Different Types of Celebrations

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Y/N was in his private quarters, with his head between Ginny's legs while Hermione and Daphne gave him a blowjob, Narcissa was eating Hermione out while fingering Daphne.

"Oh Y/N. You really are a champion." Ginny giggled as Y/N smirked before continuing to eat out Ginny.

Hermione smirked before leaning in and kissing Daphne on the lips, the blonde returning the favour as she started making out with the beautiful bookworm, with Narcissa taking over on giving Y/N a blowjob.

"You should have heard Susan Bones today Y/N." Ginny said as Hermione and Daphne giggled amongst themselves.

"She sounded like she wanted your bone if you get my meaning." Hermione said as Daphne rolled her eyes and grabbed Hermione's bushy hair, waiting for a moment for Hermione to nod before pulling the bookworms head between her legs and making Hermione start eating her out.

Y/N moved his hand down to Narcissa and moved her off of his dick before picking Ginny up and moving her to straddle his hips, leaning in and kissing Ginny, his hand gripping her bum as she smirked when she watched Y/N kiss her nipples while he positioned himself at her entrance. Pausing for a moment as he looked up at Ginny who smiled sweetly at him and nodded, he put his hands on her hips and brought her down on his cock, earning a moan of pleasure from them both before he rolled them over so that he was on top, Ginny locked her legs around Y/N who chuckled.

He leaned in and started leaving hickeys on Ginny's neck while thrusting into her, earning moans from the Ginger Goddess, her flaming locks of hair bouncing like her tits with each thrust, her eyes screwed shut and her mouth hanging open in pleasure.

Y/N moved one of his hands down to Ginny's clit and started playing with it to try and get her to orgasm faster, she leaned up and captured his lips before running her hand down Y/N's body, moving to the shoulder with a scar from Sirius and Bellatrix's Azkaban break out. 

Ginny moved and kissed the scar before kissing Y/N on the lips again. She rolled them over so that Y/N was on his back with her on top, immediately Ginny started bouncing on Y/N's cock, her tits bouncing up and down slightly each time she did. Y/N went to sit up only for Ginny to press her hands onto his chest, he looked at her hands and then into her eyes before raising one of his eyebrows, he moved Ginny's hands from his chest before sitting up and capturing the red heads lips, his hands moving to roam Ginny's back.

Hermione, who was being eaten out by Narcissa while the Bookworm was eating out Daphne, caught the sight of Y/N and Ginny and smiled at the sighed of Ginny's arse bouncing on Y/N's cock.

"Who said you could stop little Gryffindor?" Daphne said as she looked at Hermione, that was when a commanding voice spoke up.

"Daphne, play nice or you get a time out." Y/N's voice said as Daphne blushed slightly while also frowning and glaring at Y/N.

"Careful Y/N, we both know I'm the dominant one in this bed." Daphne said as the other girls looked at her like she was mad.

"Is that so?" Y/N asked as Ginny orgasmed on his cock, clamping down on him like a vice.

"So good!" Ginny moaned as she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Y/N continued to fuck her through her orgasm before helping her off of his dick, putting her next to Hermione who looked to her red headed girlfriend and smiled at the "Fucked dumb" look on her face.

"Evening." Granger said as she leaned in and kissed Ginny.

Y/N meanwhile moved to Daphne and kissed her, his very presence sending shivers up the spine of the Ice Queen.

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