Silence In The Library

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Harry was in the library with Luna talking about the egg, Luna was trying to figure it out while Harry was making a list of ideas.

Y/N meanwhile was at the very back of the restricted section with Hermione. Hermione had her back pressed up against a bookshelf, arms wrapped around Y/N's shoulders as she dragged him close to her. Y/N's lips locked with the studious Gryffindor's in a deep and heated kiss, one of her legs raising to hook behind his back with Y/N's hand catching it and rubbing up her thigh to the hem of her skirt. It sent a shiver of excitement up Hermione's spine as Y/N pressed so close, pinning her against a bookshelf which she has taken many books from over the years

She frequented the library often over the years, what better place would there be for her to break the rules once? It was empty aside from the two of them, Harry and Luna, who were well out of earshot as Y/N's hand wandered further up her skirt and cupped her arse. It made her shiver and giggled into the kiss which she deepened, feeling Y/N's bulge pressing into her as he shared her excitement.

"I still can't believe you thought of this" Y/N grunted into Hermione's ear, dry humping her as she shuddered and moaned softly into his ear.

"Well, for four years I've been the good girl, the one who kept their head down, I deserve this, I earned this" she shuddered as she fumbled with Y/N's pants, eventually deciding to use her wand and his pants were down with his cock springing out.

"You sure have" Y/N retorted playfully before tugging Hermione's panties aside and plunging forward into her snug pussy, clamping his mouth over hers as he muffled her squeal of pleasure. There was no need to muffle Hermione, she didn't want Y/N to muffle her either as she wanted to be loud as she broke the rules. She wanted him to make her scream as he fucked her in the library, damn it!

Hermione told Y/N this, using those exact words and he couldn't help but chuckle as she swore.

"Ooh. Naughty girl, such foul language" Y/N teased before giving a sharp thrust that made Hermione squeal before she laughed.

"Well I am breaking the rules; sexual intercourse within the library is strictly prohibited" she said and Y/N rolled his eyes before giving another firm thrust.

"So's shagging in broom cupboards, but we've done a lot of that." Y/N said as Hermione shrugged.

Y/N reached down and lifted Hermione's second leg up, wrapping it around him before gripping her arse in both hands as he playfully said that she really was starting the new year with a bang. Hermione managed a small laugh before her voice devolved into a slew of moans as Y/N began a relentless onslaught of powerful thrusts that made her hold onto him tightly as her voice was focused on loud moans and the occasional vulgarity.

"Oh fuck!, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Hermione gasped out her swears, moaning into Y/N's ear as she felt his cock pumping hard and deep into her pussy. She was so wet, no foreplay was needed, Hermione was wetter than usual. She really was turned on by the idea of having sex in the library, and Y/N couldn't deny being the same.

Hermione noticed her boyfriend's eagerness very quickly, he wasn't holding back at all. Y/N's thrusts were frantic, hungry and lustful, they were driving deep into her as she grabbed his face to look him in the eyes. Y/N could see her lust just as clearly as she could see his; He could see she was tired of playing the good girl, tired of being the diligent student. It was his duty as her boyfriend to give her the release she needed. And he was as dutiful as she was studious.

"Oh yes, yes! Harder!" Hermione moaned as Y/N pressed up even closer to her, pressing her even more against the bookshelf as he drove his cock deeper into her slick cunt.

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