightly before calling out to another member of the crew.

"Left a bit here!" Y/N said as the captain spoke up.

"Careful L/N, I'm in charge. However, you're right on your bearings, left a bit!" The ship turned slightly as the group did their work.

They were in the middle of the journey, hundreds of miles in the sky, flying through the air when Y/N heard a slight squeak behind him.

"What was that?" Y/N asked as the man next to him spoke up.

"What was what?"

"That squeak?"

"It's nothing, this is an old ship. Focus on keeping this thing going." The man said calmly as Y/N thought for a moment before he heard it again.


"That -"

"Leave it." The Man said as he looked to Y/N. "Trust me lad. Best you never look at any cargo."

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