Defence Against The Dark Arts

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The quintet were in the great hall, all they could hear was Draco talking about the wound to Pansy Parkinson.

"Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Parkinson asked while Daphne and Y/N shared a book, they were both reading through it together.

"It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two, and I, uh, could've lost my arm. I couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks." Malfoy said, Y/N heard it and groaned.

"Draco, it's just a scratch, I was more wounded the last time I clipped my toenails." Daphne scolded.

"He's really laying it on thick isn't he." Ron remarked as Y/N nodded.

"He's lying about losing the arm, anyone with a braincell could tell you that much." Y/N said plainly. "I bet even Crabbe could tell you that-- No that's too much of a stretch. Umm, no, it's lost me."

"At least Hagrid didn't get fired."

"Yeah, but I heard Draco's father is furious Y/N. We haven't heard the end of this." Hermione stated solemnly.

"Can't I just sort that out now then? Kill Lucius?" Y/N said, as Hermione went to scold him.

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Seamus yelled as he ran in with a brand new copy of the papers.

"Who!" Ron asked as Y/N turned to look at him with a 'Who do you think?!' look on his face.

"Wally. Who do you think?!" Y/N joked as he rushed over to Seamus who let him through and he looked at the paper.

"Dufftown?! That's not far from here." Hermione remarked as Y/N was speedreading the entire article.

"Y-You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asked as Y/N patted him on the shoulder.

"With dementors at every entrance?" A boy said dismissively.

"Dementors! He's already slipped past them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he won't do it again?" Seamus stated as Y/N turned to him.

"You mind dialling it back a bit mate, try and calm everyone down, panic makes it easier for him, you know?" Y/N muttered to Seamus who nodded.

"That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands." Said the same Gryffindor boy who had given the ominous reading in Divination.

"Oi, I said dial it back, not crank it up." Y/N remarked.

After lunch they had their first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Professor Lupin. The class was gathered around chattering when Lupin wheeled out a wardrobe and set it down, he stepped to the side for a moment and the wardrobe rattled and jumped side to side slightly. The class went silent from the sudden Rumble in the wardrobe.

 The class went silent from the sudden Rumble in the wardrobe

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