Till I Collapse...

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Y/N arrived at the Spanish ministry, where he found Denise being scolded by the minister.

"Eres una llorona, lesbiana. Me das asco. Hablas de lealtad pero eres transparente. Estás aplaudiendo cuando me empalan la cabeza, ¿verdad? (You are a crybaby, lesbian. You disgust me. You talk about loyalty but you are transparent. You're applauding when they impale my head, right?)" The minister Scolded denise as Y/N stood by, waiting for the conversation to finish.

"No, no, no, mi Excelencia. Mi gente y yo estamos trabajando día y noche por tu honor. (No, no, no, my Excellency. My people and I are working day and night for your honor.)" Denise said, somewhat pathetically, Y/N knew that this woman was hardly a saint, and he was hardly an expert on Spanish, but even he could tell that the Minister was using Denise being Lesbian as an insult, and regardless of his own personal feelings on the matter, he was here with problems of his own, he couldn't afford to play hero of the people for everyone, he knew that should he refuse to complete this bounty, then the odds were that the minister would force Daphne or Astoria into doing it instead, or worse, he could send them to Azkaban, neither possibility was worth risking for him.

"¿Mi honor? ¿Qué vas a? ¿Una mujer? Mujer joven desvergonzada.(My honor? What are you? A woman? Shameless young woman.)" The minister snarled at Denise until they noticed Y/N. "¿Quién diablos es este imbécil? (Who the hell is this moron?)"

"That's...that's the man who helped us defeat Cristiano. The man I spoke to you of. A friend of Spain." Denise said as Aldo looked at Y/N.

"Hello, sir." Y/N said calmly, looking at the minister.

"Hola ingles. So you are the bounty hunter, huh? Have you found your prey yet?" Aldo asked as Y/N shook his head.

"No, sir."

"Ah, perhaps you come to hunt me, eh? Your country loves to make trouble in mine." Aldo said as he smoked a large Cuban cigar, Y/N looked around at the area where the Minister worked, it was like a house in the Hollywood hills compared to what he'd seen so far.

"Perhaps, but it isn't so." Y/N said with a chuckle.

"Ah, perhaps I should tie you to a horse and let it drag you around town, or let the dogs fight you, huh. Then, see what you say?" Aldo said as Y/N smirked.

"I'd say the same thing. I'm here to bring two men to justice. Nothing more. Your politics or ideas of entertainment are not my concern."

"I suppose not." Aldo said with a shark like smile before turning to Denise. "Pero son tuyos. Sinceramente, espero que me encontraste alguna compania mas intersante que esa bruja que me trajiste anoche? (But they are yours. Sincerely, I hope that you find me some company more interesting than that witch that you brought me last night.)

"Let me ask you this, sir. Do you know anything of the men I'm looking for?" Y/N asked calmly, trying to keep said calmness.

"Callahan is from this province. His father was a borracho, a drunk who worked as a laborer on land cultivated by my uncle. Men like that are natural allies for Cristiano. My people have lived and worked here for a hundred years. We brought civilization, and these people, these fucking monkeys, despise us. We brought them God, and they turned their back on him. Now, I fight to help them from themselves. To save them from themselves. I see in their faces, that they would kill me if they could. They see only a tyrant. That is the way it is. These people need a ruler." Aldo stated as Y/N thought before speaking.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that." Y/N said.

"Sorry? Why be sorry? It is the way of mankind. A fight between two forces. Que sera, sera. What will be, will be. But, I know one thing, Señor L/N. Force, force must be used, if you are to have your own way." Aldo proclaimed as Y/N nodded.

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