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Y/N was asleep in his quarters with the girls around him, Hermione had her head over his heart while Ginny was resting her head on the right side of his chest, Daphne's head was resting in the crook of his neck. His right hand was resting on Daphne's hip bordering on her right arse cheek. His left hand was wrapped protectively around Hermione, with her arms wrapped around him and holding Ginny at the same time.

Astoria was hugging Ginny from, smiling into her shoulder.

Y/N's dreams were no longer mainly filled with the horrors of Azkaban, but the beauty of these women around him, the women who had taught him how to love once again.

Right now his dreams were filled with images of him and the girls all on the island, with the girls never having to want for anything, and Y/N earning money working with animals, herding cattle, working out on the plains of his island and taming animals. Enjoying freedom.

That was when he was awoken by movement, his eyes opened and he saw Astoria was not in bed. Fear gripped him, his mind so used to the idea of something bad potentially happening.

"Stori." Y/N muttered as he untangled himself from the girls and climbed out of bed, quickly using a spell to dress himself before holding his wand at the ready as he began looking for her. He checked his corners as he moved out onto the landing before looking over the banister to see Astoria sorting presents out she looked stressed about something, Y/N holstered his wand and let his heart calm before he went down stairs. He approached Astoria who turned to see him.

"Oh, Y/N, I didn't think you'd be awake this early."

"Et tu, Stori. Et tu." Y/N said calmly as he looked at her.

"You all right, you seem worried Stori?" Y/N asked as Astoria nodded.

"I'm fine. Just... well, I've been wanting to make this birthday special for you, given this is our first one together and everything and I'm worrying about if things go wrong and what if you hate the gifts..." Astoria stopped herself when she saw Y/N sitting next to her. He smiled at her before leaning in and kissing her on the lips for the first time ever.

Astoria was stunned, fireworks going off in her head like she was imagining them.

"I've wanted you to do that for so long." Astoria admitted as Y/N smiled.

"I... I don't know why I've been holding back from you... I guess, I always see you as too innocent to ruin." Y/N said as Astoria smiled.

"What's changed?"

"I don't know." Y/N said as he heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Daphne and Hermione. The Blonde hugging Y/N and hugging her little sister as well. Daphne leaned in and gave Y/N birthday kisses before being followed by Hermione who clung onto him even after the kisses had ended. Y/N brought his hand up to brush through her bushy hair and his other hand to rub circles on her back. Soon Ginny arrived and gave Y/N his birthday kisses before sitting on the couch with everyone else, with Hermione sitting on his lap.

"Happy Birthday Y/N." They all said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you girls." Y/N said as he smiled at them keeping his arm wrapped protectively around Hermione, who leaned into him, Y/N kept up a good poker face, hiding his anger at seeing what Ron had done to the girl who thought he was her friend. His mind was pulled away from thoughts about the Ginger Git when Astoria handed him a present and smiled. Y/N read the card before smiling at Astoria and leaning in kissing her on the forehead. "Thanks Stori."

As he opened the present he saw a Light Centre Crease, Modified-Cattleman hat, it had a short Hippogriff feather in it.

As he opened the present he saw a Light Centre Crease, Modified-Cattleman hat, it had a short Hippogriff feather in it

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