I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

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Y/N was sitting in the Library with a book in his hands with Hermione reading and studying, she saw that Y/N was reading a book for duelling, she thought it was slightly overkill, considering she knew Y/N was skilled enough to defeat Malfoy.

She looked around for a moment before noticing some girls looking at her jealously and then to Y/N with clear want in their eyes. Hermione felt a wave of possessiveness wash over her and leaned over, kissing Y/N on the lips, a kiss that Y/N returned. As they broke the kiss Hermione smiled and looked at the girls while Y/N scoffed to himself with a smirk as he returned to his book, revising the material it contained.

That evening, Y/N was walking through the corridors of the school with Hermione, Ginny, and Daphne alongside him, he was smiling and laughing with them as they walked and talked until eventually they rounded a corner and were faced by Malfoy and his gang of thugs.

"Well, well, if it isn't the mudblood and her blood traitor friends." Draco's voice said cockily before he noticed Daphne, looking at her. "What are you doing with them, my love?!"

Y/N noticed Daphne let out a low growl and could sense her rage building.

"Look Hermione, evidence that some people do still take part in incest." Y/N joked earning a smirk from Granger and Weasley, while Daphne had to suppress her smirk. "How about you go back to your common room, before you need your friends to carry you back."

"Ohh hoo hoo. I think L/N here needs to learn the place of Blood Traitors like him." Malfoy said as he and his friends chuckled.

Draco drew his wand and smirked before Y/N was quick to draw his own wand, the two of them ready for a duel at any moment.

"So how do we do this then Draco, fancy a bet?" Y/N asked with a smirk as he looked at Draco for a moment, the pair of them circling one another with their wands pointed at each other.

"Name your stakes L/N."

"If I win, I get your Marriage contract with Daphne Greengrass, she becomes my betrothed and you leave her alone." Y/N said as Malfoy looked at him. "Now name yours."

"When I win, I get to drag one of your little girlfriends around the school as my little helper, carrying all of my books, doing all of my homework, doing every little thing I ask of them, they'll be no better than a house elf." Draco said as Y/N looked at him.

"Fine." Y/N said as he looked at Draco. "Daphne, get your coat love, you've pulled."

Y/N and Draco stood 20ft from one another and stood ready, Pansy counted down, she was silently using her hand to give Draco a heads up.

"... One!"


"Protego!" Y/N cast before flourishing his wand once again. "Stupify!"

Malfoy was stunned for a moment as Y/N swished his wand.

"Depulso!" Y/N cast as Draco used Protego to shield himself, as he did so however Y/N moved towards him slightly. "Rictusempra!"

Draco blocked the next spell with Protego once again but yet again, Y/N took a step towards him, Y/N repeated the plan as Malfoy was backing up, trying to keep distance between him and Y/N but he was under a relentless technique that Y/N used against particularly weak willed opponents who crumbled under the pressure of an approaching opponent.

"Everte Statum!" Draco cast as Y/N was hit with the spell just before he could use Protego.

Y/N was sent back several feet and felt a sharp snap of pain in his back, he was quick to retaliate even while on the ground.

"Difindo!" Y/N cast while he was still on the floor, causing Draco to hop as one of his legs was cut slightly, Y/N capitalized on this and pointed his wand at the foot that was supporting Draco, just as they boy was recovering his footing, Y/N was still on the floor and smirked. "Accio Malfoy's right shoe!"

Draco's right foot was yanked from underneath him by the spell, causing him to fall on his arse while Y/N jumped up.

"Accio Draco's wand!" Y/N cast, summoning the wand to his hand as Y/N smirked, his friends all cheered as Daphne no longer bothered fighting back the smirk she had.

"The contract." Y/N said as he looked at Draco.

"My father will hear of this-"

"I'm sure he will, now hand over the contract or else." Y/N said as he held Draco's wand and threatened to snap it. "And no funny business, sign it over to me so I am the legal husband of the contract, or so help me I will snap this wand and use my other wand to steal your little pet Pansy from you."

Draco looked at Y/N and then to Daphne before smirking.

"Fine, it's not like Greengrass would accept you as her husband anyway, and naturally you'll let your righteousness make you agree to her divorce settlement, she'll be back with me in a day." Draco said as Y/N looked him in the eyes and applied some more pressure to Draco's wand in order to shut him up. Draco handed him the contract that he had been waving around the school proudly, he handed the contract over to Y/N who looked at Daphne and handed her the contract.

"Cheers." Y/N said as he threw Draco's wand down the corridor. "Fetch."

As Draco went to retrieve his wand, Y/N and his friends left, with the four of them arriving in Y/N's and Daphne's secret classroom.

As soon as they were through the door, Y/N heard Daphne rejoicing at being free from Draco.

"Thank you Y/N." Daphne said as Y/N chuckled.

"Hook line and fucking sinker." Y/N said with a smirk that Daphne was all too familiar with.

Hermione walked up to Y/N and hugged him.

"I love it when a plan comes together." Daphne remarked.

"Hermione, you know I would never let him do that to you don't you?" Y/N said as Hermione nodded

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"Hermione, you know I would never let him do that to you don't you?" Y/N said as Hermione nodded.

"How?" Daphne asked. "Everyone witnessed you accept it."

"Yeah, but what would force me to follow up on the bet and let him have her or Ginny? I'd sooner be a liar than the person who gave away his friends like a prized meat, I can put up with my reputation taking a knock, I wouldn't be able to put up with the knowledge that I allowed that git to treat my friends as his servants. There was nothing forcing us to live up to our end of the bargain, hence why I had to get his wand, I needed leverage." Y/N said as he kissed Hermione on the forehead. "Now then, let's get to lunch. No doubt word has already spread, Harry and Ron will want to know all about it I'm certain."

And with that, the four of them started heading to the great hall together...

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