Barking Mad

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The quartet, Lupin and Sirius had emerged at the base of the calmed Whomping Willow. Sirius stepped out of earshot for a moment as he wanted to look at the scenery of Hogwarts, Y/N knelt down to check Rons wound, he turned to Harry.

"Go on, talk to him." Y/N said gently as Harry smiled, walking off to talk to Sirius. Y/N looked down at Rons wound. "Too much for a simple healing spell to work, best we can do is bandage the wound up until you get to the hospital."

Y/N reached into his satchel and pulled out a first aid kit.

"You carry first aid in that thing? I thought you carried your books in there." Ron questioned as Y/N smirked.

"Moke skin." Y/N said proudly.

"That looks painful." Hermione noted.

"So painful, they-- they might have to chop it off." Ron joked, mimicking Malfoy when he'd hurt his arm. Y/N let out a small laugh before using wipes to clean the wound, Ron let out a hiss in pain as Y/N eased up for a moment. Then Y/N patted the wound dry with some gauze before bandaging Rons leg up. Ron let out a shallow cry of pain.

"Wuss." Y/N said as Ron let out a chuckle. Hermione just slapped Y/N on the arm playfully. "I'm starting to think you enjoy hitting me 'Mione."

"I do when you're an idiot." Hermione stated as Bellatrix dragged a squirming Pettigrew out of the tunnels at wandpoint.

"Please, you won't let them take me, I was your rat. Clever girl, clever gir-" Pettigrew was interrupted by Y/N using Depulso to knock Peter onto his backside.

"Stay away from her you rat bastard." Y/N said before looking to Hermione and seeing she had cuts on her face, Y/N gestured for Hermione to sit closer so he could help, When she knelt on the grass Y/N used the first aid kit to help her as best as he could. "You'll need to put some ice or something like that on that cut later, make sure it doesn't swell."

Hermione gave a gentle smile before Y/N looked over her shoulder to see the moon peaking out from behind the mountains, realisation hit him and was evident on his face. Hermione notice the look on his face and turned to see what had shocked him, when she saw the moon Hermione figured it out as well.

"Harry!" Hermione called out as Harry and Sirius turned to see she was pointing at the moon.

The moonlight hit lupin and he began to turn more pale by the second.

"Remus my old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius said as he rushed to hold onto Remus who was beginning to scream in agony as his transformation began. Y/N stood in front of Hermione, Ron and Harry who were terrified by what they were seeing. "You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! This heart here! This flesh is only flesh!"

Lupin let out an agonized cry as Y/N watched the transformation begin. Pettigrew went to pick up Lupin's dropped wand but Harry disarmed him using expelliarmus. Pettigrew just smiled and waved before turning into Scabbers and scurrying away like the rat he was.

"Run! Run!" Sirius shouted to the four students as Lupin transformed into a werewolf, sending Sirius flying away.

What was left was a skinny, more human looking Werewolf, Ron was urging them to leave but Hermione wanted to try and talk to the professor.

"Professor?" Hermione said as she stepped forward. Lupin growled and howled up at the night sky.

 Lupin growled and howled up at the night sky

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