Thomas L/N...

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Thomas was in sleeping in his car, a 1969 GT 500 Shelby Mustang in Candy Apple Red with gold stripes. The rain was beating down on the roof as he had his eyes closed, his wand under his left armpit.

His eyes opened as he looked up at the photo on his cars vanity mirror, seeing a photo of him, Y/N, Remiella, and the rest of his family, all smiling, most of the family was covered, leaving only him, Remiella, and Y/N visible

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His eyes opened as he looked up at the photo on his cars vanity mirror, seeing a photo of him, Y/N, Remiella, and the rest of his family, all smiling, most of the family was covered, leaving only him, Remiella, and Y/N visible.

"I should check on Y/N more this year. I hardly spoke to him." Thomas muttered to himself as he ran his hand over his face. His eyes lingered on the smiling face of his little sister Remiella. He took a moment before his hand moved to the glove box and he pulled out a cassette tape from the large collection. As he put the tape into the player, he started the car and checked the map, seeing where he was and where his next job would be. "Little Whinging. Y/N's mentioned there... I could have sworn I heard him talking about it."

The car sped off into the night as rain continued to beat down from the skies above, the wind howling as Thomas checked the time. 3:00 AM. Devils Hour. He kept a calm look as he continued driving, listening to David Bowie singing Rebel Rebel.

He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in time with the beat.

"I should have joined the Hogwarts staff when Y/N started, give him someone familiar there, other than aunt Minnie. I can't believe they made her take that vow. Y/N could have at least lived with her for some time, or had a family to comfort him during Hallowe'en." Thomas said to himself as he continued driving. "I should have been a better brother for him." 

As he arrived at an overnight hotel, Thomas checked into a room, renting it for the evening before going to sleep.

When he woke up the next day, Thomas headed out to his car and climbed in, setting off on the road towards Little Whinging.


Harry Potter was sleeping in his four poster bed, tossing and turning in his sleep as he fought against a nightmare.

"Aunt Petunia?! Uncle Vernon?!" Harry whimpered in his sleep. "What? What's happening?"

Harry turned as he yelled out in pain while.

He was watching his aunt and uncle talking in the living room when he saw a plate moving by itself until it fell off of the counter top, food falling all over the floor as Vernon and Petunia turned to look at the plate. They looked shocked as they saw it.

"I'll bet it's that Potter boy!" Vernon snarled as Petunia looked at him for a second.

"Vernon, he's at school, he's staying there for the holidays and the rest of the Year." Petunia explained as Vernon looked at her for a brief second.

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