Father Cristiano

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Y/N was walking towards the camp where Selena had organised for him to meet her when two men approached him and drew their wands on him.

"Eh, señor?"

"You want trouble, friend?" Y/N asked bluntly, he just wanted to get home, at this point, he'd take Azkaban over this, at least he could trust Bellatrix and Sirius.

"Manos arriba! Póntelas!"

"Tranquilo, tranquilo amigo, tranquilo...ya lo tengo."

"Muévese, cabrón."

The two men who had ambushed him took Y/N's weapons and escorted him to Selena who was currently talking to a rebel.

"El mundo es muy dificil. Tenemos qué jugarlo bien. Mr. L/N! I knew you would come." Selena said as she hugged Y/N before stepping back and ordering the men to return Y/N's weapons to him.

"Thanks for the welcoming committee."

"I'm sorry. We cannot be too careful. The world is very dangerous." Selena said as Y/N looked at her.

"Especially, when you greet it with a gun or wand." Y/N pointed out, Selena pointed at a seat by a campfire.


Y/N sat next to Selena by the campfire.

"Mr. L/N, my father  was killed yesterday. The army found him and accused him of treason. They cut out his heart and fed it to their dogs. Aldo did this. Then, he took the honour of two young girls." Selena stated as Y/N looked at her.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Selena." Y/N said solemnly, he had not known Selena's father at all, but from their brief meeting, he seemed like a good man.

"My father must not die in vain! His death must mean something." Selena said as 

"It'll mean that war is brutal and unnecessary and good people die and that's all it will mean." Y/N said coldly as he shook his head.

"That is not enough." Selena said as she stood up, Y/N sighed.

"Well, you know I'll do whatever I can, but I have problems of my own." Y/N said as he went to walk away but remembered that this poor girl had just lost her father, he knew losing someone like this puts one into a bad mindset in terms of self preservation.

"We all have problems. This is about the people! My father died for his people. For these men and for millions like them, that they may be free." Selena said proudly.

"While there are guns, wands, and money, there won't be any freedom, Selena." Y/N said sadly.

"Mr. L/N, the movement is on the brink of a great victory. Aldo knows this. And has sent for reinforcements. Cristiano Jesus asked personally, that you stop them reaching puente del hombre cabra . They are coming by the old trail. You must ambush them." Selena said as Y/N tried to refuse.

"I have my own family to worry about." Y/N said coldly.

"Mr. L/N. I have lost my father. My mother is in the United Kingdom. My sister has fled. I have no family, just the cause. Please. Good actions make you a good man." Selena said. Y/N sighed to himself, once more cursing himself mentally. 

'Damn it Y/N. You're turning into Potter with this helping people thing.'

"Then, I'm doomed, but I will help you, out of respect for your loss." Y/N said as he looked at Selena.

"Thank you, Mr. L/N. Thank you. Come on. The army convoy is already on its way. You can ride with me in the wagon or follow on your Thestral." Selena said as Y/N climbed onto the wagon next to Selena.

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