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Y/N was sitting with the girls in the library, reading history books about the tri-wizard tournament.

"Ooh, there's a dance on Christmas eve." Hermione said as she smiled and looked to Y/N who looked at her and smiled.

"Who're you planning on taking with you to the dance Y/N?" Ginny asked as Y/N paused for a moment and gulped.

"Um... I don't know, I mean, I've only just found out about it." Y/N said as he looked at the girls. "Any of you want anything from the hall?"

"No thanks, we're fine." Daphne said as Y/N nodded and left, heading to the great hall.

Hermione looked at Ginny before kicking the redhead in the shin.

"What are you doing Ginny?" Hermione asked her girlfriend as Ginny looked confused. "You should know not to put him on the spot like that."

"He's fine with it Hermione, besides, if I had to guess, it would be Daphne, and then you and me go together." Ginny remarked as Daphne looked at her.

"Why would he choose me and not one of you?"

"Because you stole his first kiss." Ginny said as Daphne looked at her and Hermione.

"Ah." Daphne said nervously as she looked at them both. "It's true, I was the first girl who Y/N fell for and kissed properly, but his first ever kiss belongs to someone else."


Daphne looked at them both before taking a moment to compose herself.

"Did neither of you ever wonder why Y/N hates Pansy Parkinson so much?" Daphne asked as Granger and Weasley looked shocked. "Now Granger, listen carefully because your life may one day depend on it. In pureblood families a Witch or Wizards first kiss is something important, it holds a certain amount of magical power. True loves first kiss holds more, Pansy stole Y/N's first kiss because of a marriage contract, he didn't want her, he wanted me, but he was forced into his relationship with Pansy, so she gave him a light love potion, he became besotted with her. Until one day she betrayed him, she played with him until she was bored of him and then destroyed him, she is the reason his family were forced to send him away."

"Send him where?"

"He was banished from his home." Daphne stated as Ginny gasped.

"He was kicked out of his home?" Hermione asked in shock as Ginny shook her head and covered her mouth.

"Not just kicked out of his home, he was kicked out of the country. He was left with his wand, just his wand and the clothes on his back, and left on a small island in in the middle of nowhere, I believe it was the pacific, he changes where about the island was. He couldn't apparate off of the island, and a wand, well if you don't want to be arrested for using unforgivable, it's not exactly the best weapon for hunting, however, it does serve a purpose after a few weeks with little to no food and nothing but local wildlife to keep you company, but Y/N, well he's not exactly one to go down that easily."

"That's barbaric!" Hermione exclaimed in shock.

"That's the old laws, and Pansy Parkinson manipulated him into angering a powerful wizarding house enough that he was left with a choice, the island, or a life of slavery." Daphne said as Hermione looked at her.

"What did she make him do?"

"She manipulated him into ending up working a job to help move some... cargo... she knew all she needed to do then was rely on Y/N's nature to do the work for her. The Cargo was slaves. House Elves, 200 of them. Y/N refused to allow that, so he freed them, all 200 of them and absconded with them. No one knows what became of them, but word got around among the House Elves, Y/N became revered by them, and despised by most authorities who dealt in house elves. His glamour charms have kept the results of that endeavour hidden, but I knew him before. That bitch Parkinson destroyed him once she had had her fun with him." Daphne said as Hermione looked at Daphne.

"Wait, the scar, his wrist, he has a huge scar on his right wrist, he usually covers it with that watch of his, was that from-"

"Parkinson? No, that was from Azkaban, as for the scars on his face, even I don't know how he got those." Daphne said as Hermione and Ginny's jaws both dropped. "You see, after he escaped the island, Y/N returned to England, but he didn't even stay in country for an hour before he was imprisoned for breaking the terms of his exile. But again, Y/N escaped, few know how he escaped the island, even fewer know how he escaped Azkaban, but he did, well by this point the ministry didn't know where else to put Y/N, so he managed to smooth talk his way into a form of semi freedom, he is allowed in this country until he's finished here at Hogwarts and Graduated, at which point he'll be exiled once more, permanently."

Hermione looked at Daphne.

"I was Y/N's first love, Pansy was his first kiss. Did you ever notice Y/N being different from other students?"

Hermione felt a small tear at the thought of what had been done to Y/N when he was young.

Y/N was walking through the great hall when he heard a voice over his shoulder.

"Hello Y/N." Pansy's voice said as Y/N turned to look at her.

"Parkinson." Y/N remarked calmly as he looked her in the eyes.

"Hope you're enjoying your time here while you can."

"Like a party that never ends." Y/N said with a smirk as he took his goblet and drank some whisky.

"So, word is that you're assembling some sort of, what's the word, harem?"

"Word travels fast in Hogwarts, what do you want?" Y/N asked as he looked at her with a chuckle. "Oh, what's the matter dolly, Draco not giving you what you wanted?"

"Come now, Y/N. I know you still love me from those years ago, deep down, under the hatred, you still have a spark for me." Pansy said as she moved close to Y/N and moved her fingers up his chest.

"If you had a sister and a dog... I'd choose the dog." Y/N said as he walked away, with Pansy looking fit to burst.

Pansy turned and watched as Y/N swaggered away, she watched as the Patil twins batted their eyelashes at him and giggled

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Pansy turned and watched as Y/N swaggered away, she watched as the Patil twins batted their eyelashes at him and giggled.

"Hi Y/N." They both said in unison.

"Ladies." Y/N said as he smiled at them and nodded to them as he passed them on the way out, he headed back to the library to meet with Hermione, Ginny, and Daphne...

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