Care For Magical Creatures...

490 26 8

Y/N was walking with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the four of them having just managed to survive their first divination lesson without phoning the Samaritans helpline.

"Use your inner eye to see the future!" Hermione laughed as Y/N chuckled.

"It's not my fault I couldn't tell what it was I was distracted by you!" Ron said with a smile as Y/N looked at him with a brow raised.

"I know Hermione's amazing in many ways, but maybe admitting to daydreaming isn't the best course of action." Y/N said calmly, earning a blush from Granger. "Honestly Harry, don't put too much stock in that Grim omen. According to Professor McGonagall, Trelawny's claimed someone's going to be dead each year. Load of horse shit."

Y/N and the group arrived at Hagrids hut.

"That's it! Come on now. Come closer. Less talking if you don't mind. I got a real treat for ye today." Hagrid said as he lead them into the forest. "A great lesson. So follow me."

As they arrived at a clearing in the forest Hagrid spoke.

"Form a group over there and open yer books to page 49." Hagrid said as Draco stepped forward with his usual snotty attitude.

"Exactly how do we do that?" Malfoy demanded.

"Well, just stroke the spine of course. Goodness me." Hagrid said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The quintet made it look easy, Draco sceptically stroked the spine of the book and opened it when it started purring in his hands.

"Sound's like you Y/N." Draco joked, earning a smile from Y/N.

"Yeah, but it's definitely got your looks." Y/N responded without missing a beat as Draco laughed at him, for a brief moment the two of them realised they had actually shared a joke with one another, for the first time in nearly a decade, they acted like... like friends, memories flooded to both of them.

"You're one to talk scarface!" Pansy sneered as Y/N smirked.

"Apologies Draco, I was wrong, it hasn't got your looks... however the similarities between it and Pansy are striking, however, I'd still sooner kiss this book than Pansy." Y/N said as Pansy looked like she was about to speak when Neville opened his book thinking it was safe after a few strokes and the book attacked him, making him fall to the floor.

" Y/N said as Pansy looked like she was about to speak when Neville opened his book thinking it was safe after a few strokes and the book attacked him, making him fall to the floor

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"Don't be such a wimp Longbottom." Draco remarked as he passed Neville. Neville sat up and was attacked by his book again just as Y/N reached him, Y/N grabbed the book and punched it before he then stroked the spine to open it properly, he held the book in one hand and helped Neville to his feet with the other.

"Think I've got competition for the apex predator in these woods, I just can't believe it's from a book." Y/N said to Daphne who smiled.

"I think they're funny." Hermione remarked as Y/N laughed at the concept of a carnivorous book.

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