Malfoy Manor

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As Y/N and Narcissa arrived at Malfoy Manor, Y/N's hand immediately went to his wand, hovering near it as he composed himself, the doors opened and out walked Draco Malfoy alongside his father, Lucius.

Y/N clenched his jaw and immediately had to resist the urge to kill Lucius right there and then.

"Hermione's counting on you to keep control Y/N." He thought to himself as he looked at the man who was responsible for the murder of his little sister, the girl he loved like a daughter, one of the only siblings in his family that he genuinely cared for.

"Narcissa dear, where have you been?" Lucius said as he approached Narcissa and kissed her on the cheeks, with Y/N having to keep his emotions under wrap.

"Hermione, Ginny, Daphne, Little Stori... focus!" Y/N thought to himself as he looked to Draco who approached him and regarded him with neutrality.

"Ah, and Y/N... look at you, all grown up, you have your fathers eyes, I've only ever seen one sibling with eyes like your mother, what was her name... Remiella?" Lucius said as Y/N had to fight with every ounce of his will power to not draw his wand and kill Lucius, Narcissa noticed Y/N's hand clench into a fist. "No clever little remark? Has my dear Narcissa domesticated you so easily?"

Y/N said nothing, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Ginny, Hermione, Daphne, Astoria... please girls, give me strength."

"Y/N, go inside, there's a spare bed in Draco's room, that should suffice until we've sorted your accommodation. You remember where Draco's room is don't you?" Narcissa said as Y/N nodded, he saw her holding her bags.

"Shall I take your bags... Mistress Narcissa." Y/N asked as she nodded.

"Take them to mine and Lucius' room." Narcissa said as Y/N left, carrying the bags, leaving Narcissa's in her room before heading into Draco's room and placing his belongings next to his bed before he sat down on the bed and thought to himself, imagining him and his friends all enjoying life on the island, with him finally getting around to building the home he always dreamed of. He imagined having to put an extension charm on it so that it could fit all of the rooms, like the library for Hermione.

The thought of her with a book in her hand made him chuckle.

Or the study for Daphne to do all of her important work in. He smiled at the idea of oldest friend and playing her usual Ice Queen persona in the study and on business meetings, only for her to show the real Daphne Greengrass to him and his friends.

Or a Garden for Astoria and Ginny to play in, with Ginny playing Quidditch and Astoria adventuring and growing flowers or painting, then maybe a potions lab for Narcissa to brew potions for her medical career.

He smiled before looking up and out of the window. His thoughts were interrupted when the door opened, Y/N turned to see Draco walk in and sit on his bed.

There was a long silence until Y/N pulled out a book, putting his feet up and opening it.


"What?" Y/N said coldly.

"Do you... do you think about when we were young?"

"We still are young Draco." Y/N said calmly as he closed the book, sensing a conversation was coming.

"No, I mean... when we were children, you, me, Daphne, your sister, and Astoria." Draco asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, I do...  Devil curse me, I do. Every day." Y/N said as he looked up at his former friend.

"Me too, not every day, but... often. I... I miss them... I miss her." Draco said as Y/N looked at him.

"Did you even attend her funeral?"

"We couldn't."

"Me neither. I don't know where she's buried. Each night though, in Azkaban, I would wake up and I could see her blood on my hands, the pain in my heart... all of it." Y/N said as Draco looked at him.

"Blood? I'd thought the dragon pox had got her?!" Draco asked as Y/N looked up in anger.

"What?!" Y/N nearly yelled, the door opened and Lucius.

"Boys... raised voices? I hope you're getting along well boys... Draco, your mother wishes to speak with you." Lucius said as he looked at Y/N who glared back at him. Draco left to go and speak to Narcissa. "There's the fire, she hasn't completely domesticated you yet has she? No, there's still that same rabid look in your eyes. You're thinking about it aren't you, whether or not you could get away with it. Counting the drop outside to see if it's a viable escape. It only takes one curse Y/N. You'll be looking me in the eyes if you do decide to kill me, and I'm unarmed, do it, this is your easiest chance."

Y/N drew his wand and pressed the tip of it against Lucius' forehead.

"Do it... and imagine what they'll do to your precious girls." Lucius said with a smirk as Y/N took a deep breath and holstered his wand before pulling his book out again and starting to read, ignoring Lucius who mocked him.

When it was time for Dinner, Y/N was sat next to Narcissa, and while the family talked to one another, he remained silent as he simply ate his food, his thoughts drifting to his friends, and to his loved ones.

Narcissa noticed he was ignoring Lucius, but could tell it was getting under his skin, leading to her dismissing him to bed. As he was getting to sleep, the door opened slowly.

"It's your room Draco, just open the door." Y/N said as he opened his eyes.

"I didn't want to wake you." Draco said as Y/N scoffed.

"I don't understand, why are you being so... nice, like you were before... well, before everything." Y/N said as he looked at Draco who paused.

"I don't know... it's just... I've been thinking recently, about the old days, when we were friends... when we would laugh. It's been so long, those days are becoming faded in my memory." Draco admitted as Y/N nodded. "Do you think there is a chance, for things to go back to somewhat like they used to be?"

"I don't know Draco... I wish things could go back to how they were... but let's face it, neither of us are the same bright eyed kids we used to be... me especially, there's hardly anything bright left in my eyes anymore. But it's a pretty thought, time may tell." Y/N said as Draco nodded.

"Yeah... Y/N?"

"Yes?" Y/N said calmly.

"I'm... I'm sorry about Rem-"

"Me too, Draco. Me too." Y/N said calmly as he turned over and went to sleep, thinking of his dream life...

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