Anger Mismanagement

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Later that day, after the girls had spent some time trying to calm Y/N down, he left them on the bed with one another, heading off to Hogsmeade, once he reached the town he apparated to the ministry of magic, finding himself in the main lobby, he approached the ministers office and knocked on the door.

"Enter." Fudge's voice came. Y/N entered the room and looked at Fudge. "Y/N, shouldn't you be in school?"

"I'm wondering if you have a bounty available." Y/N said as he looked at the minister.


"Because I've got some anger I need to vent." Y/N said as he looked at Cornelius who paused for a moment before nodding.

"There is one. Jack Fleming, he's hiding out in Hogsmeade, but he has friends keeping an eye out for anyone trying to find him, and they know your reputation." Fudge said as Y/N nodded.

"Then they're about to know why I have that Reputation-"

"Y/N, I know that you and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but I'm asking you now... don't go and get yourself hurt or killed in this, if you think you can't take them, don't, they've already claimed the lives of twenty aurors, some of them were hand picked by Bones and Moody."  Fudge said with real concern in his voice.

"I'll have someone message you when you can come and get them." Y/N said as he looked to the minister. "Mind if I use your Floo?"

"Very well." Fudge said as Y/N approached the fire place and used Floo powder to go to the Hogs Head in. 

As he arrived, Y/N looked around, drawing his wand and preparing for an attack against him. As he stepped out into the street he looked around and saw that the main street was abandoned. He cast a spell on his Wand holster and belt, transfiguring them into a gun belt, and on his hip was a revolver, bigger than the one he had used in Spain.

 He cast a spell on his Wand holster and belt, transfiguring them into a gun belt, and on his hip was a revolver, bigger than the one he had used in Spain

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He started approaching the Three Broomsticks and knocked on the door before entering, he looked around to find Rosmerta

"Y/N? What are you doin' 'ere?" Rosmerta asked as Y/N looked at her.

"I'm looking for Jack Fleming and his men, put the word out." Y/N said as he heard a voice.

"You're looking for me and my boys, but don't know what we look like?"

Y/N turned to see a man sitting in the corner of the pub.

"Rosie, go find somewhere safe." Y/N said as he looked at Fleming.

"So you're Jack Fleming. Kind of glad I didn't know what you look like, fuck you're ugly." Y/N said as he looked at the man.

"That's really cute, your mother teach you that one?"

"No, she taught me to hate and the will to kill. Now you and your boys can either go in alive, or I can leave you here dead. Your choice." Y/N said as he looked at the man. "I'm gathering yours taught you to take your pants of and sleep around."

"This is gonna be fun, killing you. I heard about you in the papers, when I'm done with you, I'll go after that little mudbl-"

Before the man could finish his brains plastered the wall and Y/N was standing there with a cold look on his face. He turned on his heel and slit the throats of three other outlaws before blasting off the wand hand of another.

"Jesus, the only thing I'm dying of here is boredom!" Y/N yelled as he turned a table over and took cover before knecapping one outlaw, he vaulted over his cover and ran at the crippled outlaw, grabbing them and using them as a human shield from the curses that flew at him, he disarmed the three outlaws and used the incarcerous curse on them, that was when he heard Rosmerta scream.

"Release my friends boy, or this cunt dies." the final outlaw said as Y/N looked at Rosmerta.

Y/N pointed his wand at the outlaw.

"Let her go!" Y/N ordered calmly and coldly.

"Put your wand down boy and release my friends, or I swear I'll kill this two timing whore

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"Put your wand down boy and release my friends, or I swear I'll kill this two timing whore." The man said as he pressed his wand against Rosmerta's throat.

Y/N looked at him and nodded.

"As you wish." Y/N dropped his wand to the floor and the outlaw laughed turning his wand away from Rosmerta, in the blink of an eye that it took for him to move his wand to Y/N, a shot rang out, and Y/N was standing there holding the revolver in his hands, the barrel smoking in his hands as Y/N looked at the brand new air conditioning method in the forehead of the outlaw, he watched the body slump to the floor before spinning the gun on his finger and holstering it, he grabbed his wand and transfigured his gun belt back into his wand belt before holstering his wand, approaching Rosmerta and pulling her in for a hug. "Did he hurt you? Where did he touch you?"

Rosmerta held onto him as she let out a small sob.

"Hey, I've got you Rosie." Y/N said as Rosmerta nodded.

"Thank you." She said as Y/N looked at her.

"Well, we've got to stick together haven't we. Besides, who else serves butterbeer as good as yours." Y/N said as Rosmerta laughed. "Come on, sit down, I'll send a message to Amelia Bones and clean up, we'll get some drink in you, calm your nerves."

Rosmerta nodded as she watched Y/N send a patroni message to Amelia Bones telling her to come to the three broomsticks, he then poured two glasses of Firewhisky and handed one to Rosmerta before gulping the other, he sat with her and comforted her until Amelia and the Aurors arrived...

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