Gunslingers and Wand Duellists...

352 28 15

Y/N arrived at The ministry building, approaching the entrance when Denise stepped outside with a detachment of aurors.

"Y/N L/N! Good news! Good news! The Ministro himself wants to speak to you! Come." Denise said as she led Y/N to the ministers office where they found Aldo is fondling a woman on a couch.

"Un besito! Besito! Don't be so conventional! Look at that ass... magnificent! I'll save her for later or I'll kill her and all her family. They're probably rebels anyway. Anyways it is good to see you, amigo. Good to see you. You know, you are a rare find. A Ingles who is also a friend of our country. Bienvenido. We welcome you." Aldo said cheerfully, with Y/N having to hide his disgust at Aldo's treatment of women.

"Okay." Y/N said calmly.

"Relax, relax. I have some wonderful news for you! Quite wonderful in fact... You know the men you hunt? They have been captured in Hogar de los ángeles. I want you and Denise to ride out there and then you can take possession of them. It is my gift to you. For all your help, señor. Although part of me wishes that you would remain here and enjoy more of our hospitality." Aldo said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you. If it's all the same, I'd like to collect the men. I have a wife and Daughter at home whom I miss." Y/N said modestly.

"Don't we all, amigo, don't we all? Denise, I want you to take care of Señor L/N. Vámanos, cabrón! Go! Adelante!" Aldo said as he turned to the girl he was previously harassing. "Mi amor! Mi amor!"

"Follow me! A wagon has already been prepared." Denise stated as she and Y/N headed out to the wagon and the detachment of Aurors, boarding the wagon and setting off for Hogar de los ángeles. "This is very good news, my friend! Didn't I say the Ministro would find these men for you?"

"For your sake, you'd best be tellin' the truth!" Y/N said bluntly as he looked at Denise.

"You have my word." Denise stated as Y/N scoffed.

"After that trick you pulled on me with the fort, I'm not sure that means very much!" Y/N snapped.

"You have Castillo to blame for that! Come now, Y/N, after everything we been through, I think we can trust each other, don't you?" Denise said as Y/N sighed, looking to her.

"How did you find them?" He asked.

"They were captured just outside Hogar de los ángeles! Every rat must come out of his hole eventually. They are being held in the church! A chance for them to contemplate heaven, before you send them to hell. We have the area surrounded. Oh cheer up, Y/N! This is what you came for. You are so tense all the time. Come, let's have some fun! A little competition with my soldiers to see who is the best shot. What do you say?"

"Anything's better than talking to you." Y/N remarked sourly.

"Excellente! Ok, each man gets five shots at the local wildlife. Whoever kills the most, I will give a galleon. Carlitos, múestrale cómo se hace!" Denise stated.

"Con mucho gusto! Vamos, Ingles!"

"You never did tell me why you are hunting these outlaws." Denise asked as Y/N acted like he was taking part in the shooting competition, but missed every spell on purpose.

"I guess it beats getting a real job." Y/N remarked.

"You know, if you were less secretive, people might be more inclined to trust you." Denise stated as Y/N shook his head.

"Are you married? Or do you rape young boys like your Ministro does with girls?" Y/N asked, annoyed at Denise getting so chummy.

"No, I could never touch a man like that! It is not my way! But, for them, it is an honour to please their leader." Denise said as Y/N shook his head.

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