Never Hurt Hermione...

474 19 21

"Daphne, you, Stori, and Ginny stay here, if you see Ron show his ugly mug, you have permission to kill him, just make it slow enough for me to enjoy!" Y/N said as he stormed out of the hospital wing, the girls all looked to Hermione who was sleeping, with Y/N having calmed her down by cuddling her until she went to sleep in the bed.

Ron Weasley was in the Great Hall talking to Seamus and Dean, while Neville was talking to a girl. Harry meanwhile was talking to Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw girl who he had met in the past but he'd never really paid much attention to.

"Um, Luna, what are Nargles exactly?"

Before Luna could explain she saw Y/N storming into the room. Immediately Dumbledore was trying to stop Y/N but the boy merely moved his hand off of him.

He walked up to Ron and bounced his head off of the table before dragging him off of the bench, Seamus and Dean went for their wands but Y/N looked at them

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He walked up to Ron and bounced his head off of the table before dragging him off of the bench, Seamus and Dean went for their wands but Y/N looked at them.

"STAY OUT OF IT YOU TWO UNLESS YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE HE WILL!" Y/N yelled as he pointed at them before punching Ron in the face, throwing him to the floor, he looked at Ron's hand, and found the one he had hit Hermione with, Y/N grabbed a knife from the table before slamming Ron's hand flat on the table and stabbing the knife through Ron's hand and into the table.

Ron let out an agonised scream.

"Why did you hit Hermione?!" Y/N demanded as Fred and George, who were about to stand up for Ron stopped in their tracks before looking at Ron. Ron chose to remain silent. Y/N growled and slightly twisted the knife in Weasley's hand. "WHY?!"

"Because she didn't want to go out with me." Ron admitted.

The answer only enraged Y/N.

"Well, no one's going to go out with you when I'm done. You know what I'm gonna do to you know?" Y/N asked as Ron looked at him.

"Fuck you and your mud blood." Ron said, barely above a whisper before screaming in pain as Y/N yanked the knife from his hand and looked at it before crouching down to eye level with him.

"I'm gonna cut your nob off... and staple it to your head. So everybody will know... you're a dickhead." Y/N snarled as he moved the knife in his hands before moving the knife towards Ron's crotch.

"NO! PLEASE! Y/N I'M SORRY!" Ron begged as Y/N paused, looking at him.

"I don't think the ladies and gentlemen want to see this in the middle of a meal, but it should help them get the message... then again, the aftermath is gonna be message enough." Y/N said darkly as he grabbed the boy and dragged him away, with Ron kicking and screaming to try and escape.

" Y/N said darkly as he grabbed the boy and dragged him away, with Ron kicking and screaming to try and escape

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