The Mother...

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As Y/N sat at the Gryffindor table with Hermione, Ginny, and Daphne, Harry and Cho arrived alongside Ron. They saw Y/N and Daphne talking to one another.

Harry saw how they interacted with one another, and he also saw how Daphne seemed to drop the usual cold personality he always saw her carry herself with, he saw a warmth in Daphne's behaviour.

"Y/N?" Harry spoke up as Y/N looked to his best friend.


"Do you mind me asking what is it with you and Daphne?" Harry asked as Y/N paused for a moment, taking a moment to think, he looked to Daphne.

"I suppose you all deserve to know, especially Hermione and Ginny. My parents first betrothed me to Pansy Parkinson, but I didn't want to marry her, I just... well me and Pansy have never got along well, let's say that. Me and Draco however, we would play together for hours when we were younger. The days we had, Me, Daphne and Draco exploring the woods behind Daphne's manor, then Astoria was old enough to join us. We would sometimes sit in the glow of the warm afternoon sun, me and Daphne would watch the sunlight hit the leaves on the trees, the sap on their surface made it look like they were glowing, we would watch the sun set over the mountains and stargaze into the night until the adults would realise we were still outside. Me and Draco we always had one another's backs, we were like brothers. He wasn't always the way he was, in fact, he was actually in the words of Daphne, 'quite sweet'. No, what he is today, is because of his father, his father's been radicalising him all this time, he actually didn't mind muggles before his father got his claws into him, me and Daphne noticed. We tried to tell him, wake him up, but it was too late. His father had ingrained it in him, we noticed, but we noticed too late. A fight broke out, with me and Daphne on one side, Draco, Pansy, and Lucius on the other. It resulted in... something I'd rather not talk about and Daphne was there for me when I needed her the most. She had my back when even my own family didn't care about me." Y/N explained.

Daphne moved her arms around Y/N and hugged him tight, with even Ginny and Hermione being caught off guard by the scene. Daphne heard Y/N mutter something to himself and she shook her head.

"Don't say that Y/N." Daphne said as she held him tighter.

Y/N paused before they continued eating. Harry looked to Y/N.

"Y/N, whatever happened, I'm sorry." Potter said as Y/N smiled and nodded.

Later that day, Y/N was in the library with Hermione and Daphne while Ginny was playing quidditch.

It was calm and peaceful as Y/N read through his books for his upcoming fourth year, he had decided to spend the holidays at school due to... personal reasons, and as a result, some of Y/N's friends had elected to stay, along with most of the student body thanks to the word that there was a special event being held over the summer, IE, the duelling tournament.

As Y/N was sitting there reading, he heard a voice outside, one he recognized instantly, the main reason behind him being able to sense when particular people were near, such as Daphne. The voice belonged to his mother.

"She's here." Y/N remarked as he stood up and looked at the door opening.

"Of course Daphne's here, she's just had her legs on your lap

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"Of course Daphne's here, she's just had her legs on your lap." Hermione remarked before realising the look of cold dread on Daphne's face and the look of hate on Y/N's face.

"Which one?" Daphne asked hoping her fears were unfounded.

"My mother." Y/N confirmed as Daphne heard the voice approaching.

"Fuck that!" Daphne said as she rushed away in fear of the woman as she walked into the room.

"Fuck that!" Daphne said as she rushed away in fear of the woman as she walked into the room

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Rachel Weisz as Genesis Orielle Creatio - L/N

"Hermione, go with Daphne, hide." Y/N said as he looked his mother in the eyes.


"Do it." Y/N said firmly as his mother approached.

"Hello Y/N."

"Mother... I thought the temperature had dropped and the clouds darkened... How was Poland?" Y/N remarked coldly as Hermione observed the interaction.

"Dull... however, rumour has it your live hasn't been as dull." Genesis said as Y/N looked her in the eyes until her eyes turned to look at Hermione.

"So you decided I needed a rain check on happiness?" Y/N said as his mother looked at him.

"Y/N, please, I just wanted to come and talk to my son."

"Do you now. You came all the way to visit me. I'm touched." Y/N said as he looked at her.

"Are we at all capable of having a conversation without resorting to arguing?"

"Yes, tell me the exorcism ritual to send you back to hell." Y/N said coldly. Everything that was happening was catching Hermione off guard. Y/N's mother smiled.

"Your tongue hasn't dulled with time."

"Your looks have." Y/N remarked as his mother looked at him. "What do you want?"

"I told you, I just want to talk." Genesis said as Y/N looked at her.

"Then talk."

"In private." Genesis said as Y/N looked her in the eyes.

"Oh I see, so now I'm privy to the right of hearing you talk. Funny, you didn't have much to say when father banished me." Y/N said as his mother sighed.

"Y/N, there was a lot about that time that you wouldn't understand." Y/N's mother said as Y/N chuckled.

"Really. Like you considering joining the Death Eaters?" Y/N said as his mother glared at him.

"What?!" Hermione said in shock, Y/N's mother slowly turned her head to look at Hermione.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to have a conversation with my son-"

"Leave her alone mother." Y/N said as Hermione noticed his hand ready to draw his wand.

"She interrupted us-"

"No, you interrupted us. If I go with you, you leave her alone." Y/N said, the whole thing felt like a hostage negotiation.

Y/N's mother said nothing, she simply nodded.

Y/N put his books and equipment away before looking to Hermione and smiling at her before leaving with his mother who left, her dress making it look like she was levitating off the ground as she moved.

Hermione looked to the bookshelves and saw Daphne peeking out of from behind the bookshelf, looking like she'd just met the angel of death, Hermione was trying to figure out what had just happened...

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